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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 18, avril-juin 1988 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Jean Bouvier - René Rémond p. 3-4
- Taïwan après le miracle - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 5-16 Taiwan after the miracle, Marie-Claire Bergère. The modernization of the Taiwanese economy was achieved in two stages. In the 1950s, growth was based on the development of the domestic market, allowing the economy to take off, even if growth was limited and dependent on American aid. After 1960, a new strategy, more internationally oriented, caused the real « miracle ». The country's enrichment profoundly transformed social structures. The issue of regime change in parallel to economic upheavals. Democratization is taking place slowly and cautiously, keeping to the present regime its particular mark of participative authoritarianism.
- Nationalisme et internationalisation au Japon - Éric Seizelet p. 17-28 Nationalism and internationalization in Japan, Eric Seizelet. Japanese traditionalism is based on the restoration of monarchic prestige, the rehabilitation of the national ethics and patriotism. Its present resurgence transcends the traditional political division between liberais and conservatives. It has become the foundation of a new nationalism which is freeing itself from the inhibitions of the past but functions as a passive subversion of institutions. It is part of the vision of internationalization, an ambiguous and polysemic notion, will to conceived as a power.
- Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) - Laurent Cesari p. 29-42 Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970). Historiography and politics in the US, Laurent Césari Richard Hofstadter had considerable influence on American historiography and intellectual life. A communist in his youth, he then turned left of the center, and towards the end one of the precursors of neo-conservatism. He wrote several major works, e.g. The American Political Tradition, published in 1948, in which he describes American society as a « democracy in cupidity ». Influenced as much by Marx as by Weber, Freud and Mannheim, Hofstadter always denied the primacy of ideology. He is representative of the generation of American intellectuals of the 1950s.
- Contestation et démocratie dans l'amérique du 20e siècle - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 43-54 Contestation and democracy in twentieth century American, Marie-Christine Granjon. The distance between the American dream and the reality of inequalities or scorn has not stopped feeding contestation in the United States since the 19th century. The article recounts its stages : populist, progressive, socialistic, radical, over a century. A typology shows that this protest is « coopted », that it serves to regulate American democracy, and simultaneously provides a lively counter culture.
- Intellectuels, fascisme et antimodernité dans la France des années trente - Marc Simard p. 55-76 Intellectuals, fascism and anti-modernity in the 1930s in France, Marc Simard. In the debate on the « fascism » of French intellectuals in the 1930s, the author suggests a shift in perspectives. Although the per-sonalist journals such as Esprit or L'Ordre Nouveau did not actually share the fascist fascination of intellectuals such as Brasillach and Drieu La Rochelle, they did have a common features : the rejection of modernity, the reaction against the rising era of the masses. Intellectual fascism might thus be only one aspect of a much wider current, that of anti-modernism. Partial proximities, which are not necessarily similarities, become more understandable, without the risks of reduction.
- Deux etudiants "coloniaux" à Paris à l'aube des années trente - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 77-88 Two « colonial » students in Paris in the early 1930s, Jean-François Sirinelli At the end of the 1920s, the Latin Quarter welcomed many students born in the colonies. Two of them, the Senegalese Leopold Sedar Senghor and the Annamite Pham Duy Khiêm, became friends. Their destiny was different, but the study of their formative years provides few keys to their two contrasting itineraries.
- Le juif à l'écran en France vers la fin des années trente - Rémy Pithon p. 89-100 Jews in French films in the late 1930s, Rémy Pithon. An analysis of French movies producted in the late 1930s reveals a curious paradox : a change from rather widespread anti-semitism to a kind of « repression » of the image of the Jew. Examining anti-semitic stereotypes, the author shows that their relative decline corresponds to the just image of a « vague Jewishness », just as horrible, for it opens the door to indifference.
- De l'opinion publique à l'imaginaire social - Pierre Laborie p. 101-117 From public opinion to the social imaginary, Pierre Laborie. A historic approach to public opinion has always been considered a wager. Although a difficult field of investigation and demonstration, it does represent a new historical object, which requires specific methods, precise theoretical tools and rigorous attention. There are many and very diverse sources which finally permit an analysis of the imaginary elements in contemporary societies.
- De l'opinion publique à l'imaginaire social - Pierre Laborie p. 101-117
Images et sons
- L'indiade au théâtre du soleil - Serge Added p. 119-121
- Mémoires du futur - Patrice A. Carré p. 121-122
- La vidéothèque de Paris - Josette Naiman p. 122-124
- La défense, point final - Martine Morel p. 124-127
- Bougez avec la poste - Françoise Le Brenn p. 127-130
Avis de recherche
- Une histoire du temps présent en Grande-Bretagne - Mireille Gaüzere p. 131-132
- "e tutti va in francia..." les italiens en France dans les années 1920 - Jean-Claude Vegliante p. 132-134
- Un nouveau centre d'archives sur l'Europe - Philippe Burrin p. 134-135
- Politiques et pratiques culturelles dans la France de Vichy - Pascal Balmand p. 135-137
- Vingtième siècle - p. 139-140
Mémoire, culture et politique
- L'esprit des lieux. Localités et changement social en France - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 141
- Jeudy Henri-Pierre, Mémoires du social, Namer Gérard, Mémoire et société - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 141-142
- Ory Pascal (sous la direction de), Nouvelle histoire des idées politiques - Pascal Balmand p. 142-143
- Broche François, Maurice BarrèsBécarud Jean, Maurice Barrés et le Parlement de la Belle Époque, 1906-1914 - Nicolas Roussellier p. 143-144
- Hillel Marc, La fièvre européenne. 20 millions d'émigrés , Citron Suzanne, Le mythe national histoire de France en question - Claude Liauzu p. 144-145
- Lowi Théodore J., La deuxième république des Etats-Unis. La fin du libéralisme - Michèle Ruffat p. 145-146
- "Gli intelletuali negli' 80", Problemi socialismo - Marc Lazar p. 146-147
- Berner Peter, Brix Emil, Mantl Wolfgang, Wien um 1900. Aufbruch in die Moderne - Michael Pollak p. 147-148
- Raynaud Philippe, Max Weber et les dilemnes de la raison moderne - Michael Pollak p. 148
- Collomb Michel,La littérature art déco. Sur le style d'époque - Pascal Balmand p. 148-149
- Kersaudy François, 1940. La guerre du fer - Claude Lévy p. 149-150
Seconde guerre mondiale
- Kersaudy François, 1940. La guerre du fer - Claude Lévy p. 149-150
- Perrault Gilles, Paris sous l'Occupation - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 150
- Rousso Henry, La collaboration - Claude Lévy p. 150-151
- Lazare Lucien, La résistance juive en France - Claude Lévy p. 151-152
- Louis Jeanne-Henriette, L'engrenage de la violence. La guerre psychologique aux États- Unis pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 152
- Berstein Gisèle, Berstein Serge, La Troisième République - Nicolas Roussellier p. 152-153
- Louis Jeanne-Henriette, L'engrenage de la violence. La guerre psychologique aux États- Unis pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 152
- Berstein Gisèle, Berstein Serge, La Troisième République - Nicolas Roussellier p. 152-153
- Reclus Philippe,La République impatiente ou le Club des Jacobins (1951-1958) - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 153
- Chapsal Jacques, La vie politique sous la Ve République, Portelli Hugues , La vie politique en France sous la V e République - Serge Berstein p. 154-155
- Gaulle Charles de, Lettres, notes et carnets. Janvier 1964-avril 1969 - Odile Rudelle p. 155
- Daumard Adeline, Les bourgeois et la bourgeoisie en France depuis 1815 - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 155-157
- Chadeau Emmanuel, L'industrie aéronautique en France, 1900-1950. De Blériot à Dassault - Michel Lescure p. 157
- Rousso Henry (sous la direction de), De Monnet à Massé. Enjeux politiques et objectifs économiques dans le cadre des quatre permiers Plans (1946-1965) - Jean-Charles Asselain p. 157-158
- Monteil Vincent, Lawrence d'Arabie le lévrier fatal, 1888-1935 - Robert Ilbert p. 158-159
De l'arabie au japon
- Monteil Vincent, Lawrence d'Arabie le lévrier fatal, 1888-1935 - Robert Ilbert p. 158-159
- Lewis Bernard, Sémites et antisémites - Catherine Nicault p. 159-160
- Chesnais Jean-Claude, La revanche du Tiers Monde - Claude Liauzu p. 160
- Markovits Claude, Indian business and nationalist politics, 1931-1939. The indigenous capitalist class and the rise of the Congress party - Eric Meyer p. 161
- Berque Augustin (sous la direction de), Le Japon et son double, logiques d'un autoportrait - Éric Seizelet p. 161-162
- Livres reçus - p. 163-166
- Abstracts - p. 167-168