Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Revue économique |
Numéro | 1954, no 4 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- L'influence des phénomènes d'élasticité sur l'accélérateur - René Maury p. 513-547 SUMMARY Several economists especially Tinbergen have emphasised the failure of statistical verifications abolit the acceleration principle as technical explanation of business cycles Would the practical scope of this principle require an economic estimate of the entrepreneurs and accordingly depends on very eventual decision to invest To be convinced of it it has just to be proved that J.M relation is only verified for particular hypothesis i.e if both The supply of firuis relatively to the rise of prices Their demand of plant or of inventories relatively to the groNvth of supplied quantities have an elasticity equal to Now the first condi tion depends on the marginal costs the productivity of the different firms and too the entrepreneurs forecast upon the behaviour of demand The second condition depends on the marginal productivity of capital in each firm and technical characteristics of production in this branch In fact the acceleration may be stronger or of less importance than in the simplest generally recognised model
- Les variations de la circulation fiduciaire, années 1952 et 1953 - Pierre Berger p. 548-564 SUMMARY The note circulation is subject to long term fluctuations and also to shorter ones which reflect themselves every month in successive movements of expansion and contraction The expansion is primarily due to the fact that wages and salary pay ments are usually concentrated upon the end of the month which gives rise to temporary increases in the cash holdings of individuals The movements of contraction during the month appear to be primarily connected with tax payments loan flotations and uso with the degree of confidence in the currency Taking aside these monthly movements it has been possible however to trace definite trend towards slackening of the expansionist movement in the past years On the basis of such findings one can safely conclude that the note circulation is governed by series of independent factors besides those who influence the various sources of the money supply Government borro wings industrial and commercial advances inflow of foreign exchange This concept is particularly important since it shows hoiw the fluctuations In the various items of the weekly statement of Banque de France are to be interpreted
- Essai sur la zone monétaire belge - Charles Lefort p. 565-589 SUMMARY Monetary relations between Belgium and the Belgian Congo have under gone substantial modification at various times since that African State has been officially established b.v the Berlin Act 1S8 During the two World Wars the Belgium Congo being cut oft from the mother country wholly directed its trade and financial transactions towards reat-Britain and adopted common policy with the British Com monwealth In this manner OD two occasions tlie currency of the Belgian Congo happened to be connected with the sterling area At the end of the war one could have feared that owing to tlie divergent directions in which the economy of the mother country and of its colony had moved their respective currencies might slidw material disparity which would make it difficult to restore the former relations existing bet ween them Holwever owing to the clever policy pursued in this matter as well as to the favorable economic and financial conditions it has been possible in each case to resume the monetary relations between Belgium and the Belgian Congo on sound basis At the present time the franc of the Belgian Congo is au indépendant currency issued by an autonomous Institute but it is still linl to the Belgian franc by fixed parity
- La zone sterling et les avantages de ses divers participants - Michel Moret p. 590-603 This study attempts to point out the respective advantages of the various participants in the sterling area. In order to do so it is situated on three successive complementary analytical planes. The advantages are sought in the framework of purely economical conjuncture through the cycle The study is transposed in the framework of what might be called an historical conjuncture animated by the political events which have marked the history of the area supplementary analysis is made considering the advantages proceeding from Imperial Preference
- La recherche opérationnelle et la gestion économique des entreprises - Michel Verhulst p. 604-612
- La situation économique - L.-A. Vincent p. 613-621
- A propos d'une réédition - Henri Denis p. 622-635
- A propos du commerce médiéval - Claude Fohlen p. 636-637
- Besoins insatisfaits et croissance nécessaire. Une évaluation des besoins de la population française - Maurice Flamant p. 638-642
- Lectures (Durand, La politique contemporaine de sécurité sociale ; Febvre, Combats pour l'histoire ; Tchakhotine, Le viol des foules par la propagande) - Etienne Antonelli p. 643-652
Notes bibliographiques
- Antoine (Jean-Claude) - Introduction à l'analyse macro-économique. - Pierre Dieterlen p. 653-655
- Pigou (A.C.) - Essays Economics. - André Page p. 655-656
- International Economic Papers, no 3. Translations prepared for the International Economic Association. Edited by A.T. Peacock, R. Turvey, E. Henderson. - Henri Guitton p. 656-658
- Klein (Lawrence R.) - A Textbook of Econometrics. - Raymond Barre p. 658-659
- Badouin (Robert) - L'Elasticité de la demande des biens de con- sommation. Préface de Jules Milhau. - Raymond Barre p. 659
- Bray (F. Sewell) - The Measurement of Profit. Préface de Richard Stone. - Pierre Dieterlen p. 660
- Batardon (L.) - Considérations critiques sur le plan comptable, 1947. - Charles Penglaou p. 660-661
- Jones (N.S Carey) - The Pattern of Dependent Economy. A study of the national income of British Honduras. - Guy Hosmalin p. 661
- Payart (J.-L.) - La Politique gouvernementale des salaires aux Etats-Unis, 1940-1950. - Henri Bartoli p. 661-662
- Rist (Charles) - Défense de l'or - Henri Guitton p. 662-663
- Boulding (Kenneth E.) - The Organizational Revolution, avec un commentaire de Reinhold Niebuhr et une réponse de l'auteur. - Emile James p. 663-664
- Bessaignet (Pierre) - Coopération et Capitalisme d'Etat. L'expérience suédoise de coopération agricole. - Pierre Fromont p. 664
- World Production of Raw Materials.- London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953. - Jean Gottmann p. 664-665
- Consommation, Production et Commerce du bois en Europe. Evolution et Perpectives. Etude préparée par les Secrétariats de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture et de la Commission Economique pour l'Europe.- Genève, Natio - Jean Chardonnet p. 665-666
- Exportations européennes d'acier et Demandes d'acier dans les pays non européens. Ecude préparée par la Division de la Commission de l'Industrie Economique pour l'Europe.- Genève, Nations Unies, 1953 . ~~The European Steel Industry and the Wide-Strip - Jean Chardonnet p. 666-667
- Chardonnet (Jean) - Atlas de l'Europe occidentale. Cartes et com- mentaires sur la Communauté de l'Europe occidentale. - Jean Gottmann p. 667
- Shimkin (Demitri B.) - Minerals : Key to Soviet Power. - Jean Gottmann p. 667-668
- Gourou (Pierre) - L'Asie. - Jean Chardonnet p. 668-669
- Jonchay (Ivan du) - L'Industrialisation de l'Afrique. - Jean Chardonnet p. 669-670
- Plant (G.F.) - Oversea Settlement. Migration from the United Kingdom to the Dominions. - Jean Gottmann p. 670
- Dudley (Stamp L.) - Our Undeveloped World. - Jean Chardonnet p. 671
- Postel (Claude) - L'Aéroport de Paris. Contribution à l'étude des problèmes du transport en Europe. - Jean Chardonnet p. 671
- Burdeau (Georges) - L'Etat libéral et les Techniques politiques de la démocratie gouvernée. Tome V du Traité de science politique. - J.-J. Chevalier p. 672