Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue Française de Sociologie ![]() |
Numéro | 1960, 1-1 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Emile Durkheim - Georges Davy p. 3-24
- Le vote ouvrier en Europe occidentale - Mattei Dogan p. 25-44 How are workers' votes distributed among the different political parties? What are the reasons why many workers do not vote for the party which claims to be the party of the working-class? The splitting of the workers' vote is explained by the variety of professional qualifications, by the discrepancy between the objective social condition and the perception of this condition, by social mobility, by religious influences, by the traditionalist tendency of women's votes, etc. This analysis is concrete; it is concerned with eight countries and illustrated by means of numerous statistical tables.
- Adaptation au travail et niveau de qualification des femmes salariées - Viviane Isambert-Jamati p. 45-60 Taken over a long period and a large number of cases, the variations of average absenteeism are a faithful refection of the variations found in adaptation to work. The hypothesis which has been verified here is the following : if the number of women employees who stay away from work is considerably greater than that of men, it is undoubtedly because their situation sometimes leads to a conflict between their domestic and their professional roles ; but it is also, to a great extent, because the tasks alloted them do not involve them personally enough. Highly qualified women, exercising a profession which requires initiative and responsibility, show evidence, on the average, of an adaptation similar to that of men belonging to the same professional level.
- Coopération et compétition dans des petits groupes - Roger Lambert p. 61-72 The influence of an individual in a work group being defined in function of the variation of the group performance when this particular individual is excluded from it, the experience described here aims to verify whether it is possible to split up this influence into two components : direct influence depending on the participation of the individual in the execution of the task, and indirect influence, depending on the action exercised by this individual upon the other members of the group. The hypothesis tested here its that these two influences work in interaction of multiplicative form.
- Le concept de « carrière » - Jean-René Tréanton p. 73-80 A critical review of the concept of 'professionalisation' with an emphasis on the 'carreer' in industrial jobs.
Actualité de la recherche
L'orientation de la sociologie au Congrès de Stresa
- L'orientation de la sociologie au Congrès de Stresa : introduction - p. 81-88
- Le traitement numérique des informations au service des sciences sociales - Y. Igot p. 89-90
- L'Association internationale des sociologues de langue française - p. 90-91
- L'Association des professeurs d'Ecole Normale pour l'étude des faits sociaux - p. 91-92
- La Société européenne de sociologie rurale - p. 92-93
- Le Centre d'études sociologiques - C. Laude p. 93-97
- Le Groupe d'ethnologie sociale - p. 97-98
- Une enquête française sur les aspects sociaux de l'automation - p. 98-100
- Note sur les développements récents de la recherche en Pologne - p. 100-104
- L'orientation de la sociologie au Congrès de Stresa : introduction - p. 81-88
- Gurvitch G. (dir), Traité de sociologie. - N. Mitrani p. 105-108
- Merton R. K., Sociology to-day. Problems and prospects. - H. Jamous p. 108-111
- Mills C. W., The sociological imagination. - J. Dumazedier p. 111-112
- Carrier H., L'appartenance religieuse comme attitude psychosociologique. - J. Maître p. 113-115
- La pratique dominicale. - F. A. Isambert p. 115-116
- Altavilla E., Psychologie judiciaire. - A. Davidovitch p. 116-117
- Sacotte M., La prostitution. - C. Laude p. 117-118
- Weber M., Le savant et le politique. - H. Desroche p. 118-119
- Meynaud J., Introduction à la science politique. - M. Matarasso p. 119-120
- Ehrmann H. W., La politique du patronat français. - C. Barrier p. 120-122
- Janowitz M., Sociology and the military establishment. - E. Oeconomo p. 122-124
- Aron R., La société industrielle et la guerre. - C. Oeconomo p. 124-126
- Famille et habitation. - J. Charazac p. 126-127
- Michel A., Famille, industrialisation, logement. - P. Cep p. 127-128
- George P., Randet P., La région parisienne. - C. Laude p. 128
- Mendras H., Sociologie de la campagne française. - P. Cep p. 128-129
- Les migrations rurales. - H. Mendras p. 129
- Lewin K., Psychologie dynamique. Les relations humaines. - J.-M. Lemaine p. 129-130
- Friedmann G., Problèmes d'Amérique latine. - J.R. Tréanton p. 130-132
- Packard V., The status-seekers. - P. Cep p. 132
- Ecole et société. - V. Isambert-Jamati p. 132-134
- Lipset S. M., Bendix R., Social mobility in industrial society. - M. Montuclard p. 134-135
- Marenco C., Employés de banque. - P. Cep p. 135
- Crozier M., Pradier B., Les relations entre cadres subalternes et employés dans six compagnies d'assurances parisiennes. - C. Laude p. 135
- Gurvitch G. (dir), Traité de sociologie. - N. Mitrani p. 105-108
- Revue des revues - p. 136-141
- Résumés (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe) - p. 142-1