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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 14, avril-juin 1987 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Dossier : masses et individus
- Editorial - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 3-4
- Ce couple infernal aux rapports problématiques - Michelle Perrot p. 5-12 An infernal couple with problem relations, Michelle Perrot. « Between the social body and individuals, there should be only a vacuum », said Le Chapelier during the Revolution : all contemporary difficulties in the relations between the masses and individuals come from this real or supposed vacuity. Through fascism, communism or even in democratic societies, the twentieth century has long wanted the individual subjected to the promises of the collective. Until conquering individualism returns, without setting this old antagonism.
- De l'ouvrier-masse au travailleur fléxible - Jean-Paul de Gaudemar p. 13-24 From mass worker to flexible worker, Jean-Paul de Gaudemar. Starting with the imperatives of productivity in industrial societies since the 19th century, the author examines the emergence of taylorism, then of the labor movement, and the progress of individual skill acquisition through education. He considers the need for flexibility, as common now in the office as in the factory, and thus gives a historical answer to the main question : how has the relation of the masses to the individual been expressed in terms of labor economy ?
- Crise du syndicalisme, crise de la classe ouvrière ou crise du salariat? - Jacques Capdevielle p. 25-34 Trade union crisis, working class crisis or wage-earner crisis ? Jacques Capdevielle. French trade unionism, as that of other developed countries, is in dire straits. While the diagnosis is generally agreed upon, the quest for causes and remedies is difflcult. Trade unionism is confronted with a real revolution, caused by a structural mutation of labor which began about 20 years ago. In its daily life, if not in the factory, the working class has been diluted within the wage earning class, and this dilution both integrated and split it : two convergent factors, in any case, which made it lose its specificity. As if this phenomenon was not complex enough, its analysis was hampered for a long time, at least in France, by the reference to a mythical working class.
- L'esprit de famille à Nanterre - Martine Segalen p. 35-44 Family spirit in Nanterre, Martine Segalen. Using a study describing family relations in an urban environment in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), 1840 to 1980, the author, as an anthropologist demonstrates that between the masses and the individuals the family played a singularly complex and strong part. In that old industrial suburb, destined to massive immigration and to the change from manufacturing to services, family networks stimulated solidarity and sociability. The family, between the couple and the relatives, has never been the secret chilly refuge of self-centered individuals.
- Du bon usage de l?individu féministe - Geneviève Fraisse p. 45-54 On the right usage of the feminist, Geneviève Fraisse. The difficulty in looking for the meaning of the relation between individual feminists and women as a group lies in the fact that adherence to feminism happens within a group, but also at its edges or even outside it. And the difficulty in defining feminism as a movement is reinforced by the problem of representativeness. To appoint representatives, a group must be constituted not only as a collectivity, but also as a set of subjects. The constitution of women as subjects is then at the very heart of thinking on individual feminists.
- De Sartre à Hobbes. La liberté et la tutelle - Gil Delannoi p. 55-62 From Sartre to Hobbes. Liberty and guardianship, Gil Delannoi. Taking the evolution of Jean-Paul Sartre's political and philosophical thought as a guideline, the author discovers in turn individuals drowned in the mass in the 1950s and 1960s and then a simultaneous liberation of individuals and masses in May 1968. He concludes, rereading Hobbes, by examining one of the solid roots of the hedonist individualism which runs across our societies : the tutelary state.
- Editorial - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 3-4
- La révolution malade de la Vendée - Claude Langlois p. 63-78 The Revolution, sick of the Vendée, Claude Langlois. Carried by the constantly revisited memory — « Vendée, a region of memory » supported by scholarly disputes and debates among schools of thought, simultaneously exorcised and fed by academic research, the Vendée issue is back. Under various aspects, it has become an issue of contemporary history. The two aspects which are debated today — a debate colored by the media — concern as much the final years of our millennium as the twilight of the 18 th century : for both the number of victims and the labeling of the phenomenon - and in the background the polemic on « genocide » — the author shows just how much is due to Zeitgeist.
- La révolution malade de la Vendée - Claude Langlois p. 63-78
Images et sons
- Une commémoration internationale : les cinquante ans de la télévision - François Garçon p. 79-86
- Les archives nouvelles - Chantal de Tourtier-Bonazzi p. 86-87
- L'anti-amérique, 1935-1942 - Serge Ricard p. 87-89
- Les années plastiques - Alain Beltran p. 89-90
- Sculpture moderne ou sculpture du 20e siècle ? - Étienne Fouilloux p. 90-100
- Une commémoration internationale : les cinquante ans de la télévision - François Garçon p. 79-86
Avis de recherches
- Guy Mollet : la foi et les œuvres - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 101-103
- Malraux et De Gaulle - Odile Rudelle p. 103-104
- Raoul Dautry : un parcours du siècle - Henry Rousso p. 104-106
- De Diên Bien Phu (mai 1954) à Saïgon (avril 1955) : coopération et malentendus transatlantiques - Denise Artaud p. 106-109
- 1956 : le défi mondial du communisme - Stéphane Courtois p. 109-112
- Guy Mollet : la foi et les œuvres - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 101-103
- Vingtième siècle - p. 113-114
Musulmans et européens, les turcs
- Musulman et européens, les turcs - Pierre Chuvin p. 115-116
- Musulman et européens, les turcs - Pierre Chuvin p. 115-116
- Chadeau Emmanuel, Les inspecteurs des finances au 19e siècle (1850-1914) - Nathalie Carré de Malberg p. 117-118
- Audoin-Rouzeau Stéphane, 14-18. Les combattants des tranchées - Jean-Jacques Becker p. 118
- Danel Raymond, Les lignes Latécoère - Emmanuel Chadeau p. 118-119
- Burrin Philippe, La dérive fasciste. Doriot, Déat, Bergery, 1933-1945 - René Rémond p. 119-120
- Mayeur Jean-Marie, Catholicisme social et démocratie chrétienne. Principes romains, expériences françaises. Portelli Hugues, Les socialismes dans le discours social catholique , Christophe Paul, 1936 : les catholiques et le Front populaire, De - Danielle Fouilloux p. 120-122
- La France en mouvement, 1934-1938 - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 122-123
- Galster Ingrid, Le théâtre de Jean-Paul Sartre devant ses premiers critiques, Les pièces créées sous l'Occupation allemande, "Les Mouches" et "Huis-clos" - Claude Lévy p. 123
- Lottman Herbert, L'épuration, 1943-1953 - Dominique Veillon p. 123-124
- Assouline Pierre, Une éminence grise. Jean Jardin (1904-1976) - Philippe Burrin p. 125
- Bloch-Lainé François, Bouvier Jean, La France restaurée, 1944-1954. Dialogue sur les choix d'une modernisation - Henry Rousso p. 126-127
- Callot Émile-François, L'action et l'oeuvre politique du Mouvement Républicain Populaire - Danièle Zéraffa p. 127-129
- Pebereau Michel, La politique économique de la France - Anthony Rowley p. 129
- Institut français de relations internationales, "1936-1986, 50 ans de politique étrangère de la France", Politique étrangère - Maurice Vaïsse p. 129-130
- Prost Antoine, L'enseignement s'est-il démocratisé ? Les élèves des lycées et collèges de l'agglomération d'Orléans de 1945 à 1980 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 130-131
- Theunissen Paul, 1950. Le dénouement de la question royale. Cinq mois qui ébranlèrent la Belgique - Jean Stengers p. 131-132
- Chadeau Emmanuel, Les inspecteurs des finances au 19e siècle (1850-1914) - Nathalie Carré de Malberg p. 117-118
De Bruxelles à Belgrade
- Theunissen Paul, 1950. Le dénouement de la question royale. Cinq mois qui ébranlèrent la Belgique - Jean Stengers p. 131-132
- Ashby Henry, Turner Jr. ed., Hitler. Memoirs of a confidant - Philippe Burrin p. 132
- Bloch Charles, Le IIIe Reich et le monde - André Gunthert p. 132-133
- Mommsen Wolfgang, Max Weber et la politique allemande, 1890-1920 - Étienne François p. 133-134
- Michel Bernard, La mémoire de Prague - Michael Pollak p. 134
- Pirjevec Jozé, Tito, Stalin e l'Occidente - Serge Berstein p. 134-135
- Kaspi André,Les Américains. Les États-Unis de 1607 à nos jours - Pierre Mélandri p. 135-136
- Theunissen Paul, 1950. Le dénouement de la question royale. Cinq mois qui ébranlèrent la Belgique - Jean Stengers p. 131-132
- Kaspi André,Les Américains. Les États-Unis de 1607 à nos jours - Pierre Mélandri p. 135-136
- Ambrose Stephen E., Eisenhower - Pierre Mélandri p. 136-137
- Robert A. D. éd., The Cambridge history of Africa - Denise Bouche p. 137-138
- Kaspi André,Les Américains. Les États-Unis de 1607 à nos jours - Pierre Mélandri p. 135-136
Afrique et Tiers Monde
- Robert A. D. éd., The Cambridge history of Africa - Denise Bouche p. 137-138
- Bernard-Duquenet Nicole, Le Sénégal et le Front populaire - Mamadou Diouf p. 138-139
- Cohen Bernard, Bourguiba, le pouvoir d'un seul - Gilbert Meynier p. 139-140
- Chantebout Bernard, Le Tiers Monde - Robert Ilbert p. 140
- Robert A. D. éd., The Cambridge history of Africa - Denise Bouche p. 137-138
- Livres reçus - p. 141-144
- Abstracts - p. 145-146