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Titre Des comptes nationaux aux comptes régionaux. L'exemple des comptes de l'Agriculture
Auteur Jean Ousset, Michel Nègre
Mir@bel Revue Revue économique
Numéro vol. 24, no. 4, 1973
Page 549-587
Résumé Regional and national accounts : the example of french agricultural accounts Two methods can be used to work out regional accounts coherent with national accounts : the first one consists in drawing up national account valuations with apportionmentkeys, the second one in computing directly regional valuations from regional statistics and then fitting them so as to meet again national amounts by summation. It is the second process which fias been used ro elaborate the 1962-1967 french agricultural regional accounts. This paper sets forth the main problems met during the work, and methods which have been employed to fit regional amounts. It analyses also results of adjustments on absolute levels, structures- and evolutions of regional productions.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
Résumé anglais Regional and national accounts : the example of french agricultural accounts Two methods can be used to work out regional accounts coherent with national accounts : the first one consists in drawing up national account valuations with apportionmentkeys, the second one in computing directly regional valuations from regional statistics and then fitting them so as to meet again national amounts by summation. It is the second process which fias been used ro elaborate the 1962-1967 french agricultural regional accounts. This paper sets forth the main problems met during the work, and methods which have been employed to fit regional amounts. It analyses also results of adjustments on absolute levels, structures- and evolutions of regional productions.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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