Contenu du sommaire : Gestion de contenu web : entre démocratisation et expertise documentaire
Revue |
I2D - Information, données & documents (anciennement : Documentaliste - Sciences de l'information) ![]() |
Numéro | vol. 45, no 3, 2008 |
Titre du numéro | Gestion de contenu web : entre démocratisation et expertise documentaire |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Un partenariat entre l'ADBS et CAIRN - Wiegandt Caroline p. 1
- Tendances de la recherche nord-africaine en science de l'information : entre théorie et application - Gdoura Wahid p. 4-12 Quelle est la physionomie de la recherche en bibliothéconomie et science de l'information en Afrique du Nord ? Wahid Gdoura étudie dans cet article1 l'évolution récente et la situation de ce secteur de recherche dans ses rapports avec les mutations de celui de l'information. Après s'être penché sur les conditions et les moyens de la recherche et de la publication scientifiques dans six pays, il analyse les caractéristiques de base de leur production. Le volume de celle-ci est encore modeste, et son contenu est marqué par la prédominance des études appliquées et la relative absence de travaux théoriques et méthodologiques. Des propositions pour développer une recherche théorique nord-africaine concluent cette étude.What are the features of library and information science research in North Africa ? Wahid Gdoura looks at recent changes and the current status of this research sector, comparison with changes in the information sciences. After a look at conditions and the means available to scientific research and publishing in six countries, the author analyses the basic features of their scientific production. Volume remains modest, while content is dominated by applied research with a relative absence of theoretical and methodological research. He offers some suggestions to develop theoretical research in North Africa.
- Méthodes, techniques et outils - Amar Muriel, Maisonneuve Marc, Scopsi Claire, Boulier Serge, Dupin Corinne, Rey Charles-Henry, Auffret Aline, Cotte Dominique, Dalbin Sylvie, Giraud Odile p. 14-27
- Métiers et compétences - Sibertin-Blanc Martine, Reynié Claude p. 28-32
- Droit de l'information - Seadle Michael, Battisti Michèle, Gasnault Jean p. 34-39
Gestion de contenu web : entre démocratisation et expertise documentaire
- Présentation - p. 40 Is there anyone who does NOT manage E-content? Millions of non-professionals index their holiday photos, file their prose, launch their blog, and disseminate their opinions on the web. These practices have become so banal that you might well assume that anyone - not just a handful of specialists - can publish web content. But if mass access is a fact, the issues related to web content management have increased in complexity. Managing access rights, interoperability, accessibility and metadata are just a few aspects whose development requires ever greater expertise. This double trend offers information professionals opportunities to highlight their professionalism in terms of information quality.
- Une place à conquérir - Roumieux Olivier p. 42-43 Certes démocratisée, la gestion de contenu n'en possède pas moins son versant expert. Un versant plus abrupt, complexe dans ses dimensions techniques, en pleine évolution quant à la répartition des rôles et porteur d'enjeux fondamentaux d'accessibilité et de préservation des contenus qui ne peuvent que mobiliser l'intérêt et les ressources des professionnels de l'information. Ce dossier en trois temps, bâti par Olivier Roumieux, leur met le marché en main...Available to all, content management still requires a professional approach, along a steeper slope, technically complex, with ever-evolving roles. These issues raise fundamental questions about accessibility and preservation that cannot fail to mobilize the interest and the resources of information professionals.
- Découvrir la gestion de contenu - Lalaude Myriam, Gautheron Isabelle, Bertrand Patrice, Soual Laurent, Bescond Anne p. 44-55 Content management appeared at the end of the last century and its scope remains unclear. Overall, this includes both methods and tools to optimize content and site organization. To place this discipline in the electronic environment, we present the fundamental concepts, issues faced by organizations, functional limits and principal functionalities.
- Monter son projet de gestion de contenu - Olléon François, Lebigre Loïc, Bedjaoui Bahia, Lamaze-Beyssac Raphaële p. 56-66 Overall, a initiative to develop content management follows the classic steps of any IT project; but there are features specific to content management that should not be ignored. From identifying the application's limits to preparing referencing and tracking user traffic: a project's long road. A very small company or independent consultant may lack adequate staff and financial resources to set up sophisticated management systems, but they can purchase suitable solutions to help get their project off the ground.
- Enjeux, perspectives et prospective - Denis Laurent, Sloïm Élie, St?hr Thierry, Delahousse Jean, Roumieux Olivier, Saleh Imad, Ertzscheid Olivier p. 68-82 In 15 years, on-line service has gone from small-scale to big business, along with more refined tools, specialized professions and new requirements. Today, a quality approach must have a solid cross-disciplinary basis, standardized tools and foster content accessibility. Hidden behind the notion of interoperability are major issues around electronic memory and content migration. The author presents their different components and features that must be taken into account to ensure true interoperability among CMS contents. Metadata and reference data are two key concepts that foster change on the web. On-going work on standards is indispensible to creating real value-added service in which content can be shared and exchanged. For an information professional, what are the perspectives opened by the web 2.0 phenomenon? The 2.0 wave reshuffled the cards and changed the rules of the game, broadening the scope of “content”, proposing new ways of using sources and offering different approaches to document description and structure.
- Sources et ressources - Bélier Marie-Claude p. 83-85
- Présentation - p. 40
Notes de lecture
- Notes de lecture - p. 86-93
- Notes de lecture - p. 86-93