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Titre Le 15e siècle de l'Hegire
Auteur Robert llbert
Mir@bel Revue 20 & 21. Revue d'histoire
Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire
Numéro no 17, janvier-mars 1988
Page 3-20
Résumé anglais The 15th century of the Hegira, Robert Ilbert. Today's issue — with all its warlike and terrorist implications — is whether, confronted with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, the various Muslim states will be able to restore their legitimacy and to rebuild the consensus necessary for life in a civil society. The upheavals of 1979 and 1980, at the beginning of the 15th century of the Hegira, illustrate the contradictions and the weaknesses of a history which, in the previous century, was dominated by the national state pattern and the priority assigned to industrial development.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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