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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 13, janvier-mars 1987 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- La résistible ascension de Mao - Yves Chevrier p. 3-22 Mao's resistible ascent, Yves Chevrier. A hybrid party with its mixed urban and rural origins, a State party forged hammered by intellectuals out of a guerrilla army, the Chinese Communist party was slow to plebiscite Mao. Contrary to legend, Mao took a long time to conquer power. Hesitations persisted for a long time on the role of the peasantry in relation to that of the urban population and on the nationalist accent. Whatever the resistances and regardless of the gap between the Maoist project and social reality, Mao did put his personal imprint on the whole period. Historiography must yet explain his ascent.
- Les relations entre l'état et la banque de France depuis les années 1950 - Jean Bouvier p. 23-34 Relations between the State and the Bank of France since the 1950s, Jean Bouvier. Created under Bonaparte, nationalized in 1936, the Bank of France, unlike the German Bundesbank or the US Federal Reserve System, has always been tightly monitored by the State. Its governor is accountable to the Minister of the Economy and Finance. Its status, despite the compromise reached in 1973, makes it both a free institution and a public service. The conflicts between its managers and the government have had more effects than generally realized on French economic and monetary policies since the Liberation. At a time when greater autonomy is under consideration, the article sheds light on the rather secret and agitated history of the Bank of France.
- Jeunesse et société dans la France de l'entre-deux-guerres - Antoine Prost p. 35-44 Youth and society in interwar France, Antoine Prost. In the French society of the interwar period, still close to the 19th century, the social organization of passage from childhood to adulthood, which defines youth, differed greatly as between the bourgeoisie and the remaining strata, working class or peasants. There was no single youth, but two youths. Neither the bourgeois youth nor the youth of the masses were at odds with society. Integration mechanisms proved stronger than generational conflicts.
Dossier : nouvelles lectures de la guerre froide
- Les accords Blum-Byrnes. La modernisation de la France et la guerre froide - Irwin M. Wall p. 45-62 The Blum-Byrnes agreements, France's modernization and the Cold War, Irwin M. Wall. The financial agreements signed on 1946 May 28 between France and the United States are sometimes viewed as a step in the « alienation » of national independence, a premise to the Cold War. American archives allow that interpretation to be changed. Far from being a one-way negotiation, the Blum-Byrnes agreements reflected the context of 1946. On the French side, economic modernization was the main concern, along with strategic considerations. For the Americans, financial aid was part of a policy applied to other countries, including the USSR, previously to the Marshall plan. Disappointing for both sides, the agreements were in no way an episod of American interference in French affairs.
- Preuves dans le Paris de guerre froide - Pierre Grémion p. 63-82 Preuves in the Paris of the Cold War, Pierre Grémion. While not an underground magazine, Preuves did not shake the convictions of an intellectual milieu which leaned to the left. That did not prevent it from crossing swords for many years with its left-wing opposite numbers. The study goes beyond counting blows. It shows that French ideological phenomena must be considered in their international dimension, not only concerning external stakes, here the Cold War, but also the associations of the French intellectual milieu, whose external ramifications are quite clear in this case.
- Guerre froide et progressisme chrétien. La quinzaine (1950-1953) - Yvon Tranvouez p. 83-94 Cold War and Christian progressivism. La Quinzaine (1950-1953), Yvon Tranvouez. During the Cold War, La Quinzaine, recently founded by Dominican fathers and transfered to lay hands, threw itself into the « struggle for peace » after some Christians heard the communist Stockholm Appeal. « Hypocritical ravages » of American civilization, « new world » in the East : everything apparently led this bi-monthly from Christian progressivism to a manichean view of international relations. The political trials in the people's democracies nevertheless revealed a deep split within the editorial team which displayed greater diversity than the monolithic image conveyed by its opponents. Condemned by the Holy Office in 1955, the magazine had in extremis distinguished fellow traveller Christians from followers of a nascent « new left ».
- Les accords Blum-Byrnes. La modernisation de la France et la guerre froide - Irwin M. Wall p. 45-62
- A quoi sert le néocorporatisme ? - Michèle Ruffat p. 95-104 What is the use of neo-corporatism, Michèle Ruffat. As a concept, an outline or a model, « neo-corporatism » originates in political science. In the United States in particular, after the failure of the Dahl pluralist model, questions have been asked concerning the lack of self-regulating mechanisms for conflict between interest groups and public power ; or, in democratie terms, the incompatibility of individual self-interest and the general will. This very empirical outline has been applied with varying degrees of success to several post-war European societies. In France, where neo-corporatism does exist, the word is spurned. Can historic research nonetheless put it to good use ? That is the question broached in an article by a political scientist in which the stakes are set out, with the answers, in terms of research, left to historians.
- A quoi sert le néocorporatisme ? - Michèle Ruffat p. 95-104
Images et sons
- Méliès, un homme d'illusion - François Garçon p. 105-106
- Le crayon-baïonnette de forain - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 106-108
- « La planète affolée » - Anne Roche, Lucien Victor p. 108-110
- L'usine et la ville - Philippe Mioche p. 111-112
- Archives sonores - Brigitte Blanc p. 112-114
- Méliès, un homme d'illusion - François Garçon p. 105-106
Avis de recherches
- L'historien mercenaire. business history et déontologie - Hubert Bonin p. 115-118
- Les archives de l'Europe - Vibeke Sorensen p. 118-120
- Vatican II et ses papes - Étienne Fouilloux p. 120-124
- Le retour de la littérature en Chine - Yves Chevrier p. 124-126
- L'historien mercenaire. business history et déontologie - Hubert Bonin p. 115-118
Pas de clercs dans le siècle ?
- Pas de clercs dans le siècle ? - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 127-134
- Islams : de nouvelles lectures ? - Robert Ilbert p. 134-138
- Pas de clercs dans le siècle ? - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 127-134
Islams : de nouvelles lectures ?
- Islams : de nouvelles lectures ? - Robert Ilbert p. 134-138
- L'histoire au quotidien - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 138-141
- Islams : de nouvelles lectures ? - Robert Ilbert p. 134-138
L'histoire au quotidien
- L'histoire au quotidien - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 138-141
- Yonnet Paul, Jeux, modes et masses. La société française et le moderne, 1945-1985 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 141-142
- Augustin Jean-Pierre, Garrigou Alain, Le rugby démêlé. Essai sur les associations sportives, le pouvoir et les notables - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 142-143
- La guerre d'Algérie expire - Odile Rudelle p. 143-150
- L'histoire au quotidien - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 138-141
La guerre d'Algérie expire
- La guerre d'Algérie expire - Odile Rudelle p. 143-150
- Kauffer Rémi, OAS. Histoire d'une organisation secrète, Leclair Marc-Louis, Disparus en Algérie - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 148-149
- Bourricaud François, Le retour de la droite - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 149
- La guerre d'Algérie expire - Odile Rudelle p. 143-150
- Bourricaud François, Le retour de la droite - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 149
- Ory Pascal, Sirinelli Jean-François, Les intellectuels en France, de l'affaire Dreyfus à nos jours - Pascal Balmand p. 150-151
- Schor Ralph, L'opinion française et les étrangers, 1919-1939, Schor Ralph, L'immigration en France, 1919-1939 - Serge Berstein p. 151-153
- La ville aujourd'hui. Croissance urbaine et crise du citadin. Histoire de la France urbaine - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 153-154
- Association des ruralistes français, La pauvreté dans le monde rural - Pierre Barral p. 154-155
- Bourricaud François, Le retour de la droite - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 149
- Livres reçus - p. 156-160
- Abstracts - p. 161-162