Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Revue Française de Sociologie ![]() |
Numéro | 1970, 11-4 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Fragment d'histoire future - Gabriel Tarde p. 467-487 Gabriel Tarde : Fragments of future history. Readings from essay published in 1896: the reactions of the world population which a general cooling compels to organize a new, underground life. The great themes which are typical of a society are dealt with from philosophical and sociological standpoint.
- Participation électorale et concurrence entre les partis. Le cas de l'Inde (1952-1967) - Peter McDonough p. 488-515 Peter McDonough : The anatomy of party competition and electoral participation in India, 1952-1967. A model of the macro-party systems was proposed to solve the dual question of dominance/competition and bi/multipartism inherent in the classification of all party systems. Two simple parameters were found which could explain these two dimensions. This model was generated by operating on the basic data for the two leading candidates. The two parameters are 1) the proportions of the total vote for the first- and second-place candidates and 2) the cumulatives proportions of winning and second-place candidates. The four levels of competitive party system implicit in the interaction of these variables were derived: monopoly or dominance, oligarchy or dominance-by- default, polygarchy or competitive multipartism, and competitive bipartism. In the Indian case the rate of turnout tends to vary directly though loosely with increasing party competition. It proved possible to interpret the « left- right continuum » more readly in organizational than in ideological terms. The extremist parties tend to husband their resources to fit the distribution of electoral preferences. Finally, the system was analyzed in transition as well as at discrete intervals. These rankings corroborate the middle position of Congress and the relatively stronger consistency of the extremist parties and voters. A stochastic model testing the continuity of the inter-party competitive system against the results of the 1967 election proved that the system has undergone significant realignment.
- Les universitaires suédois : élite intellectuelle ou intellectuels de l'élite ? - Alain Gras p. 516-544 Alain Gras : Swedish professors: an intellectual elite or the elite's intellectuals ? This is the analysis of the situation of the professors among the intellectual elite in Sweden. The interest of the Swedish case consists in the duration (almost 38 years) of the Socialist regime, and its efforts towards the realization of equality trough unchanged economic structures. The survey (1965-1967) included interviews which took place before and after the sending of questionnaires (83 % responses). Three thirds of the professors were born in families belonging to the bourgoisie (upper and upper-middle). Professors'votes show they share the same political opinions as the members of the upper class. But there exists another cleavage than the political one: the University seems equally divided between « humanists » and technicists ». If professors are politically passive and behave very differently from the « free-lance » intellectuals, it is because they are literally wedged by the power which pretends to be a socialist, labor power: without any theoretical resources, they have no choice except between tradition on the right and political conformism on the left. This situation profits the state bureaucracy and ties down the University to the needs of a mercantile economy.
- La perception de l'identité juive par les Juifs nord-africains installés en France - Doris Bensimon p. 545-565 Doris Bensimon : The perception of Jewish identity by North African Jews living in France. In a survey on the integration of North African Jews in France, the test « Who-Am-I? » (W.A.I.) was used experimentally. The purpose of this test in the questionnaire was: a) to study whether the people interviewed would spontaneously define themselves as Jews and to see whether the rate of response to this projective and indirect question would be better than to direct questions. b) To determine the salience of ethnic or national character, the people interviewed could define themselves as French as well as Jewish or North African. c) To study the correlation between definition of self as belonging to an ethnic group and other definitions of self. d) To use this test as a pre-survey for further research on Jewish identity. The responses were used for a content analysis. This test permitted a specific social-psychological profile of the different sub-groups in the sample studied. Ethnic and religious identity appear as an aspect of personality of the persons interviewed. These responses enrich and clarify the information obtained by direct questions.
Note de recherche
- La diffusion des innovations agricoles : psychosociologie de l'innovation ou sociologie du changement ? - Maryvonne Bodiguel p. 566-571 Maryvonne Bodiguel : The diffusion of agricultural innovations : social psychology of innovation or sociology of change ? The results of an international project of comparative research in Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia and France.
- La diffusion des innovations agricoles : psychosociologie de l'innovation ou sociologie du changement ? - Maryvonne Bodiguel p. 566-571
Note critique
- Une entreprise remarquable : la publication des œuvres complètes de Vilfredo Pareto - Julien Freund p. 572-576
- Gabriel Le Bras, briseur de barrages (1891-1970) - Jacques Maître p. 577-579
- Une entreprise remarquable : la publication des œuvres complètes de Vilfredo Pareto - Julien Freund p. 572-576
- Combe Maurice, L'Alibi. Vingt ans d'un Comité Central d'Entreprise. - Maurice Montuclard p. 580-582
- Granotier Bernard, Les travailleurs immigrés en France. - Isabelle Taboada Leonetti p. 582-584
- Grossest William, Le travail et le temps. Horaires. Durées. Rythmes. Une enquête dans la construction mécanique et électrique de la région parisienne. - Madeleine Guilbert p. 584-586
- Guilbert Madeleine, Lowit Nicole, Creusen Joseph, Le travail temporaire. - Dominique Lahalle p. 586-588
- Sellier François, Dynamique des besoins sociaux. - Henri Hatzfeld p. 588-590
- Combe Maurice, L'Alibi. Vingt ans d'un Comité Central d'Entreprise. - Maurice Montuclard p. 580-582
- Liste des livres reçus - p. 591-597
Revue des revues
- Note de la Rédaction - p. 598
- I. ? Sociologie - p. 599-608
- II. ? Psychologie sociale - Irène Drouhin, Suzanne Gafsou, Tomas Ibanez p. 609-613
- Note de la Rédaction - p. 598
- Résumés (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe) - p. 614-620