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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 6, avril-juin 1985 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- La gauche sait-elle gérer la France ? (1936-1937/1981-1984) - Robert Frank p. 3-22 Does The Left know how to manage France (1936-1937 / 1981-1984), Robert Franck. The comparison between the economic policies of the 1936 Popular Front and those of the left of 1981 is inevitable. Not only does the memory of 1936 obsess Pierre Mauroy's first governments, but the similarities are also striking. The two experiences follow a chronology which displays the same rhythm. Both are conditioned by constraints - « inheritances » - of the same type, and primarily by a major economic crisis. The record of one leads to questions about the other.
- Indépendances et dépendances dans le Pacifique insulaire - Paul De Deckker p. 23-38 Independences and dependences in the Insular Pacific, Paul De Deckker A handful of islands, a complex population : Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia, which make up the insular Pacific, seem doomed to be scattered. Since 1945 they have been, however, a stake controlled by the superpowers, whether colonial or not. London, Canberra and Wellington have in turns favored independence and dependence. Washington, for strategic reasons, has followed closely the evolution of the Pacific. In this struggle where the global stakes are very clear, has France still a place in 1985 ? The examples of New Caledonia and the Polynesian islands are here analysed in detail.
- Le protestantisme français, trois cents ans après la révocation de l'édit de Nantes - Jean Baubérot p. 39-52 French Protestantism three hundred years after the revocation of the Edict
- Beaubourg, an VIII - Gérard Vincent p. 53-66 Beaubourg, Year VIII, Gérard Vincent Beyond aesthetic quarrels and unjustified accusations, the historian can, after eight years of the existence of the National Center for Art and Culture at Beaubourg, ask the real question : have the missions assigned to the Center been accomplished ? In other words, has the access of the masses to culture been facilitated ? Have the barriers between the various activities been broken down by the coexistence of a museum and other forms of culture ? Has Beaubourg become not only the cultural brain of France, but also its heart, irrigating the Hexagon with the flow of culture produced by such a pump ? Lastly, how has the surrounding neighborhood been renovated and with what results ?
- Peintures en France 1945-1960 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 67-74 Painting in France (1945-1960), Etienne Fouilloux. The 1950s witness the triumph of abstract art. Until the beginning of the decade, that was not yet clear. And nothing during the pre-war was paving the way for a victory of abstraction. After the Liberation, abstract art had to battle against a two-fold realism : the « new realism » of Communist artists and Bernard Buffet's expressionism. It took several years before abstract art was to impose itself.
- Sternhell lu d'Italie - Sergio Romano p. 75-82 Zeev Sternhell : an Italian reading, Sergio Romano. Returning to Z. Sternhell's book, Ni droite ni gauche (Paris, Le Seuil, 1983), Sergio Romano explains why it could appear controversial to an Italian reader. While it is true that Mussolini himself acknowledged his debt to Sorel and to the Italian syndicalist revolutionaries, the cultural sources of fascism were diverse. The roots of its ideology, which Sternhell sees mostly in France, must not be separated from their peninsular attachments and from the context of moral crisis following the First World War. What is lacking in this otherwise valuable book is a more rigorous intellectual definition and a more concrete historical one.
- Les incorporés de force alsaciens - Geneviève Herberich-Marx, Freddy Raphaël p. 83-102 The Alsatians drafted by force into the German Army during the Second World War : Denial, convocation and provo cation of memory, Geneviève Herberich-Marx, Freddy Raphaël. Between 1942 and 1944, after the annexation of the Alsatian and Lorrain departments by the Third Reich, 130 000 men were drafted by force into the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS. After 1945, the « despite ourselves » experienced great ambivalence, both shameful for having participated against their will in the bloody Nazi adventure and fighting against scorn, claiming nevertheless a specific suffering. Denouncing France which had abandoned them, according to them, they corne up against an obstacle : how can one transmit the memory of an unutterable and unique experience ?
- "Bac-génération 84". L'enseignement du temps présent en terminale - Joël Cornette, Jean-Noël Luc p. 103-130 " Bac-Generation " 84. The teaching of the present in the final year of « lycée », Joël Cornette, Jean-Noël Luc. Vingtième siècle has made an exclusive questionnaire survey of the first school year (1983-1984) in which the new history curriculum was taught in the final year of French lycées. One hundred seventy-two teachers show by their answers the obstacle course that a serious preparation for the examination necessitates, their reflections concerning the traps and the benefits of a « history of the present », a collective meditation on objectivity in history, and a portrait of part of the generation of young French people who will make the history of the year 2000.
- "Bac-génération 84". L'enseignement du temps présent en terminale - Joël Cornette, Jean-Noël Luc p. 103-130
- Le temps de l'histoire en question - Éric Vigne p. 131-140 Questioning time in history, Eric Vigne. Should time be a philosophical question ? In general, French historians seem to have neglected this essential problem concerning reflection on time. Both because of a positivist tradition which seeks the linearity of the event and of a mistrust of the philosophy of history, they have not wanted to corne to grips with the question of temporality. And yet the very nature of history cornes from this question. K. Pomian's recent book, L'ordre du temps (Gallimard) illustrates the richness of the philosophie thinking on the variation of the notion of time and its importance in understanding the various historical schools.
- Le temps de l'histoire en question - Éric Vigne p. 131-140
Images et sons
- Cinéma français de la belle époque - José Baldizzone p. 141-143
- heimat : un autre film sur le passé allemand - Béatrice Fleury-Vilatte p. 143-145
- Le fil rouge de Kandinsky - Eric Van De Casteele p. 145-150
- Paris vu par un nouvel huron - Stanley Hoffmann p. 151-153
- La réponse du nouvel Astérix au nouvel huron - Jean-Louis Quermonne p. 153-156
Avis de recherches
- Découverte de Louis Barthou - Serge Berstein p. 157-159
- Henri Queuille en républiques - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 159-161
- L'?il et l'oreille de l'armée de l'ombre : les résistants ptt - Dominique Veillon p. 161-162
- Normandie 1944. Libération de l'Europe - Jean Delmas p. 162-164
- Des dolmens à Charlemagne, en passant par le plan Schuman - Maurice Vaïsse p. 164-167
- Les États-Unis au miroir français - Denis Lacorne, J. Rupnik, M.-. Toinet p. 167-170
- Rabaut Jean, 1914 Jaurès assassinéCandar Gilles, Jean Jaurès (1859-1914). L'intolérable - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 171-172
- Pestre Dominique, Physique et physiciens en France, 1918-1940 - Michael Pollak p. 172
- Liauzu Claude, Aux origines des tiers-mondismes. Colonisés et anticolonialistes en France 1919-1939 - Gilbert Meynier p. 173-174
- Dallidet Léon-Raymond, 1934-1984: voyage d'un communistes - Denis Peschanski p. 174-175
- Debré Michel, Trois Républiques pour une France. Mémoires,Combattre - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 175-176
- Garçon François De Blum Pétain cinéma et société française 1936-1944) - Henry Rousso p. 176-177
- Bleustein-Blanchet Marcel, Les ondes 1934-1984 - Caroline Mauriat p. 177-178
- Girault René, Frank Robert éd., La puissance en Europe, 1938-1940 - Anthony Rowley p. 178
- Arcidiacono Bruno, Le "précédent italien" et les origines de la guerre froide. Les Alliés et l'occupation de I'IItalie, 1943-1944 - Philippe Burrin p. 178-179
- Girault René, Frank Robert éd., La puissance en Europe, 1938-1940 - Anthony Rowley p. 178
- Arcidiacono Bruno, Le "précédent italien" et les origines de la guerre froide. Les Alliés et l'occupation de I'IItalie, 1943-1944 - Philippe Burrin p. 178-179
- Borejsza Jerzy W., II fascismo e l'Europa orientale, dalla propaganda all' agressione - Serge Berstein p. 179-180
- Gerbet Pierre, La construction de L'Europe - Pierre Mélandri p. 180-181
- Pollak Michael, Vienne 1900 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 181-182
- Marseille Jacques, Empire colonial et capitalisme français, histoire d'un divorce - Hubert Bonin p. 182-183
Questions économiques
- Marseille Jacques, Empire colonial et capitalisme français, histoire d'un divorce - Hubert Bonin p. 182-183
- Meidinger Claude, sous la direction de, La Nouvelle économie libérale - Philippe Ratte p. 183-184
- Hardy-Hémery Odette, De la croissance à la désindustrialisation. Un siècle dans le Valenciennois - Jean-Paul Thuillier p. 184
- Mémoire de la seconde guerre mondiale - Danièle Voldman p. 184-185
Seconde guerre mondiale
- Hardy-Hémery Odette, De la croissance à la désindustrialisation. Un siècle dans le Valenciennois - Jean-Paul Thuillier p. 184
- Mémoire de la seconde guerre mondiale - Danièle Voldman p. 184-185
- Mulisch Harry, L'attentat - Henry Rousso p. 185
- Aubert Eliane, Journal d'un collabo - p. 186
- La Gestapo contre le Parti commniste. Rapports sur l'activité du PCF, décembre 1940-juin 1941 - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 186-187
- Aubrac Lucie, Ils partiront dans l'ivresse. Lyon: mai 1943. Londres: février 1944 - Claude Lévy p. 187-188
- Althabe Gérard, Lège Bernard, Selim Monique, Urbanisme et réhabilitation symbolique : Ivry, Bologne, Amiens. - Danièle Voldman p. 188
Architecture et urbanisme
- Althabe Gérard, Lège Bernard, Selim Monique, Urbanisme et réhabilitation symbolique : Ivry, Bologne, Amiens. - Danièle Voldman p. 188
- Raynaud Michel, Laroque Didier, Remy Sylvie, Michel Ronx-Spitz, architecte, 1888-1957 - Danièle Voldman p. 189
Notre temps
- Vincent Gérard, Ayjourd'hui (depuis 1945) - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 190
- Baczko Bronislaw, Les imaginaires sociaux. Mémoires et espoirs collectifs - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 190-191
- Kriegel Annie, Réflexion sur les questions juives - André Kaspi p. 191-192
- George Pierre, Géopolitique des minorités - André Kaspi p. 192
- Carrere D'Encausse Hélène, La destanilinisation commence - Stéphane Courtois p. 192-193
- Creagh Ronald, Sacco et Vanzetti - André Kaspi p. 193-194
- Creagh Ronald, Sacco et Vanzetti - André Kaspi p. 193-194
- S.Nye Jr. Joseph, ed., The making of America's Soviet policy - Pierre Mélandri p. 194-195
- Blum R. Steven, Walter Lippmann. Cosmopolitanism in the century of total war - Pierre Mélandri p. 195
- Livres reçus - p. 196-200
- Abstracts - p. 201-203
- Dans ce numéro - p. 205-208