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Revue |
Revue Française de Sociologie ![]() |
Numéro | 1963, 4-2 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Un bilan mondial des sciences sociales et humaines est-il possible ? - Jean Stoetzel p. 131-143 Jean Stoetzel : Is it possible to carry out a survey on the social and humanistic sciences ? The last General Conference of Unesco, at the suggestion of the French delegation, adopted a resolution concerning a world survey of research trends in the social and humanistic sciences. Its promoters feel that the survey will widen the perspectives of a science which is still subservient to Western culture. The project will of necessity meet with difficulties, not only from those who believe that only one type of science exists (our own) but also from non-Westerners who feel that stress laid on traditional cultural elements will prevent social progress. The major difficulties arise from the insecure relations existing between societies representing different cultures. This critical stage must be overcome. The role of intermediary played by certain non-Western countries which are technically highly developed (Japan for instance) can be considerable.
- Tradition et modernisme : perception du changement social par une population citadine marocaine - Jacques Selosse p. 144-158 Jacques Selosse : Tradition and modernism : social change as perceived by the population of a Moroccan city. A whole series of tests, including an original projective examination, is used to study the personality of the Moroccan urban inhabitant following the attainment of independance, and particularly his attitude towards the main problems created by the new social and political situation. The classification takes into account sex, schooling, and urbanization. The perception of representative patterns bears witness to a relatively high concentration of interests. Particular emphasis is placed on the role and social status of women ; the need for collective structures, demonstrated by a desire to promote the development of the individual. Young people show a marked tendency to desequilibrium and are against a purely traditional upbringing. This educated public attaches a mystic value to action and has faith in social and technical progress.
- Tradition et modernisme : perception du changement social par une population citadine marocaine - Jacques Selosse p. 144-158
- Les fonctions des délégués du personnel d'après une expérience vécue en 1951-1952 - Jacqueline Frisch-Gauthier p. 159-171 Jacqueline Frisch-Gauthier : The role of the shop steward. This study is based on personal observations made by the author who worked for two years in a factory and was a shop steward. Shop stewards have a double role to play : first, to struggle for better conditions and higher wages ; secondly, to ensure that the various agreements reached are in effect carried out by the employers. The accent is placed on one or the other aspect in accordance with the methods of action available to the trade-unions. If such action takes the form of a struggle, the shop steward mainly bases his arguments on legislation. When the role is one of checking, the success of the demands is linked to the relations of power inside the firm and also to the policies of employers and workers which affect the conflict. If the shop steward chooses to contest the authority of the employer, all the trends in that direction on the part of the employees can be used by him for that purpose. In such a case his third function, which differs from the other two arises from the need to consolidate the unity of the workers' group, which is an essential condition of its power.
- Modèle à caractéristiques non-monotones dans l'étude d'un questionnaire - Claude Flament p. 172-194 Claude Flament : A non-monotonous model in the study of a questionnaire. This is the study of a questionnaire whose questions are dichotomous and classified. It is taken that the answer "yes" will only be given to neighbouring questions in the given order. A mathematical study of this model enables us to find a practical method of analysis and suggests a "rapprochement" with multidimensional scale analysis. On the one hand we examine the dual model of the first example which is mathematically similar, but psychologically less plausible, and on the other a two-dimensional interpretation which can be applied in the field of economic psychology. An analysis of a political questionnaire gives concrete examples.
- Modèle à caractéristiques non-monotones dans l'étude d'un questionnaire - Claude Flament p. 172-194
- Lecture de Claude Lévi-Strauss. Pensée sauvage et logique première - Michel Matarasso p. 195-205
- Lecture de Claude Lévi-Strauss. Pensée sauvage et logique première - Michel Matarasso p. 195-205
Actualité de la recherche
- XIIe Conférence générale de l'U.N.E.S.C.O. (Paris, 9 novembre-12 décembre 1962) - p. 206-207
- Ier Congrès international des Africanistes (Accra, 10-18 décembre 1962) - F. N'S. Agblemagnon p. 207
- Les Loisirs. Huit émissions de la R.T.F. France III, par Henri Raymond et Harold Portnoy (Novembre-décembre 1962) - p. 208
- Centre d'Etudes sociologiques. Recherches en cours (suite) - p. 209
- In memoriam : Alfred Métraux (1902-1963) - p. 209
- XIIe Conférence générale de l'U.N.E.S.C.O. (Paris, 9 novembre-12 décembre 1962) - p. 206-207
- Berque Jacques, Le Maghreb entre deux guerres. - C. Peyre p. 210-212
- Kluckhohn Clyde, Culture and behavior. The collected essays. - M.-F. Lanfant p. 212-213
- Rocheblave-Spenlé Anne-Marie, La notion de rôle en psychologie sociale. - Jean-René Tréanton p. 214
- Gugler Josef, Die neuere französische Soziologie. Ansätze zu einer Standortsbestimmung der Soziologie. - H. Kauffmann p. 214-215
- Martinet André, A functional view of language. - J.-Y. Saint-Arnaud p. 215
- Parodi Maurice, Croissance économique et nivellement hiérarchique des salaires ouvriers. - Jacqueline Frisch-Gauthier p. 216-217
- Sellier François, Tiano André, Economie du travail. - Yves Legoux p. 217-218
- Orcutt Guy, Greenberger Martin, Korbel John, Rivlin Alice M., Microanalysis of socio-economic systems. A simulation study. - Raymond Boudon p. 218
- Handbuch der Psychologie. Band 9 : Betriebspsychologie. - G. Tessier p. 219-220
- Blau Peter M., Scott W. Richard, Formal organizations, a comparative approach. - Pierre Rolle p. 220-221
- Iff Werner, La motivation à l'avancement professionnel. Recherche d'une méthode objective de mesure. - Yves Legoux p. 221-222
- Greer Scott, The emerging city. Myth and reality. - Charlotte Delbo p. 222
- Charleroi et son agglomération. Tomes I, II et III. - François-André Isambert p. 222-223
- Urbanization in Latin America. Edited by Philip M. Hauser. - Roger Cornu p. 223-224
Quelques rééditions et traductions récentes
- Balandier Georges, Sociologie actuelle de l'Afrique noire. Dynamique sociale en Afrique centrale. - p. 224
- Durkheim Emile, La divizione del lavoro sociale. - p. 224
- Fourastié Jean, Le grand espoir du XXe siècle. - p. 224-225
- Krech David, Crutchfield, Richard S., Ballachey Egerton L., Individual in society : a text-book of social psychology. - p. 225
- Lipset Seymour Martin, L'homme et la politique. - p. 225
- Malinowski Bronislaw, Les Argonautes du Pacifique occidental. - p. 225
- Mead George H., L'Esprit, le soi et la société. - p. 226
- Mead Margaret, M?urs et sexualité en Océanie. - p. 226
- Reissman Leonard, Les classes sociales aux Etats-Unis. - p. 226
- Weber Max, Economia e societa. - p. 226
- Balandier Georges, Sociologie actuelle de l'Afrique noire. Dynamique sociale en Afrique centrale. - p. 224
- Berque Jacques, Le Maghreb entre deux guerres. - C. Peyre p. 210-212
- Livres reçus durant le deuxième semestre 1962 - p. 227-230
- Revues des revues - p. 231-251
- Résumés (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe) - p. 252-256