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Revue |
Revue économique ![]() |
Numéro | 1955, no 1 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- De la dynamique des structures à la dynamique des systèmes - André Marchal p. 1-34 In short-terui economic analysis one always considers structures as given This does not imply that une denies the existence of short-time structural effects on the contrary recent models of the trade cycle nearly always emphasise some teehnieai or institutional bottleneck tlie role of which is to change the explosive motion resulting from the basic hypothesis into an oscillatory motion which ressembles more closely the economic reality Hicks Goodwin) But if these structural effects are discovered and utilized in the short- term analysis they are not explained therein It is therefore the role of long-term analysis to appraise not only the consequences but also the causes of structural tensions In long period structural changes become themselves perceptible for the economic subject This subject realizes that tlie various structural variables technical economical demographical ins titutional social and mental are not carried away with the saine speed and are not equally malleable In opposition with konjunktur variations these structural variations are of qualitative uafure they are endowed with discontinuous and irreversible characters However this is not ways true for certain institutional variations liite customs are reversible even if their effects on economic structure are not If the structure of production economic) monetary and credit struc tures institutional and the income structure social appear as long-term dependent variables other structures represent real initiating forces as for instance the following technichs population and ideology Their motion appears to be autonomous although they undergo in reality the influence of the economic and historical konjunktur Lastly an economic system is coherent complex of these various struc tures which is principally defined by technical frame socio-juridical pattern and dominant motive Is it not then legitimate to consider its evo lution as consequence of the solution of the Incompatibilities created by the inequality of development of these structures But what is the definition of coherent system and compatible structures Do systems like the capi talist system or the planned economy contain various types of compati bility or various structural combinations How does one pass from coherent complex to another If distorsions are too great drastic mutations can be foreseen Far East India Arab States If there are possibilities of adaptation of old structures to new progressive ones then alterations occur in the direction of progress There is stagnation even regression if the progressive structure technical does not develop because of insuffi cient impulse of other factors ageeing and stagnating population decline in acceptation of risk in France between the last world wars etc. Planning which aspires today to become structural rather than conjunc- tural only as in the thirties must become more ambitious in order to prevent the regressive adaptations from overcoming progressive adaptations
- L'évolution de l'agriculture française depuis 1940 - Lucien Gachon p. 35-55 Until 1914 France remained essentially an agricultural and rural nation But froni 1914 to 1918 more than one million young French peasants died in iwar From 1919 to 1938 despite rural electrification the rush towards the towns especially Paris continued The natality went on declining espe cially in the Southern part of the country From 1940 to 1945 in occupied France peasants suffered less than townspeople Feeding sufficiently them selves and supplying cities with food despite German confiscations their fate seemed enviable in the common unhappiness But in 1945 and 1946 the social laws started discriminating bet ween salaried and unsalaried wor kers the former mainly townspeople and the latter mainly peasants Never theless until 1949 the economical and psychological consequences of this regrettable discrimination did not appear seriously as the demand for agri cultural products remained at high level In the spring of 1949 with sufficient basic production of essential foods the balance started to drop on the side of townspeople There after all the consequences of the nume rical sociological psychological economical and political superiority of town- life especially of Paris appeared clearly To-day in too many parts of the French countryside there are not enough young peasants to keep the soil in good conditions to introduce the necessary mécanisation and espe cially to form society by creating the cooperative syndical and political organisations indispensable on local level as well as on the national level in the modern world However from the Gharentes to the Alpes of Savoy and Dauphine pas sing through Vendee Britanny Normandy Picardy Flandres Ardennes Alsace and Northern Jura the productivity of the earth has increased in such proportions that there is abundance of meat milk and milk products And that despite the under-production of other regions like the Massif Central which tend to become deserts of brush rather than forests What is the cause of present rural difficulties There are causes which appear clearly Excessive rural depopulation super-production of wine and alcohols disparity of wealth and equipment but further one must remark that France is an under-populated country Unlike its neighbours which benefit from their large demographical increase Metropolitan France suffers from lack of young and enterprising people to renovate its country side anf fight against that national evil of complete or partial unculti vated land
- L'Union européenne de Paiements et la libération des échanges, instruments du développement économique en France - Michel Jaoul, Olivier Schloesing p. 56-83 The E.P.U aud the Liberalisation of Trade were in the minds of their promoters the first two steps towards the building up of new European Economic System covering western continental Europe as twell as the U.K and the rest of the whole sterling area Those steps were to be followed by further measures iu other fields Actually they were the only two measures taken which aimed at the creation of single market in Europe The E.P mechanism was described in separate article published earlier in March 1954 In the present article the essential features of the liberalisation of trade are examined the principle of non discrimination the percentage of liberalisation method the common list the escape clauses the Steering Board for Trade The liberalisation of trade is not only tha justification of E.P.U but also its essential complement The combination of the two enabled Europe to progress thanks to the flexibility of the system towards single market despite the difficulties encountered in the world or in individual countries It was however argued that the results achieved were still inadequate when compared with the proposal to build up in Europe modern eco nomic system Other methods were proposed the Coal and Steel Pool the Convertibility of the currencies Both these methods although capable of bringing about certain degree of progress would finally sacrifice the original aim and probably create wide economic disequilibria Criticism of the E.P.U Liberalisation of Trade method is directed either against the mechanism itself or the fact that only inadequate com plementary measures were taken In both cases the remedies are at hand If applied they would enable all the european countries to progress rapidly towards the proposed objective without creating unbearable disequilibria in the world in Europe or in the individual countries themselves Applying such remedies depends solely on the governments concerned taking poli tical decisions
- Le multiplicateur à secteurs multiples et le circuit économique - J.-R. Boudeville p. 84-112 Economie interrelations and equilibrium can be expressed through the multisectorial multiplier technique which is generalisation of Leontiefs structural analysis The economic system may be devided into sectors caracterised by their marginal propensity to consume the reaction lags of each sectors being different. In such conditions any new expenditure injection leads gener ly to stable situation. It appears also that the notion of equilibrium can only be reached in the frame of dynamical analysis and one is veering gradually form macro-economic full equilibrium to micro-economic general equilibrium There exists in fact for each problem and each type of eco nomic system an optimum degree of dissection But this method is linked with monetary point of view and necessitates study at the same time of quantity and price problems Moreover the dynamisation of the model in imperfect as long as investment expenditures are brought in only as external injections. In both cases progress is beeing made but not yet entirely satisfactory.
- A propos de L'Europe sans rivages de François Perroux - Emile James p. 113-117
- Déclin du capitalisme et démocratie sociale - J.-L. Guglielmi p. 118-126
Notes bibliographiques
- Baumol (W.J.) Chandler (L.V.) - Economic Processes and Policies. - J.-L. Guglielmi p. 127
- Koyck (L.M.) - Distributed Lags and Investment Analysis. - Henri Guitton p. 127-128
- Goris (H.) - Price-Determining Factors in American Tobacco Markets. Experimental approach in statistical analysis. - Henri Guitton p. 128
- Peterson (Edward Norman) - Hjalmar Schacht. For and against Hitler. A political-economic study of Germany, 1923-1945. - Emile James p. 128-129
- Vito (Francesco) - Economia a servizion dell'uomo. I nuovi orientamenti della politica economica e sociale. - Jean Meynaud p. 129-130
- Verhulst (Michel) - Les Industries d'utilité publique. - Yves Mainguy p. 130-132
- Milhau (Jules) - Traité d'économie rurale. Tome I, Les Marchés agricoles et la théorie économique. Tome II, Les Marchés agricoles et la politique économique. - Jean Lhomme p. 132-134
- Dumont (René) - Economie agricole dans le monde. - Pierre Fromont p. 135
- Brandt (Karl) et autres - Management of Agriculture and Food in the German Occupied and other Areas of Fortress Europ. - Pierre Fromont p. 135-137
- Proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Economists. 8e conférence (à Michigan State College). - Pierre Fromont p. 137
- Sutton (J.H.) - The Prosperity Dilemna. A Study of the profit motive. - Henri Guitton p. 137-138
- Henell (Olof) - Marketing Aspects of Housewives' Knowledge of Goods. - Jean-Marcel Jeanneney p. 138
- Meyer (F.V.) - Inflation and Capital. - Henri Guitton p. 138-139
- Pickett (Ralph R.) Ketchum (Marshall D.) - Investment Principles and Policy. - Jean Meynaud p. 139-140
- Bouriez-Gregg (Françoise) - Les Classes sociales aux Etats-Unis. - Henri Noyelle p. 140-143
- Birot (P.) Dresch (J.) - La Méditerranée et le Moyen-Orient. Tome I, La Méditerranée occidentale. - Jean Chardonnet p. 143-144
- Baumol (W.J.) Chandler (L.V.) - Economic Processes and Policies. - J.-L. Guglielmi p. 127
- Liste des ouvrages reçus - p. 145-160