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Revue |
Revue économique ![]() |
Numéro | 1956, no 4 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Quelques études sur l'investissement
- Etude statistique du comportement des entreprises vis-à-vis du marché financier - Hubert Brochier p. 513-551
- Note sur divers procédés d'incitation fiscale à l'investissement - François Walter p. 552-567 new technique of stimulating investment by tax relief is developing It is still an unsettled technique The means it utilizes are first defined then its efficiency is questioned finally some suggestions are made on hrtw it might be improved It originates from the depreciation allowances Its main weapons ire the initial allowances and the investment allowances These and other devices are examined in order to ascertain the nature of the advantages granted to the investing firm It is shown that these incentives may be weak or may not work The main difficulty involved liowever is that if they work the process they will start is often not self-regulating one The very efficiency of the measures adopted may force their removal when there is an inflationary pressure An unstable legislation is not well fitted to encourago the adoption of important investment projects which must be decided long before they are implemented Investment allowances might be more efficient if they were restricted to net investment The difficulty of ensuring the maintenance of provisions encouraging investment by tax relief would be reduced by resorting to flexible tax incentives to saving
- L'investissement et l'enteprise - J.-L. Vauzangues p. 568-593 SUMMARY Theories of the size and investment of the enterprise relate to the same outline Investment at the enterprise level is analysed by means of logic of choices to which the theory is reduced It is logic of choices iliade to face future and uncertain problems The capitalization formulas make it possible to consider duration wich curbs do not take into account Does it suffice then to reduce rhe incertitude to distribution of probability of expected values In rea lity the conduct appears refractory iiiy outlined formulation Investment is bet and realization requires concourse of will and of means which are not obtained without conflicts The will and the capacity of the employer just is the available res- sources are not infinitely elastic These elements control tlie volume of investment not only through the decision made priori by the employer but also it lie end of successive confrontations between options made by agents who ire engaged in the process of investing
- Les aménagements hydro-électriques sont-ils soumis à la loi du rendement décroissant ? - J.-L. Wolfender p. 594-604
- Etude statistique du comportement des entreprises vis-à-vis du marché financier - Hubert Brochier p. 513-551
- Le montant total des richesses d'une nation est-il une grandeur constante ? Le paradoxe de Graslin - G.-H. Bousquet p. 605-613 SUMMARY The author wishes to discuss the affirmation of 18th century French economist Grasiin for Iwhom the total amount of wealth is constant value It is not question of an objective monetary or technical evaluation of wealth which has very little significance but of subjective evaluation alluding to the idea of total sum of needs Iwhich is nothing but the love of well-being Consequently the absolute sum of the riches is com posed of the sum of loves of well-being and does not vary To understand this paradox it is necessary to set forth some postulates not explicit theory which form the basis of this reasoning But these postulates are very debatable and they come up against decisive objections Nevertheless the author recognizes an underlying element of truth in reasoning The love of well-being has its limits Consequently if we want to measure iwealth according to the amount of satisfaction pro cured from it the total sum of wealth evaluated is necessarily limited In his conclusion the author takes theory up again but under different form the total satisfaction that humanity draws from its riches undoubtedly varies very little and it is very indépendant of its total amount
- Niveaux de vie et groupes sociaux en Suède - Jean Parent p. 614-640 SUMMARY The enquiries watch are periodically lead by the Swedish government allow us on one hand to appreciate the standard of living of different social groups on the other hand to follow the growth of welfare of the Swedish people since before the last war The différence between social classes based on professionnal groups is rapidly diminishing The country is developping into acquisitive society hut the national income has strong tendancy to be equally divided among the income earners The difference between rural and urban areas is disappearing with regard to the -way of life and the contort There has been remarkable acceleration of these tendancies since 1945 Geographically there seems to be no backward or sacrificed areas
- Note sur l'évolution du pouvoir d'achat agricole, 1949-1955 - Maurice Barthélémy p. 641-662 SUMMARY The writer tries to study the evolution of the rural purchasing power since 1949-1950 and 1938 First he considers the farmers as producers and figures out their pur chasing power in relation with the evolution of agricnirnrni prices and production and on the other mci of the expenses farming expenses wages rents and farmers own private expenses He out the trend to stagnation of this purchasing power in relation with 1949 as well as iwith 1938 sli li.t trend to rise is to notice since 1951-1952 This stagnation is the consequence of the gap between expense of farmers and agricultural prices the latter tending to go down as production rises despite recent efforts to organise the marketing Purchasing pdwer of rents showed tendency to rise slowly until 1951- 1952 then to fall down with agricultural prices and has been continually below file 1938 level Wages purchasing power has been increasing but did not reach its pre-lwar level until 1953-1954 if familial grants re taken into account it exceeds this level since 1949 Finally the purchasing power of farmers taken as consumers is cak ulaied through slightly di erent method The trend is about the same stagnation or slight increase whilst the purchasing power of other groups is Increasing more rapidly
- Chronique de la pensée économique en Italie - Henri Bartoli p. 663-672
Notes bibliographiques
- Lamont (W.D.) - The Value Judgement. - Henri Guitton p. 673
- Rotwein (Eugénie) - David Hume : Writings in Economics. - Emile James p. 674
- Mayo (H.B.) - Democracy and Marxism. - Henri Guitton p. 674-675
- Barre (Raymond) - Economie politique, Tome I, publié sous la direction d'André Marchal. - Pierre Dieterlen p. 675-678
- Cowles commission for research in economics - Report for Period July 1, 1952 - June 30, 1954. - Henri Guitton p. 678-679
- Mercillon (Henri) - La Rémunération des employés. - Henri Bartoli p. 679-680
- Mendershausen (H.) - Two Postwar Recoveries of the German Economy. - Henri Guitton p. 680-681
- Dieterlen (Pierre) - Quelques enseignements de l'évolution monétaire française de 1948 à 1952. - Emile James p. 681-683
- Debled (Roger) - L'Achat et la vente d'un fonds de commerce. - p. 683
- Fretay (Charles du) - Le Problème agricole français. - p. 683
- Grimsraw (Austin) - Problems of the Independent Businessman. - p. 683
- Laird (Donald A.), Laird (Eleanor C.) -Practical Business Psychology. - p. 684
- Lasser (J.K.) ed - Standard Handbook for Accountants. - p. 684
- Liorzou (A.) - Initiation pratique à la statistique. Préface de Louis Franck. - p. 684
- Lipinski (Edward) - Développement de l'agriculture et de l'industrie. - p. 684
- Lombardini (Siro) - Il Problema del monopolio. - p. 684
- Lychowski (Tadeusz) - Principes généraux de la politique économique. - p. 685
- Nations-Unies - Bulletin annuel de statistiques de transports européens. - p. 685
- Nations-Unies - Bulletin trimestriel de statistiques de l'acier pour l'Europe. Vol. VI, no3. - p. 685
- Neufeld (E.P.) - Bank of Canada Operations, 1935-1954. - p. 685
- Romeuf (Jean) - Traité de l'entreprise. 1re partie, La Documentation. - p. 685-686
- Seventh and eighth Report of the German Federal Government on the Continuation of the American Economic Aid (F.A.O.). January, 1 1954- June 30, 1954. - p. 686
- Signerin (Georges) - Les Méthodes commerciales modernes. - p. 686
- Simoncini (Franco) - Lo Stato imprenditore. - p. 686
- Sola Pool (Ithiel de) - Satellite Generals. A study of military elites in the Soviet sphere. With the collaboration of George K.Schneller, Robert H. Billigmeier, Cary Fisher... - p. 686
- "Tableaux commentés des indices des prix et coefficients de variation des conditions économiques." Annales des Loyers et de la Propriété Commerciale et Rurale. - p. 686
- Les techniques de diffusion dans la civilisation contemporaine : Presse, radio, cinéma, télévision. - p. 687
- Lamont (W.D.) - The Value Judgement. - Henri Guitton p. 673
- In Memoriam : Jacques-Max Leclerc - p. 688