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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 9, janvier-mars 1986 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les cycles de la modernisation en Chine (1842-1949) - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 3-16 Modernization cycles in China (1842-1949), Marie-Claire Bergère. Since 1842, China has been going through a series of modernization drives repetitive enough to be called cycles. The first one, ending with the First World War, was marked by the predominant role of the State. It was a modernization from the top, characterized by belated reforms, insufficient to save the Empire. In the second one, during the 1920s, there was a spontaneous modernization which corresponds to the golden age of Chinese capitalism. But the failures at the end of this period were evidence of the inability of Chinese society alone to perform the tasks of modernization. That explains, despite its distrust of the State, why the bourgeoisie did not renounce the advantages of a centralizing order. Since even liberalism needs the State, the third cycle, that of the Kuomintang, could thus be understood as an attempt to set up a non-bureaucratic capitalism under which the integration of the bourgeois elites to the bureaucracy was to be the expression of a national political culture.
- L'aide américaine à la France après la seconde guerre mondiale - Gérard Bossuat p. 17-36 American aid to France after the Second World War, Gérard Bossuat. The Marshall plan aid enabled France to emerge from the post-war crisis on the road to integration and European contruction. But it had consequences on the French choices of economic development by accelerating the modernization of its overseas territories, by basing its trade towards the West at the expense of towards Eastern Europe, and by favoring the political weight of the moderates. It weighed on the balance of payments, and above all, more than making France an « assisted » country, it did not totally succeed in bringing it out of its identity crisis of the 40s.
- La liturgie funèbre des communistes (1924-1983) - Jean-Pierre A. Bernard p. 37-52 Communist funeral liturgy (1924-1983), Jean-Pierre Bernard Reports in L'Humanité on the deaths and funerals of the major French and international communist leaders from Lenin to Waldeck Rochet are examined. They show an ethic of sacrifice to the cause of the working class, a policy of active memory, and an aesthetic of ritual, all three minutely adjusted by the Party in the service of its cause.
- « La croix » devant la marée brune - Alain Fleury p. 53-66 « La Croix » and the brown tide, Alain Fleury. La Croix, one of the main French Catholic publications, had an ambiguous attitude toward the rise of national socialism. Torn between its deep anti-communism and the fears that the anti-Catholic persecution inspired to some of its journalists, the newspaper gave, up to the war an unclear image of Germany, a reflection of its internal contradictions and its fascination/repulsion for the Nazi regime.
Les élections en France
- La représentation proportionnelle : cent ans de controverses - Gilles Le Béguec p. 67-80 Proportional representation : a century of controversy, Gilles Le Béguec. The controversy about the proportional System of voting has been agitating France for the past century, from 1888 to 1985. PR, to be used for the 1986 elections, triggered off a tough fight between 1906 and 1913 during the glorious hours of the radical Republic. It has never since then disappeared from the political horizon, and still alters the traditional cleavages. But this debate between followers of RP and those of the majority electoral System is a mere convenience. The unfaithful children of the majority System of 1914, 1936 or 1981 imposed it in 1919, 1945 and 1985. There is a great temptation to struggle over the electoral System rather than the extension of voting rights or the Constitution. The debate is a useful substitute, a kind of regulation of the French political System.
- À la recherche du centre (1962-1986) - Danièle Zéraffa p. 81-96 Looking for the center in French politics (1962-1986), Danièle Zéraffa. The center under the Fifth Republic ? The topic is a difficult one. From pessimistic health bulletins to hasty death notices, the centrist movement seemed to be crushed by the increasing bipolarization of the political game. Nevertheless some parties and people continued to believe in it and proportional representation may bring it back to life. But did it really experience a long illness or even death ?
- La représentation proportionnelle : cent ans de controverses - Gilles Le Béguec p. 67-80
- Le hasard ou la nécessité ? une histoire en chantier : l'histoire des intellectuels - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 97-108 Chance or necessity ? History in the making : the history of intellectuals, Jean-François Sirinelli. This is a historiographic record of the study of intellectuals and their role in French society since the Dreyfus affair, through the « Copernican revolution » of the antifascist and anticommunist struggle of 1919-1939. In order to deal with the real question - how does knowledge corne to the scholar ? — it is necessary to go beyond the history of ideas and even the genealogical history of the life of the mind. One needs to undertake a « geodesy » which would mix the study of individual paths, informai sociabilities, and faithfulness between successive generations. Thus, in the long run, a second, more political question could be ans-wered : what is the intellectuals' « power » in France ?
- Le hasard ou la nécessité ? une histoire en chantier : l'histoire des intellectuels - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 97-108
Images et sons
- La première télévision privée d'Europe - François Garçon p. 109-112
- Hélion, Pignon, même combat ? - Étienne Fouilloux p. 112-116
- Allemagne fédérale, 8 mai 1985 - André Gunthert p. 116-118
- Pour une histoire du 7e art - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 119
- La première télévision privée d'Europe - François Garçon p. 109-112
Avis de recherches
- Les assises mondiales de l'histoire - François Bédarida p. 121-123
- Raymond Aron dans l'histoire du siècle - Perrine Simon p. 124-126
- La sortie du fascisme en Europe - Odile Rupelle p. 126-127
- Les assises mondiales de l'histoire - François Bédarida p. 121-123
Islams et maghreb
- "Géopolitique des Islams", Hérodote - Robert Ilbert p. 129-131
- Thobie Jacques, Ali et les quarante voleurs. Imperialismes et Moyen-Orient de 1914 à nos jours - Robert Ilbert p. 131
- Haghighat Chapour, 1979: Iran, la révolution islamique - Robert Ilbert p. 131-132
- Roy Olivier, L'Afghanistan, Islam et modernité politique - Robert Ilbert p. 132-133
- Stora Benjamin, Dictionnaire biographique de militants nationalistes algériens, 1926-1954 - Gilbert Meynier p. 133-134
- "Le Maghreb dans l'imaginaire français. La colonie, le désert, l'exil", Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée - Pascal Balmand p. 134-135
- Amselle Jean-Loup,M'Bokolo Elikia (sous la direction de), Au coeur de l'ethnie. Ethnies, tribalisme et Etat en Afrique - Henri moniot p. 135
- Hesseling Gerti, Histoire politique du Sénégal. Institutions, droit et société - Denise Bouche p. 135-136
- "Géopolitique des Islams", Hérodote - Robert Ilbert p. 129-131
- Amselle Jean-Loup,M'Bokolo Elikia (sous la direction de), Au coeur de l'ethnie. Ethnies, tribalisme et Etat en Afrique - Henri moniot p. 135
- Hesseling Gerti, Histoire politique du Sénégal. Institutions, droit et société - Denise Bouche p. 135-136
- Duignan Peter, Gann L.H., The United States and Africa - Henri moniot p. 136-137
- Mélandri Pierre, Histoire des Etats-Unis depuis 1865 - André Kaspi p. 137
- Radosch Ronald, Milton Joyce, Dossier Rosenberg - Marc Lazar p. 137-138
- Amselle Jean-Loup,M'Bokolo Elikia (sous la direction de), Au coeur de l'ethnie. Ethnies, tribalisme et Etat en Afrique - Henri moniot p. 135
- Mélandri Pierre, Histoire des Etats-Unis depuis 1865 - André Kaspi p. 137
- Radosch Ronald, Milton Joyce, Dossier Rosenberg - Marc Lazar p. 137-138
- Loftus John, L'affreux secret. Quand les Américains recrutaient des espions nazis. De Gehlen à Klaus Barbie - André Kaspi p. 138-139
- Body-Gendrot Sophie, Maslow Armand Laura, Stewart Daniele, Les noirs américains aujourd'hui - André Kaspi p. 139
- Mélandri Pierre, Histoire des Etats-Unis depuis 1865 - André Kaspi p. 137
Union soviétique
- Getty J. Arch, Origins of the great purges. The Soviet Communist Party reconsidered, 1933-1938 - Nicolas Werth p. 140
- Laïdi Zaki (sous la direction de), L'URSS vue du Tiers Monde - Robert Ilbert p. 140-141
- Stern J.-P. ,Hitler, le Führer et le peuple - André Gunthert p. 141-142
- Getty J. Arch, Origins of the great purges. The Soviet Communist Party reconsidered, 1933-1938 - Nicolas Werth p. 140
Nazisme et fascisme
- Stern J.-P. ,Hitler, le Führer et le peuple - André Gunthert p. 141-142
- Knipping Franz, Muller Klaus-Jürgen (Hrsg.), Machtbewusstsein in Deutschland am Vorabend des Zweiten Weltkrieges - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 142-143
- Mann Thomas, Appels aux Allemands, 1940-1945 - Pierre Ayçoberry p. 143
- Béon Yves, La planète Dora - Claude Lévy p. 144
- Hemmendinger Judith, Les enfants de Buchenwald - André Kaspi p. 144-145
- Monteleone Franco, La radio italiana nel periodo fascista - Serge Berstein p. 145
- Droz Jacques, Histoire de l'antifascisme en Europe 1923-1939 - Serge Berstein p. 146
- De Gaulle - François Bédarida p. 146-147
- Stern J.-P. ,Hitler, le Führer et le peuple - André Gunthert p. 141-142
De Gaulle
- Droz Jacques, Histoire de l'antifascisme en Europe 1923-1939 - Serge Berstein p. 146
- De Gaulle - François Bédarida p. 146-147
- Droz Jacques, Histoire de l'antifascisme en Europe 1923-1939 - Serge Berstein p. 146
- Thépot André (études recueillies par), L'ingénieur dans la société française - Richard F. Kuisel p. 148
- Laprevote Gilles, Les écoles normales primaires en France, 1879-1979. Splendeurs et misères de la formation des maîtres - Jean-Noël Luc p. 149-151
- Cholvy Gérard (sous la direction de), Histoire de Montpellier - Jacques Fontaine p. 149-150
- Kriegel Annie (avec la collaboration de Guillaume Bourgeois), Les communistes français dans leur premier demi-siècle, 1920-1970 - Stéphane Courtois p. 150
- Scheidhauer Marcel, Le rêve freudien en France, avancées et résistances, 1900- 1926 - Jean-Paul Lefèvre p. 151-152
- Cohen-Tanugi Laurent, Le droit dans l'Etat Sur la démocratie en France et en Amérique - Guy Hermet p. 152
- Thépot André (études recueillies par), L'ingénieur dans la société française - Richard F. Kuisel p. 148
- Livres reçus - p. 153-154
- Abstracts - p. 155-156