Contenu du sommaire
Revue | Revue économique |
Numéro | 1956, no 5 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Essai de comparaison entre les structures économiques et les structures sociales - Jean Lhomme p. 689-708 SUMMARY The comparison between economic structures and social structures or more precisely between incomes and classes may be considered from four points of view Considering the form they assume economic structures which are often expressed in texts being easier to measure are more distinct than social structures According to the amount of opposition met economic structures fre quently give rise to either State or group intervention The chances that this intervention will bring results are greater than those in the case of social structures which are more resistant According to the restraints practiced the economic restraints are undoub tedly less extensive than the social ones but they have more weight and are more precise and effective According to the extension revealed economic structures which have perhaps less spatial extension than social ones are modified rapidly in the short run however in the long run the pace of their changes is not so violent the one of social structures
- Exigences et limites d'une dévaluation du franc - Claude Zarka, Emile Lévy p. 709-737 SUMMARY Economists frequently asserted that inequalities that have been existing since 1951 between French and foreign prices and the subsidies granted to increase exportations made the devaluation of the French franc not only unavoidable but beneficial The authors of this article express some misgivings about the grounds of this proposition for the period between 1950 and 1955 As regards the necessity of devaluation the estimation of the external value of the franc through eight different methods according to the official quotations of currencies to the changes of prices to the change of the real average income to the variety of the structure of the national spen- dings... show only that the official parity takes place between the maxima and minima worked out through these different methods The unavoidable character of devaluation is not evident when reading these results it is even less when loolting at the improvement in the French economic situa tion as it has been during the last Vwo years As regards the salutary effects of devaluation upon the French eco nomy neither experience nor economic analysis allow us to reach an iini- vocal conclusion The deficiency of the income approach show once more that the effects of devaluation are based upon the value of some élasticités which are very difficult to measure But most of the time the immediate effects of devaluation the improvement of the trade balance and the deterioration of the terms of trade counterbalance each other As for the mediate effects upon the real income and its distribution the capital movements and infla tion they will be different according to the nature and the direction of the immediate effects and thence to the elasticities and also to the struc ture of the economy which is examined So the expectation of French economic expansion after devaluation rough and blind method is more an act of faith than scientific anticipation It seems better to commit this economic expansion to measures of an internal policy
- Approche structurelle et effet de domination. Une application : la Tunisie - André Nicolaï p. 738-776 SUMMARY The study of the recent Tunisian evolution to indépendance allows to enrich the economic theory in three departments the structural approach of new social-economic structures emergence the domination effects between national complexes the role of the dynamic of contradictions in the structural mutations The basic research assumption may be rated so the introduction in national ante-capitalistic complex of foreign capi talism is an exogeneous factor of evolution which begets such contradic tions as lead to suppress the domination effect The introduction of foreign oligopolistic financial capitalism iti Tunisia where feudal decaying system prevailed over the tribal survivals and the embryo of commercial bourgeoisie used the paths of political eco nomic and psychological coercion It brought forthan unintentional effect which led to the progressive destruction of the economic and social native structures Tli.e results of this exogeneous mutation form the basis of four main contradictions the investiments directed by their origin and vocation towards satisfying the needs of the Metropolis did not reach all tlie eco nomic sectors the most modern economic enterprises remain under the management of Europeans this phenomena explain on one hand the eco nomic dependence towards the foreign parts on the other hand the growing gap between the increase of tlie population and the development of the production Those four main contradictions Iwhich maike Tunisia country with unharmonixed development gather strength according to cumulative process They emerge in the Tunisians conscience through mediation tlie belonging to social class and lead them to claim their independence As laatter of fact the introduction of the capitalistic economic system is accompanied with restructuration of the Tunisian social classes restruc turation that is typical of l3ourgeoise revolution of colonial situation at last of the twentieth century All the social classes deem themselves to be wronged by the dependent situation and unite under the leadership of the bourgeoisie against the foreign domination Once this independence achieved the notion of independence reveals different contents according to the various classes Some theoretical partial conclusions may be wn the connections between national complexes the government adopts biassed policy when dominant capitalistic economy gets in an ante-capitalistic economy there can be no juxtaposition of both forms of exploitation tile destruction of the archaic structures gets completed in the long run tne restructuration is incomplete in the particular case of colonial or semi-colonial situation objec tive contradictions arise which tend to throve down the domination effect by lirst suppressing Its political basis when native bourgeoisie could assert itself as local leading class it achieves its political revolution by fighting against an other bourgeoisiei But this native bourgeoisie will see its leadership all the more contestei by the proletariat as its development was hindered by the dominant
- Les finances et la production soviétiques - Georges Davidoff p. 777-801 SUMMARY In the important efforts in U.S.S.R. to increase the industrial and agri cultural production the Soviet finances play leading part The commu nists recognize the necessity of it The financial services substitute from certain point of view the employers of the capitalist countries Though these services frequently duplicated each other there is however certain amount of cooperation between Soviet ministery of finance and those of the different Soviet Republics The Soviet finances reflect the government political and economic views and the agreements on credits as well The system of remuneration is also subjected to those considerations The Russians attach still much importance to the centralized control of production and trade though the Soviets adopt to come through the difficulties the system of rentability of each service of each enterprise The results are yet often not satisfactory complicate but constructive financial system is elaborated not so different from the capitalist ones to coordinate the economics of the nations of U.S.S.R
- Fluctuations économiques et variations du revenu. Quelques modèles de R.M. Goodwin - Henri Mercillon p. 802-832 SUMMARY R.M Goodwin has attempted to give an original answer to the actual important problems laid down by the economical fluctuations the relations between oscillation and growth the application of cybernetic to the study of the conjuncture To explain oscillation and growth synthetically he lias improved the instruments of the classical analysis the multiplicator and the accelerator and proposed flexible accelerator The variations of the Income the delays brought in the multiplication of tlie Income have been integrated in the theory In another model Goodwin retains the classical instruments but always takes account of the variations of the Income He offers quite new way of considering the economical mecanisms of adjustment The study of the fonctioning of servo-systems will help to explain the oscillations
- Normes économiques et déterminations statistiques - René Prévost p. 833-845
Notes bibliographiques
- Jeanneney (J.-M.) - Forces et faiblesses de l'économie française 1945-1956. - Jean Lhomme p. 846-850
- Coulbois (Paul) - La Situation financière de la S.N.C.F et la coordination des transports. - Pierre Tabatoni p. 850-851
- Marczewski (Jan) - Planification et croissance économique des démocraties populaires. Tome I, Analyse historique. Tome II,Analyse économique. - Jean Chardonnet p. 851-853
- Readings in Fiscal Policy. - Jean Lhomme p. 853
- Gordon (M.) - Employment Expansion and Population Growth. The California Experience : 1900-1950. A publication of industrial relations. - Henri Guitton p. 853-854
- France (Robert R.) - Union Décisions in Collective Bargaining. - Henri Guitton p. 854
- Jacquin (François) - Les Cadres de l'industrie et du commerce en France. Préface de Pierre Laroque. - Henri Bartoli p. 854-855
- Srivastava (K.N.) - Industrial Peace and Labour in India. - Henri Bartoli p. 855-856
- Cole (G.D.H.) - The Second International, 1889-1914. - Emile James p. 856-857
- Ricci (Denis de) et divers - Investissements en Amérique latine (aspects juridique et fiscal). Préface de R. Lemaignen. - Charles Penglaou p. 857
- Farmer (Paul) - Vichy Political Dilemma. - Stanley Hoffmann p. 857-858
- Achermann (Franz) - Das Verhältnis von Sein und Sollen als ein Grund problem des Rechts. - p. 858
- Analyse de l'Alsace. Les Essais de la "Nouvelle Critique", I. - p. 858-859
- Christie (Robert A.) - Empire in Wood. A History of the Carpenters' Union. - p. 859
- Communaute européenne du charbon et de l'acier - Réadaptation et réemploi de la main-d'oeuvre. Rapport de la mission aux Etats-Unis des syndicalistes de la Communauté. Préface de C.E. Paul O.E Finet. - p. 859
- Coombs (Dr H.C.) - The Development of Monetary Policy in Australia. - p. 859
- Crockett (Joseph P.) - The Federal Tax System of the united States. A survey of law and administration. - p. 859-860
- Davies (Margaret Gay) - The Enforcement of English Apprenticeship. A study in applied mercantilism, 1563-1642. - p. 860
- Dingemans (Guy) - La Tragédie de l'univers. Formation et transformation des continents. - p. 860
- Dornbusch (Sanford M.), Schmid (Calvin F.) - A Primer of Social Statistics. - p. 860
- France. Conseil économique. Diffusion et expansion de la technique française à l'étranger. - p. 860
- Gifford (J.K), Wood (J. Vivian), Reitsma (A.J.) - Australian Banking. - p. 860-861
- Handbuch des Finanzwissenschaft. Zweite völlig neubearbeitete Auflage. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Gerloff und Fritz Neumabk. - p. 861
- Hepner (Harry Walker) - Modern Marketing Dynamics and Management. - p. 861
- Hicks (J.R.) - Valeur et capital. Enquête sur divers principes fondamentaux de la théorie économique. Traduit par C. Mac Millan et C Menage. - p. 861
- Lubell (Samuel) - The Revolution in World Trade and American Economic Policy. - p. 861-862
- Luxembourg. Affaires économiques (Ministère) - L'Economie luxembourgeoise en 1955. - p. 862
- Organisation européenne de cooperation économique. Etude la production, le marché et la consommation des pommes, des poires et des tomates. Les régimes de prix minima. Le système des trois phases. - p. 862
- Poole (Kenyon E.) - Public Finance and Economic Welfare. - p. 862
- Nations-Unies - Quarterly Bulletin of Steel Statistics for Europe. Vol. VII, no1. - p. 862
- Reid (J.H Stewart) - The Origins of the British Labour Party. - p. 862-863
- Ripoche (Paul) - Problèmes économiques au Maroc. - p. 863
- Robinson (Marshall A.), Morton (Herbert C.), Calderwood (James D.) - An Introduction to Economic Reasoning. - p. 863
- Thomson (Charles A.H.) - Television and Presidential Politics. The experience in 1952 and the problems ahead. - p. 863
- Turnier (Alain) - Les Etats-Unis et le marché haïtien. - p. 863
- Vaes (Urbain J.) - La Technique du financement des entreprises et spécialement des sociétés de capitaux. - p. 863-864
- Van Offelen (Jacques) - Deux ans de politique économique. - p. 864
- Waldo (Dwight) - Political Science in the United States of America. A trend report. - p. 864
- Zimmerman (M.M.) - The Supper-Market. A revolution in distribution. - p. 864