Contenu du sommaire : L'entrepreneuriat organisationnel
Revue |
Revue française de gestion ![]() |
Numéro | no 195, juin-juillet 2009 |
Titre du numéro | L'entrepreneuriat organisationnel |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Le « modèle français » est-il de retour ? - Doublet Jean-Marie p. 7-8
- Management des RH en contexte de projets - Larose Valérie, Corriveau Gilles p. 15-28 Management of human resources in projects contexts. In all management contexts, Human Resources Management (HRM) is crucial. How does it work in a project management, and can it be improved upon? This is the theme explored in this article. The first part qualifies HRM in project management as a critical odyssey. The second part proposes a tool designed to diagnose and optimize the proper balance of HRM practices in projects contexts. The last part observes the utilization of HRM practices in business and summarily validates the tool.
- Prévention de la violence scolaire. Une approche socio-économique - Chapon Évelyne p. 29-42 Against violence at school: for a managerial approach. As a high school teatcher for 20 years, I feel concerned by educational performance and school violence which is, indead, a topical issue. I wonder to what extent school management has an impact upon internal organization. Does the way schools are managed help to exacerbe the phenomenon of violence, or, on the contrary, does it contribute to bring solutions to it ? My final objective is to look for preventive measures so as to complement the governmental and political ones.
- L'approche économique de la gestion déléguée en question. Le cas des complexes aquatiques - Richet Cédric, Soulé Bastien, Durand Christophe p. 43-53 An economic approach to the delegation of public utility: The case of aquatic centres. An economic approach to the delegation of public utility enables researchers to comprehend transaction costs between public and private agents; this reasoning seems particularly interesting for local authorities willing to control well such partnerships. Nevertheless, some of the classical recommendations resulting from this economic view can be considered as unsuitable. An immersion within a company specialized in the delegated management of indoor aquatic facilities reveals and exemplifies these limits.
- Modèle d'analyse des conceptions et des pratiques de planification - Masengesho Kamuzinzi, Bonami Michel, de Ketele Jean-Marie p. 55-83 Model analysis of the conceptions and practices of planning. Research on planning practices lead to results that are not easily comparable as they are inspired by different epistemologies and do not focus on the same variables. The authors present a synthesis articulating seven theoretical dominant conceptions and highlight the principal dimensions on which concrete planning activities are based. An analytical framework based on five transversal variables linking these theories is then presented, discussed and illustrated.
- L'entrepreneuriat organisationnel. Enjeux et perspectives - Basso Olivier, Fayolle Alain p. 87-91
- Valoriser la R&D - Blanchot-Courtois Valérie, Ferrary Michel p. 93-110 Building communities of practices of intrapreneurs to develop R&D activities. The implementation in an organization of a corporate entrepreneurship device can be curbed by a weak diffusion of practices among employees and by cultural resistance. Building a community of practices might overcome these two issues. The creation of social ties between corporate entrepreneurs supports knowledge sharing between employees. This also contributes to the emergence of a specific culture inside the community of corporate entrepreneurs that is sufficiently robust to resist to the homogenisation process exerted by the dominant culture of the organization. The presence of such community is particularly important to coordinate researchers of a R&D Department who are supposed to generate innovations by designing new combinations of knowledge.
- Comment certaines organisations innovent dans la durée - Ronteau Sébastien, Durand Thomas p. 111-138 How some organizations keep innovating repeatedly in the long run. This paper aims at better understanding how some firms have built and maintained capabilities to innovate repeatedly in the long run. We deal with large organizations that delivered successful innovations again and again over decades. We aim at identifying the underlying strategic and organizational dynamics that made it possible to maintain this ability over time. We first review the literature on innovation and intrapreneurship. We then present the results of four case studies of companies known for their long and solid track record regarding innovation. From this, we infer a theoretical comprehensive framework designed to capture how innovating repeatedly within existing organizations can be institutionalized via a set of sub-processes. We finally present a simplified version of the model stressing the role of managerial leaders.
- Le ré-entrepreneuriat, une solution à la restructuration classique d'entreprise - Hernandez Émile-Michel p. 139-158 “Re-Entrepreneurship” as an alternative to classical firm's restructuration. Organizational entrepreneurship takes on two forms: first, an organization that remains constantly entrepreneurial, secondly an organization that returns to an entrepreneurial approach following its interruption. William D. Guth and Ari Ginsberg, in their definition of 1990, qualify this second form as a “strategic renewal”. This article addresses the issues of entrepreneurial renewal. It seeks, through case studies, to compare the classical restructuring measures- which consists of improving on the existing model- and the re-entrepreneurial process that strives to reinvent the business. The conclusion discusses the results of this research and thinks on some implications.
- L'intrapreneuriat, compétence ou symptôme ? Vers de nouvelles organisations de l'innovation - Hatchuel Armand, Garel Gilles, Le Masson Pascal, Weil BenoÎt p. 159-174 Intrapreneuring, competence or symptom? Toward news innovations designs. Literature on intrapreneurship has primarily focused on an optimistic outside the box thinking from an individualist and non programming view. This paper proposes a contingent and historical approach, from the industrial revolution, linking the organizational contexts of innovation and intrapreneurship development. From this perspective, intrapreneurship is not only a capability, but a process that can reveal the gaps within an organization.
- L'orientation entrepreneuriale. Histoire de la formation d'un concept - Basso Olivier, Fayolle Alain, Bouchard Véronique p. 175-192 Entrepreneurial orientation. The construction of a concept. Management science is more and more preoccupied with rigor and its ability to build a cumulative knowledge appears to be disputable. The article examines the conceptual consistency of a well-known construct, the Entrepreneurial Orientation, which is widely used in strategy and entrepreneurship,. We tried to analyze the seminal research contributions to assess the genesis of the concept and pave the way for further attempt to improve its operationalization.
- L'entrepreneuriat organisationnel. Enjeux et perspectives - Basso Olivier, Fayolle Alain p. 87-91