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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 23, juillet-septembre 1989 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- La menace d'intervention militaire américaine pendant la conférence de Genève et la stratégie des États-Unis (1954) - Laurent Césari p. 3-20 The threat of American military intervention during the Geneva conférence of 1954 and US strategy, 1954, Laurent Césari. US records, especially those of the National Security Council and the State Department, and those of the Quai d'Orsay, make it possible to reconstruct the French-American negotiation simultaneous with the Geneva conference. After the fall of Dien Bien Phu on 8 May 1954, J.F. Dulles offered an American military intervention in Indochina, in accordance with the policy of containment of communism in South-East Asia. But the conditions attached to this proposal, military and diplomatic developments and above all the misunderstandings about the meaning of a joint military action caused the plan to be postponed, thereby revealing the depth of the differences between the French and the Americans. The former wanted to safeguard their Empire, whereas the latter wanted to prepare themselves to replace French influence.
- L'aventure cinéphilique de positif (1952-1989) - Thierry Frémaux p. 21-34 The movie fans'adventure : Positif (1952-1989), Thierry Frémaux. Created in 1952 by a few students from Lyons, the magazine Positif was one of the most vital incarnations of the great wave of demanding and militant film enthusiasm which emerged in the 1950s and was to level off in the 1970s. Often opposed to Cahiers du cinema, the journal defended a cinema of social denunciation and erudite criticism, committed and passionate, which made up a " style " of its own and brought about its success. But this search for a kind of cinematographic purity ended up by isolating Positif, whose audience has declined considerably. The history of a magazine thus becomes material for a cultural history of today's France.
- Le rapport « Nora-Minc ». Histoire d'un best-seller - Andrée Walliser p. 35-48 The " Nora-Minc " report. The history of a best seller, Andrée Walliser. Made public in 1978, the Nora-Minc report was a typical instance of the French tradition of administrative reports. Requested by V. Giscard d'Estaing in order to take stock of the computerization of society, at a time of questioning and increasing worries in France, this report met with great success both in the press and in bookstores, thanks to its brilliant writing and reassuring conclusions. In a few months it became a best seller and, because of the ambiguous reactions it caused, a kind of mirror reflecting, in a period of socio-economic change and discourses on modernization, the state of French public opinion in the late 1970s. The report was much commented, but was it really heeded ?
Dossier : mai 68
- À propos des célébrations décennales du mai français - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 49-58 On the decennial célébrations of the French May, Jean-Pierre Kioux May 1968 remains, after more than 20 years, an event difficult to commemorate even though collective memory has already taken possession of it and mythified it. A study of the two decennial waves of celebration, in 1978 and 1988, reveals a well- orchestrated captation of discourse by a few witnesses of the 1968 " generation " and a proliferation of commentary. The author proposes that the 30-year marker be skipped. The history of May is long overdue and should now be undertaken.
- 1968 : mort et naissance de l'université française - Antoine Prost p. 59-70 1968 : death and birth of the French University, Antoine Prost. The events of 1968 undermined the magisterial legitimacy and university authority so radically that they caused decisive transformations in French universities. The organization of studies and examinations, teaching methods and professor-student relations are not the only elements of the university institution that were then greatly changed. The very structure of the university was entirely reorganized : power is now found at different levels, based on more democratie elections, which reinforces it and gives it other dimensions. Paradoxically, the 1968 events marked the birth of real universities in France.
- Le mouvement de 1968 au Mexique - Annick Lempérière-Roussin p. 71-82 The 1968 movement in Mexico, Annick Lempérière-Roussin. The 1968 student movement presented in Mexico forms of contestation to which the political regime — stable and authoritarian — was not accustomed the fear of an autonomous mass movement which might acquire its own legitimacy and cause a snow bail phenomenon led to massive repression. This was reinforced by the proximity of the Olympic Games. But as an end-result of the 1960s in which anti-Castrism, anti-imperialism and social utopianism flourished, the Mexican 1968 movement was also a revolt of civil society against the authoritarian regime of the Institutional Revolutionary Party. The voluntaristic students and intellectuals of 1968 can be considered the precursors of the civil struggles which have recently taken place on the occasion of each election.
- À propos des célébrations décennales du mai français - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 49-58
- Le retour de la géographie - Jean-Robert Pitte p. 83-90 The return of geography, Jean-Robert Pitte After a few " blissful decades " during which it became a composite of sub-disciplines, geography has corne full circle. It is now more visible in the landscape of the media landscape and makes itself heard in the concert of the social sciences. It is now ready to renew relations with its old companion, history ; it now has a different type of reflection on space, the environment, human action. Geography examines the new relation between nature and culture which haunts the end of the 20th century. This article opens the perspective ; it is an invitation to a resumption of a long-interrupted dialogue.
- Le retour de la géographie - Jean-Robert Pitte p. 83-90
- Une tâche qui me dépasse - Thierry Couët p. 91-93
- Le mépris - Philippe Oulmont p. 93-95
- Vous avez dit Braudel ? - Jacqueline Cahen p. 95-100
- Continuons le débat ! - Dominique Borne p. 100-102
- Une tâche qui me dépasse - Thierry Couët p. 91-93
Images et sons
- Cinéastes français face au souvenir du nazisme - François Garçon p. 111-116
- Photographies de la deuxième guerre mondiale - Jacqueline Eichart, Dominique Veillon p. 116-117
- L'Alsace mise au pas : deux lectures en images - Freddy Raphaël, Geneviève Herberich-Marx p. 117-122
- Cinéastes français face au souvenir du nazisme - François Garçon p. 111-116
Avis de recherches
- La guerre d'Algérie et les français - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 123-124
- Histoire sociale, histoire globale ? - Christophe Charle p. 124-130
- La guerre d'Algérie et les français - Charles-Robert Ageron p. 123-124
- Vingtième siècle signale - p. 131-132
Trois questions sur l'URSS de Gorbatchev
- Heller michel, 70 ans qui ébranlèrent le monde. Histoire politique de l'Union Soviétique. Marcou Lilly, Les défis de Gorbatchev - Marie-Hélène Mandrillon p. 133-138
- Lequin Yves (dir.), la mosaïque France, Histoire des étrangers et de l'immigration en France. Wihtol de Wenden Catherine, Les immigrés et la politique - Gérard Noiriel p. 138-140
- Heller michel, 70 ans qui ébranlèrent le monde. Histoire politique de l'Union Soviétique. Marcou Lilly, Les défis de Gorbatchev - Marie-Hélène Mandrillon p. 133-138
Vers une histoire de l'immigration
- Lequin Yves (dir.), la mosaïque France, Histoire des étrangers et de l'immigration en France. Wihtol de Wenden Catherine, Les immigrés et la politique - Gérard Noiriel p. 138-140
- À l'ombre de la statue de la Liberté. Immigrants et ouvriers dans la république américaine 1880-1920. Textes réunis et présentés par Marianne Debouzy - André Kaspi p. 140
- Lequin Yves (dir.), la mosaïque France, Histoire des étrangers et de l'immigration en France. Wihtol de Wenden Catherine, Les immigrés et la politique - Gérard Noiriel p. 138-140
- Dupoirier Elisabeth, Gunberg Gérard (dir.), Mars 1986 : la drôle de défaite de la gauche. Desjardins Thierry, Un inconnu nommé Chirac. Szafran Maurice, Chirac ou les passions du pouvoir. Giesbert Franz-Olivier, Jacques Chirac - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 141-143
- Mann Golo, Une jeunesse allemande. Mémoires - Étienne François p. 143
- Wahl Alfred, Cultures et mentalités en Allemagne 1918-1960 - Étienne François p. 143-144
- Dupoirier Elisabeth, Gunberg Gérard (dir.), Mars 1986 : la drôle de défaite de la gauche. Desjardins Thierry, Un inconnu nommé Chirac. Szafran Maurice, Chirac ou les passions du pouvoir. Giesbert Franz-Olivier, Jacques Chirac - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 141-143
- Mann Golo, Une jeunesse allemande. Mémoires - Étienne François p. 143
- Wahl Alfred, Cultures et mentalités en Allemagne 1918-1960 - Étienne François p. 143-144
- Herbst Ludolf, Goschler Constantin (dir.), Wiedergutmachung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Étienne François p. 144-145
- Mélandri Pierre, Une incertaine alliance. Les Etats-Unis et l'Europe, 1973-1983 - Laurent Césari p. 145
- Fohlen Claude, Les États-Unis au XXe siècle. Kaspi André, Franklin Roosevelt. MwPierre, Reagan. Une biographie totale - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 145-147
- Mann Golo, Une jeunesse allemande. Mémoires - Étienne François p. 143
- Mélandri Pierre, Une incertaine alliance. Les Etats-Unis et l'Europe, 1973-1983 - Laurent Césari p. 145
- Fohlen Claude, Les États-Unis au XXe siècle. Kaspi André, Franklin Roosevelt. MwPierre, Reagan. Une biographie totale - Marie-Christine Granjon p. 145-147
- Mélandri Pierre, Une incertaine alliance. Les Etats-Unis et l'Europe, 1973-1983 - Laurent Césari p. 145
- Livres reçus - p. 148-150
- Abstracts - p. 151-152