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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 10, avril-juin 1986 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Une fidélité têtue - Pierre Vidal-Naquet p. 3-18 Stubborn faithfulness. The French resistance to the Algerian war, Pierre Vidal-Naquet. In this text of history and memory, the author who, along with other French intellectuals, fought against torture and for human rights ail through out the Algerian war, presents an assessment. He analyzes the " betrayal " of left wing political parties and trade unions ; questions the powerlessness of a handful of " resistants " to mobilize public opinion against the war. He then describes the information battle that had to be waged, thanks to the press, before concluding uncomplacently and without regrets : " The fight against the Algerian war was an ambiguous one, but are there many that are not ? "
Lectures pour tous
- Alphabétisation et idéologie en Russie soviétique - Nicolas Werth p. 19-36 Literacy programs and ideology in Soviet Russia, Nicolas Werth. Teaching people to read and write was one of the priorities of the Soviet revolution. Linked as of 1917 with indoctrination and politicisation, the education of the masses was meant to be carefully controlled. After a crash literacy program during the civil war period, done with the army's help, publishing was less rigidly watched over and shows the divergences between readers'tastes and those of the Party's guides. The tightening of the screws in the Stalinist period led to the " classic " book becoming an envied item, highly prized today on the black market.
- Les « batailles du livre » du parti communiste français (1950-1952) - Marc Lazar p. 37-50 The French communist party's " battles for the book " (1950-1952), Marc Lazar. From 1950 to 1952 the French Communist Party organized several " book battles ", occasions for communist or sympathetic writers to go to the " people " and reconcile the books and the workers. The work place was part of the " fight for peace " strategy, set up at the time by the Kominform on the rallying theme - reject of the " American model " - of the intellectuals. And while the record of this ideological war front was generally negative, the " battles " enable the historian to get a better understanding of the relations between communist intellectuals and party apparatus.
- Trente ans de littérature d'espionnage en France (1950-1980) - Erik Neveu p. 51-66 Thirty years of spy literature in France (1950-1980), Erik Neveu. The spy novel, the product of a social-cultural context which it both reflects and influences, is a historical object. Provided three successive strata since 1950 are identified : the classics, political-fiction, and the marginal novel. Although the last category has remained on a superficial level, the first two constitute a soil on which a real idea of the world has sprouted. What are, then, the characteristics which make of them, in a way, the inheritor of the nationalist right studied by René Rémond and Raoul Girardet, and how can we explain the ideological roots of the genre ?
- Les français et la sécurité sociale. Sondages d'opinion (1945-1982) - Dominique Schnapper, Jeanne Brody, Riva Kastoryano p. 67-82 The French and Social Security Public opinion surveys (1945-1982), Dominique Schnapper, Jeanne Brody, Riva Kastoryano. Opinion poils show the deep attachment of the French to Social Security since its creation in 1945. Beyond ideological debates, its management and deficit have been worrying the insured, who are also contributors, for more than 30 years. Generally speaking, despite deep economic changes, the System has not been questioned. The article is based on an exhaustive study of all available polls.
- Religion et politique en Pologne (1945-1984) - Krzysztof Po Mi An p. 83-102 Religion and politics in Poland (1945-1984), Krzysztof Pomian Although the Polish Worker's Party (PWP) still claims its devotion to marxist-leninist ideology, it proclaims, unlike the USSR, its indefectible attachment to the principle of religious freedom. But Church-state relations have not always been smooth since 1945 : they were peaceful only for three brief periods, from 1944 to 1948, from 1956 to 1958, and since 1978. While the state accepts the individual religious practice, it condemns " militant clericalism ". The definition of this expression is a source of conflict. What criteria can be used to draw the line between religious intolerance and the exercise of pastoral activities ? The limit of the PWP's concessions to the church does not go beyond the conducting of liturgical ceremonies and the teaching of church doctrine, provided no allusion is made to the modem daily life of church-goers. From this point of view, Father Popie-luszko's assassination may be seen as the ultimate result of the tendency to fight " political clericalism " and to equate certain priests with counter-revolutionary militants. This explains the force of contestation that the Catholic church can represent and direct within contemporary Polish society.
- Alphabétisation et idéologie en Russie soviétique - Nicolas Werth p. 19-36
- Récit de vie, discours social et parole vraie - Régine Robin p. 103-110 Life story, social discourse, and true words, Régine Robin To think that oral history is a more democratic history escaping the traps of institutions and power is illusory. Life stories always incorporate social discourse and social " noise " ; they are built on stereotypes ; they fit into frameworks. " Making the silence of history talk ", Michelet's old ambition, may be possible only through fiction, far from the " raw facts " that oral history is supposed to provide.
- Récit de vie, discours social et parole vraie - Régine Robin p. 103-110
Images et sons
- Le cinéma américain et son vietnam - Béatrice Fleury-Vilatte p. 111-112
- Le fascisme italien : actualités et fictions - Luc Nemeth p. 113-115
- La communication à distance - Patrice A. Carré p. 115-118
- Le cinéma américain et son vietnam - Béatrice Fleury-Vilatte p. 111-112
Avis de recherches
- La planification à la française : de l'avant-mai à la force tranquille - Gérard Pogorel p. 119-121
- Les associations : fin d'un débat et suite de la recherche - Geneviève Poujol p. 121-122
- Les philosophes dans la mêlée - Philippe Soulez p. 122-124
- Les appareils de la dictature - Dominique Colas p. 124-126
- Électricité et téléphone : la conquête de la France - Patrice A. Carré p. 126-127
- Les archives de Lattre - André Kaspi p. 127-128
- La planification à la française : de l'avant-mai à la force tranquille - Gérard Pogorel p. 119-121
Nazisme et grand capital
- Turner Henry Ashby ,German big business and the rise of Hitler - Philippe Burrin p. 129-130
- 1914. Les psychoses de guerre? - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 130-131
- Turner Henry Ashby ,German big business and the rise of Hitler - Philippe Burrin p. 129-130
Guerres mondiales
- 1914. Les psychoses de guerre? - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 130-131
- Fréville Henri, Archives secrètes de Bretagne, 1940-1944 - Jacqueline Sainclivier p. 131
- Eck Hélène (sous la direction de), La guerre des ondes. Histoire des radios de langue française pendant la Deuxième guerre mondiale - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 132
- Vaïsse Maurice (sous la direction de), 8 mai 1945: la victoire en Europe. Actes du colloque international de Reims, 1985 - Claude Lévy p. 132-133
- Voldman Daniele, Attention Mines 1944- 1946 - André Thépot p. 133-134
- 1981. Les élections de l'alternance - André Thépot, Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 134-135
- 1914. Les psychoses de guerre? - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 130-131
Quatrième et cinquième républiques
- 1981. Les élections de l'alternance - André Thépot, Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 134-135
- Bonenfant T., Gézou J.-F., Atlas électoral du Grand Ouest depuis 1958 - Jacqueline Sainclivier p. 135
- Bédarida François, Rioux Jean-Pierre (sous la direction de), Pierre Mendès France et le mendésisme. L'expérience gouvernementale (1954-1955) et sa postérité - François Goguel p. 136-139
- Mendès France Pierre, S'engager, 1922- 1943, et Une politique de l'économie 1943-1954. Oeuvres complètes - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 137-138
- Guiol Patrick, L'impasse sociale du gaullisme. Le RPF et l'Action ouvrière - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 138
- Chaslin François, Les paris de François Mitterrand. Histoire des grands projets architecturaux - Danièle Voldman p. 138
- Ruscio Alain, Les communistes français et la guerre d'Indochine (1944-1954) - Pierre Brocheux p. 139-140
- Bourdin Alain, Hirschhorn Monique (sous la direction de), Figures de la ville. Autour de Max Weber - Danièle Voldman p. 140-141
- 1981. Les élections de l'alternance - André Thépot, Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 134-135
Problèmes urbains
- Bourdin Alain, Hirschhorn Monique (sous la direction de), Figures de la ville. Autour de Max Weber - Danièle Voldman p. 140-141
- Girouard Mark ,Cities and people. A social and architectural history - Danièle Voldman p. 141
- François Etienne (sous la direction de), Immigration et société urbaine en Europe occidentale 11e-20e siècles - Danièle Voldman p. 141
- Hammar Tomas, European immigration policy. A comparative study - Gérard Noiriel p. 142-143
- Vatin Jean-Claude et al., Connaissances du Maghreb. Sciences sociales et colonisation - Gilbert Meynier p. 143-144
- Bourdin Alain, Hirschhorn Monique (sous la direction de), Figures de la ville. Autour de Max Weber - Danièle Voldman p. 140-141
- Vatin Jean-Claude et al., Connaissances du Maghreb. Sciences sociales et colonisation - Gilbert Meynier p. 143-144
- Burgat François, Nancy Michel, Les villages socialistes de la révolution agraire algérienne - Gilbert Meynier p. 144-146
- Mbokolo Elikia, L'Afrique au 20e siècle. Le continent convoité - Jean-Pierre Chrétien p. 144-145
- Sénès Jacqueline, La vie quotidienne en Nouvelle-Calédonie de 1850 à nos jours - Paul De Deckker p. 145
- Guerra François-Xavier, Le Mexique de Ancien Régime à la Révolution - Pierre Vayssière p. 146-147
- Vatin Jean-Claude et al., Connaissances du Maghreb. Sciences sociales et colonisation - Gilbert Meynier p. 143-144
- Guerra François-Xavier, Le Mexique de Ancien Régime à la Révolution - Pierre Vayssière p. 146-147
- Collier Peter, Horowitz David Les Kennedy. Une dynastie américaine - André Kaspi p. 147-148
- Faure Michel, Musique et société du Second Empire aux années vingt - Danielle Barbaux-Fouilloux p. 148
- Crawford Elisabeth, The beginnings of the Nobel Institution. The science prizes, 1901-1915 - Dominique Pestre p. 148-149
- Guerra François-Xavier, Le Mexique de Ancien Régime à la Révolution - Pierre Vayssière p. 146-147
- Faure Michel, Musique et société du Second Empire aux années vingt - Danielle Barbaux-Fouilloux p. 148
- Crawford Elisabeth, The beginnings of the Nobel Institution. The science prizes, 1901-1915 - Dominique Pestre p. 148-149
- Sernin André, Alain. Un sage dans la cité (1868-1951) - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 149-150
- Cholvy Gérard dir., Mouvements de jeunesse. Chrétiens et juifs: sociabilité juvénile dans un cadre européen, 1799-1968, Laneyrie Philippe, Les scouts de France. L'évolution du mouvement des origines aux années 80 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 150-151
- Assouline Pierre, L'épuration des intellectuels - Pascal Balmand p. 151-152
- L'Italie aujourd' hui/ Italia oggi, Aspects de la création italienne de 1970 à 1985, Regards sur la peinture italienne de 1970 à 1985 - Étienne Fouilloux p. 152
- Faure Michel, Musique et société du Second Empire aux années vingt - Danielle Barbaux-Fouilloux p. 148
- Asselain Jean-Charles, Histoire économique. De la révolution industrielle la première guerre mondiale., Jeanneney Jean-Marcel, Barbier-Jean Neney Elizabeth, Les économies occidentales du XIXe siècle à nos jours - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 153
- Jackson Julian, The politics of depression in France 1932-1936 - Michel Margairaz p. 153-154
- Hession Charles, Maynard Keynes John, Poulon Frédéric (sous la direction de), Les écrits de Keynes, Thirlwall A.P.(sous la direction de) Keynes as policy adviser - Hubert Bonin p. 154-155
- Picard Jean-François, Beltran Alain, Bungener Martine, Histoire(s) de l'EDF. Comment se sont prises les décisions de 1946 à nos jours - Henry Rousso p. 156
- Bonin Hubert, Les banques françaises dans la crise. Une nouvelle culture bancaire? - Jean-Claude Bouvier p. 157
- Asselain Jean-Charles, Histoire économique. De la révolution industrielle la première guerre mondiale., Jeanneney Jean-Marcel, Barbier-Jean Neney Elizabeth, Les économies occidentales du XIXe siècle à nos jours - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 153
- Livres reçus - p. 158-162
- Abstracts - p. 163-164