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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 21, janvier-mars 1989 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Gyôrgy Ranki - Joseph Goy p. 3-4
- La transparence et la mémoire - Nicolas Werth p. 5-28 Openness and memory. The Soviets look at their past, Nicolas Werth An examination of literary works, films, TV programs, articles in newspapers and scientific journals in which the question of glasnost in history has been posed since 1986, shows clearly the cleavages between establishment historians and « revisionists » who want to pursue the truth even in the dark periods of Soviet history. With, in the end, a battle on the historical front which results in an acknowledgment of the failure of ideology.
- Les trajectoires territoriales du sionisme - Alain Dieckhoff p. 29-44 The territorial itineraries of Zionism, Alain Dieckhoff. Since its origins, Zionism has had several territorial strategies. Between 1882 and 1897, the purpose of Jewish nationalism was settlement in Palestine ; its newness was its political nature. From 1897 to 1936, a strategy of settler colonies was implemented. From 1936 to 1948, a strategy of grafting was applied as a response to Arab hostility and to assure the territorial bases of a future state. After 1948 and until 1967, there was a methodical gridding of space simultaneously with the search for a new demographic balance. But the management of the occupied territories brought about new ambitions after 1967 now linked with the recovery of a highly symbolic space on the West Bank.
- 1942 : le comité international de la croix-rouge, les déportations et les camps - Jean-Claude Favez p. 45-56 1942 : the International committee of the Red Cross, deportations and camps, Jean-Claude Favez. What was the attitude of the International committee of the Red Cross towards the horror of the Nazi camps ? An analysis of its hesitations throughout 1942 reveals the situation by showing the impase in which it found itself enclosed. Traditional humanitarian support, founded on diplomacy and international conventions, proved either totally unadapted to the concentration camp phenomenon on simply impossible. But the Red Cross did not seem capable of placing its action at another level, such as that of public denunciation and an appeal to world opinion : it was the prisoner of a strictly legalistic state of mind which made it reason in terms of states not in terms of ideology ; dependent on considerations leading to the respect of strict neutrality. It was therefore condemned, if not to absolute inaction, at least to relative inefficacy. Could it really have acted otherwise ?
- André Tardieu et la crise du constitutionnalisme libéral (1933-1934) - Nicolas Roussellier p. 57-70 André Tardieu and the crisis of liberal constitutionalism (1933-1934), Nicolas Roussellier. Symbol and leader of a powerful current which demanded a " reform of the State " in the France of the early 1930s, André Tardieu never crossed the threshold of a break with the republican tradition. But his plan for strengthening the executive power led to a double impasse, threoretical and practical. How was it possible to renew the Third Republic's institutions without forsaking the postulates on which they were based ? This accounts for the paradoxes of an itinerary which led him to the apparent summit of his career after the events of 6 February 1934, and then in less than one year to retirement and definitive silence.
Dossier : Penser le fascisme
- Giovanni Gentile, philosophe du fascisme - Sergio Romano p. 71-82 Gentile as a philosopher of fascism, Sergio Romano. In 1918, G. Gentile thought that Italy's salvation depended on the restoration of the liberal State. But he feared the possibility of a return to the pre-war political System and the risk of a weak power subjected to constant governmental changes. That is why his liberal State was to be led by a strong party, not far removed from the fascist conception. Even if the term used to designate it, " the ethical State ", came from the Hegelian conception, it was indeed an authoritarian state in Gentile's mind. Gentile needed all the resources of philosophical rhetoric to get out of the contradiction. In spite of his admiration for Il Duce, he came into conflict with the regime and ended up dying because of it.
- Luigi Sturzo et la critique de l'état totalitaire - Jean-Luc Pouthier p. 83-90 Luigi Sturzo and the critique of the totalitarian State, Jean-Luc Pouthier. Forced into exile in 1924, Don Sturzo was one of the first to describe the nature of Italian fascism and to set it within a wider analysis of the totalitarian State. Mussolini's opponent had understood precociously the rupture which this " State pantheism " introduced : European public opinion badly misunderstood its awful novelty. His diagnostis helps us today to return to the origins of the uses of the word " totalitarianism ".
- Renzo De Felice et l'histoire du fascisme - Didier Musiedlak p. 91-100 Renzo De Felice and the history of fascism, Didier Musiedlak. The historical work of De Felice set off a storm in Italy because it goes against a whole historiographic tradition of analysis of the 20 black years of Fascism through the anti-fascism prism. De Felice claims an Italian specificity, which distinguishes it from German Nazism and post-1945 " neo-fascisms ". He bases the chronological analysis of its reign on the struggle, under Il Duce's omnipresent eye, between the intransigents, who dreamed of a revolution inspired by the movement, and the more conservative fellow-travelers, who wanted to strengthen the Italian state by making it fascist.
- Giovanni Gentile, philosophe du fascisme - Sergio Romano p. 71-82
- L'histoire du 20e siècle au lycée. Le nouveau programme de terminale - Dominique Borne p. 101-110 20th century history in the French lycée (high school). The new final years program, Dominique Borne. The author, Inspector General for history and geography, presents the new program to be taught from now on to future lycee students in their final year. He shows its great ambitions — which nevertheless leave the professors the latitude to adapt it to their pedagogy. An appendix reproduces the official text of this panorama of world and French history, which takes into account progress in research and questions raised by the present.
- L'histoire du 20e siècle au lycée. Le nouveau programme de terminale - Dominique Borne p. 101-110
Images et sons
- Archives filmiques et histoire du cinéma - Pierre Guibbert p. 111-116
Avis de recherches
- La constitution de 1958 trente ans après - Odile Rudelle p. 117-118
- La compagnie des ateliers et forges de la Loire - Eric Bussière p. 118-120
- Les croyances dans la France moderne - Catherine Wihtol de Wenden p. 120-121
- Le communisme en Europe occidentale - Stéphane Courtois, Marc Lazar p. 121-124
- Vingtième siècle - p. 125-126
Islam, Israël : miroirs brisés
- Gadant Monique, Islam et nationalisme en Algérie. Michel Hubert et Santucci Jean-Claude (sous la dir. de), Le Maghreb dans le monde arabe, ou les affinités sélectives. Egypte. Recompositions, numéro thématique de la revue ~~Peuples méditerrané - Robert Ilbert p. 127-132
- Lewis Bernard, Islam et laïcité. La naissance de la Turquie moderne - Pierre Chuvin p. 132-134
- Hentsch Thierry, L'Orient imaginaire. La vision politique occidentale de l'Est méditerranéen - Robert Ilbert p. 134-135
- Avi Haï Avraham, Ben Gourion bâtisseur d'État. Principes et pragmatisme (1948-1963). Barnavi Élie, Une histoire moderne d'Israël. Grossman David, Le vent jaune - Alain Dieckhoff p. 135-137
- « Notre histoire. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire intellectuelle de la France, 1953-1987 », le Débat, 50 (numéro spécial) - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 137
- Richard François, L'anarchisme de droite dans la littérature contemporaine - Pascal Balmand p. 137-138
Parcours intellectuels
- « Notre histoire. Matériaux pour servir à l'histoire intellectuelle de la France, 1953-1987 », le Débat, 50 (numéro spécial) - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 137
- Richard François, L'anarchisme de droite dans la littérature contemporaine - Pascal Balmand p. 137-138
- Lire Braudel, ouvrage collectif - Olivier Dumoulin p. 139
- Traversées du 20e siècle, recueil d'articles de la revue Esprit - Pascal Balmand p. 139-140
- George François, Alceste vous salue bien - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 140
- Rémond René, Notre siècle, 1918-1988 - François Goguel p. 141-142
- Alexandre Bernard, Le Horsin. Vivre et survivre en Pays de Caux - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 142
- Noiriel Gérard, Le creuset français - Riva Kastoryano p. 142-144
- Dreyfus François-Georges, Histoire de la démocratie chrétienne en France. De Chateaubriand à Raymond Barre - Danièle Zéraffa p. 144-145
- Kniebielher Yvonne, Les pères aussi ont une histoire.... Thébaud Françoise, Quand nos grand-mères donnaient la vie. La maternité en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres - Danièle Voldman p. 145-146
- Berstein Serge, La France des années 30.. Becker jean-Jacques, Histoire politique de la France depuis 1945, . Eck Jean-François, Histoire de l'économie française depuis 1945. Borne Dominique, Histoire de la société française depuis 1945 - Nicolas Roussellier p. 146-147
- France-Allemagne. Églises et société du concile Vatican II à nos jours. Actes du colloque franco-allemand publié par denis Maugenest et Werner Merle - Étienne François p. 147-148
- Badia Gilbert (sous la direction de), Histoire de l'Allemagne contemporaine, tome 1, Weimar, IIIe Reich, tome 2,RFA, RDA - Jean-Marie Flonneau p. 148-149
- Badia Gilbert (sous la direction de), Histoire de l'Allemagne contemporaine, tome 1, Weimar, IIIe Reich, tome 2,RFA, RDA - Jean-Marie Flonneau p. 148-149
- Müller, Klaus-Jürgen, The army, politics and society in Germany, 1933-1945. Studies in the army's relation to Nazism. Müller, Klaus-Jürgen, Armee und Drittes Reich 1933-1939 - Philippe Burrin p. 150
- Medizin im Nationalsozialismus - Michael Pollak p. 150-151
- Löwith Karl, Ma vie en Allemagne avant et après 1933 - Étienne François p. 151-152
- Böll Heinrich, Mais que va-t-il devenir, ce garçon ? - Pascal Balmand p. 152-154
- Weber Hermann, Die DDR, 1945-1986 - Jean-Marie Flonneau p. 152-153
- Rovan Joseph, Konrad Adenauer - Raymond Poidevin p. 153
- Courtois Stéphane, Rayski Adam (sous la direction de), Qui savait quoi ? L'extermination des juifs, 1941-1945. Vidal-Naquet Pierre, Les assassins de la mémoire. « Un Eichmann de papier » et autres essais sur le révisionnisme - Danièle Voldman p. 154-155
Seconde guerre mondiale
- Courtois Stéphane, Rayski Adam (sous la direction de), Qui savait quoi ? L'extermination des juifs, 1941-1945. Vidal-Naquet Pierre, Les assassins de la mémoire. « Un Eichmann de papier » et autres essais sur le révisionnisme - Danièle Voldman p. 154-155
- Lubac Henri de, Résistance chrétienne à l'antisémitisme. Souvenirs 1940-1944 - Bernard Comte p. 155
- Joutard Philippe, Poujol Jacques, Cabanel Patrick (textes et documents rassemblés par), Cévennes, terre de refuge (1940-1944) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 155-156
- Lafont Max, L'extermination douce.La mort de 40 000 malades mentaux dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques en France sous le régime de Vichy. Durand Pierre, Le Train des fous 1939-1945. Le génocide des malades mentaux en France - Henry Rousso p. 156-157
- Vrba Rudolf, Bestic Alan, Je me suis évadé d'Auschwitz - Michael Pollak p. 157-158
- Dejonghe Étienne, L'occupation en France et en Belgique 1940-1944 - Claude Lévy p. 158-159
- Durand Yves, La vie quotidienne des prisonniers de guerre dans les stalags, les oflags et les kommandos (1939-1945). Lewin Christophe, Le retour des prisonniers de guerre français. Naissance et développement de la FNPG (1944-1952) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 159-160
- Cinema, Storia, Resistenza, 1944-1985 - Jean A. Gili p. 160
- Guiraud Jean-Michel, La vie intellectuelle et artistique à Marseille à l'époque de Vichy et sous l'occupation (1940-1944) - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 160-161
- Limagne Pierre, Éphémérides de quatre années tragiques 1940-1944 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 161
- Ragache Gilles, Ragache Jean-Robert, La vie quotidienne des écrivains et des artistes sous l'occupation 1940-1944 - Serge Added p. 161-162
- Viannay Philippe, Du bon usage de la France - Olivier Wieviorka p. 162
- Friedmann George, Journal de guerre 1939-1940. Naville Pierre, Mémoires imparfaites. Le temps des guerres - Jean-François Sirinelli p. 162-163
- Gaulle Charles de, Lettres, notes et carnets 1968-70. Compléments 1908-1968. Palewski Gaston, Mémoires d'action 1924-1974 - Odile Rudelle p. 163-165
De Gaulle et le gaullisme
- Gaulle Charles de, Lettres, notes et carnets 1968-70. Compléments 1908-1968. Palewski Gaston, Mémoires d'action 1924-1974 - Odile Rudelle p. 163-165
- Choisel Francis, Bonapartisme et gaullisme - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 165
- Rudelle Odile, Mai 58. De Gaulle et la République - Serge Berstein p. 166
- Et la Constitution créa Amérique..., Actes du colloque des 9 et 10 janvier 1987 - Claude Fohlen p. 167
- Toinet Marie-France, Le système politique des États-Unis - Jacques Portes p. 167-169
- Gravereau Jacques, Le Japon, l'ère de Hiro - Éric Seizelet p. 169
- Gravereau Jacques, Le Japon, l'ère de Hiro - Éric Seizelet p. 169
- Livres reçus - p. 171-174
- Abstracts - p. 175-176
- Index alphabétique des auteurs. année 1988. - p. 1-4