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Revue |
20 & 21. Revue d'histoire ![]() Titre à cette date : Vingtième siècle, revue d'histoire |
Numéro | no 17, janvier-mars 1988 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Le 15e siècle de l'Hegire - Robert llbert p. 3-20 The 15th century of the Hegira, Robert Ilbert. Today's issue — with all its warlike and terrorist implications — is whether, confronted with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, the various Muslim states will be able to restore their legitimacy and to rebuild the consensus necessary for life in a civil society. The upheavals of 1979 and 1980, at the beginning of the 15th century of the Hegira, illustrate the contradictions and the weaknesses of a history which, in the previous century, was dominated by the national state pattern and the priority assigned to industrial development.
- L'american way of life et les missions françaises de productivité - Richard F. Kuisel p. 21-38 The « American way of life » and French productivity missions, Richard F. Kuisel During the post-war reconstruction periode, the US played an important role in France in more than one respect. Beyond financial aid, the American social-economic model was a discovery and even an object of fascination for the French. « Productivity missions» — composed of civil servants, economists, labor union and business leaders — were sent across the Atlantic in the early 1950s to analyze the reasons behind American economic achievements, particularly in the field of productivity, which made possible a high standard of living, including for workers. Not without reluctance and reservations, they attempted to import some of the components of the American way of life.
- La « nouvelle droite » entre printemps et automne (1968-1986) - Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol p. 39-50 The « New Right » between spring and fall (1968-1986), Anne-Marie Duranton-Crabol. The Group for Research and Study on European Civilization (GRECE), founded in 1968, was at the heart of the « new right » phenomenon in France, much-discussed around 1978-1979. This ideological group operates in the area of « metapolitics », away from party affiliations, to restore to the peoples of Europe the « awareness of their destiny ». Its anti-Marxism, its anti-Americanism, its interest in biology seduced intellectuals and newspaper writers (e.g. at Figaro Magazine, for a while) and even some political advisers. At a time when the future of this « new right » seems very uncertain, here is the first history of an « intellectual pole » which was also, and often unwillingly, a pressure group.
- Hector Guimard entre deux siècles - Claude Frontisi p. 51-62 Hector Guimard between two centuries, Claude Frontisi. All his life, the architect Hector Guimard looked to what was new : in shapes, materials, and ordering. While participating in the newest thinking of his time about architecture, he remained an artisan. Art is in everything, he said, and he designed both furniture and urban equipment. His was also the art of a wealthy elite which, in spite of its wide presence, was not able to impose itself on its time. Now that we are rediscovering its modernity, Guimard has entered the Musée d'Orsay.
- La suppression de l'ORTF en 1974 - Sophie Bachmann p. 63-72 The suppression of the ORTF (Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision française) in 1974. The « libereting » reform, Sophie Bachmann. The suppression of the ORTF by the law of 7 August 1974 was practically unnoticed. That reform was nevertheless one of the most decisive steps in the development of French broadcasting. Preceded by social conflicts and by debates on the very principles of relations between the political leadership and the information media, it inverted the traditional missions of public service — first inform, then provide culture, finally entertain. The aim of the reform, a real upheaval compared to the previous situation, was to privilege entertainment.
- Les années staliniennes de Tito (1945-1948) - ]oze Pirjevec p. 73-82 Tito's Stalinist years (1945-1948), Jofy Pirjevec. Sheltered by a « Popular Front », the Yugoslav Communist Party wanted after 1945 to build socialism according to the Stalinist pattern : police terror, democracy under surveillance, five-year plans and Stakhanovism. With the Trieste affair and the changes in the international balance of power up to the beginning the Cold War, Stalin's and Tito's subtle games became graduallly incompatible. In 1947-1948, the Titoist schism was completed, the two adversaries having wrongly assessed one another.
- L'histoire en Yougoslavie depuis 1945 - Stevan K. Pavlowitch p. 83-92 History in Yugoslavia since 1945, Stevan K. Pavlowitch After 1945, history was naturally put in the service of revolution and its guide, Marshall Tito. But very quickly, propagandistic Marxism-Leninism has to accommodate to the return of the various Republics' national past and to an increasingly critical study of the World War II period. The itinerary of V. Dedijer, the official historian, and the publication of new documents have led to a reexamination which has attracted much interest in Yugoslavia since 1985.
- L'histoire religieuse de la France au 20e siècle - René Rémond p. 93-108 The religious history of contemporary France, René Rémond. Not long ago, caught in the straitjacket of outdated problematiques and methods, neglected or suspected by dominant schools or currents, religious history seemed a poor relative in the family of French history. Today, it is fully recognized and integrated in the research landscape, thanks to a complete overhaul of its questions and means of investigation. The arrival of new generations of historians, internal developments in the various Churches, the contribution of pluridisciplinarity and the constants broadening of perspectives, which are responsible for this aggiornamento, are now ensuring the diversity and vitality of a renewed history. Rene Remond's stock taking suggests paths for the future, between the desire to place the religious aspect within the field of the multiple social interactions and the will to respect its specificity and its autonomy.
- L'histoire religieuse de la France au 20e siècle - René Rémond p. 93-108
Images et sons
- Le Corbusier et Paris - Gilles Jeannot p. 109-110
- Les velours de 36 - Dominique Veillon p. 110-111
- Les années 1960 à Paris à travers cinéma et télévision - Nathalie Carré de Malberg p. 111-112
- Le Corbusier et Paris - Gilles Jeannot p. 109-110
Avis de recherches
- La mémoire de la Shoah en vidéo - Henry Rousso p. 113-114
- Rencontre sur l'histoire contemporaine en Italie - Marc Lazar p. 115-116
- L'état et le développement de l'agriculture française de 1880 à 1980 - Annie Moulin p. 116-118
- La mémoire de la Shoah en vidéo - Henry Rousso p. 113-114
- Vingtième siècle signale - p. 119-120
Islam : la crise des identités
- Magali Morsy, Lexique du monde arabe - Robert Ilbert p. 121-126
- Note éditoriale - p. 126
- Bianco Lucien, Les origines de la Révolution chinoise 1915-1949 - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 126-127
- Magali Morsy, Lexique du monde arabe - Robert Ilbert p. 121-126
De la Chine, aujourd?hui
- Note éditoriale - p. 126
- Bianco Lucien, Les origines de la Révolution chinoise 1915-1949 - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 126-127
- Bianco Lucien, Chevrier Yves et al., Dictionnaire biographique du Mouvement ouvrier international. La Chine - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 127-128
- Domenach Jean-Luc, Richer Philippe, La Chine, 1949-1985 - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 128
- Trollilt Pierre, Béja Jean-Philippe, L'empire du milliard. Populations et société en Chine - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 128
- Le retour de la Chine profonde - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 128-129
- Aubert Claude et al.,La société chinoise après Mao - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 129
- Domenach Jean-Luc et Hua Chang-ming, Le mariage en Chine - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 129-130
- Gipouloux François, Les Cent fleurs à l'usine - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 130-131
- Godement François, "La Chine", in Ramsès. Rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 131
- Hua Linshan, Les années rouges - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 132
- Beauregard P. de, Cabestan J.-P., Domenach J.-L., Godement F., Gold Fiem de Joyaux F., La politique asiatique de la Chine - Marie-Claire Bergère p. 132-133
- Robert Schuman - Danièle Zéraffa p. 133-136
- Note éditoriale - p. 126
Robert Schuman, ou l'anti-héros en politique
- Robert Schuman - Danièle Zéraffa p. 133-136
- Gervereau Laurent, Prochasson Christophe (sous la direction de), Images de 1917 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 136
- Neumann Franz, Béhémoth. Structure et pratique du national-socialisme - Philippe Burrin p. 136-137
- Robert Schuman - Danièle Zéraffa p. 133-136
- Gervereau Laurent, Prochasson Christophe (sous la direction de), Images de 1917 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 136
- Neumann Franz, Béhémoth. Structure et pratique du national-socialisme - Philippe Burrin p. 136-137
- Casanova Nicole, Mes Allemagnes - Étienne François p. 137
- Jedrzejewicz Wacaw, Jozef Pilsudski - Janine Ponty p. 137-138
- Bédarida François, Will Thorne. La voie anglaise du socialisme - Alain Bergounioux p. 138-139
- La Serre Françoise de, La Grande-Bretagne et la Communauté européenne - François Bédarida p. 139-140
- Rosselli Carlo, Socialisme libéral - Alain Bergounioux p. 140
- Werth Nicolas, Les procès de Moscou - Marc Lazar p. 140-141
- Milza Pierre (sous la direction de), Les Italiens en France de 1914 à 1940 - Alain Dewerpe p. 141-142
- Gervereau Laurent, Prochasson Christophe (sous la direction de), Images de 1917 - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 136
- Milza Pierre (sous la direction de), Les Italiens en France de 1914 à 1940 - Alain Dewerpe p. 141-142
- Berstein Serge, Becker Jean-Jacques, avec la collaboration de Pierre-Marc Renaudeau, Histoire de l'anticommunisme en France - Philippe Burrin p. 142
- Chauvy Gérard, Lyon des années bleues. Libération-Épuration - Claude Lévy p. 143
- 1945-1946, le retour de la France en Indochine - Jacques Dalloz p. 143
- Smith Bonnie, Le 20e siècle de Madame Lucie, concierge à Paris - Jean-Louis Deaucourt p. 143-144
- Gaillard Jean-Michel, Tu seras président, mon fils. Anatomie des grandes écoles et malformations des élites , Kessler Marie-Christine, Les grands corps de L'État, Soulez Larivière Daniel, Les juges dans la balance, Suleiman Ezra N., Les notaires, les pouvoirs d'une corporation - Philippe Ratte p. 144-147
- Monneron Jean-Louis, Rowley Anthony, Les 25 ans qui ont transformé la France, volume 6 de l'Histoire du peuple français - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 147
- Linteau Paul-André, Durocher René, Robert Jean-Claude, Ricard François, Le Québec depuis 1930. Histoire du Québec contemporain - Pierre Guillaume p. 147-148
- Milza Pierre (sous la direction de), Les Italiens en France de 1914 à 1940 - Alain Dewerpe p. 141-142
- Monneron Jean-Louis, Rowley Anthony, Les 25 ans qui ont transformé la France, volume 6 de l'Histoire du peuple français - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 147
- Linteau Paul-André, Durocher René, Robert Jean-Claude, Ricard François, Le Québec depuis 1930. Histoire du Québec contemporain - Pierre Guillaume p. 147-148
- Gavignaud Geneviève, La révolution rurale. Essai à partir du cas américain - Isabel Boussard p. 148-149
- Gomery Douglas, Hollywood, l'âge d'or des studios - François Garçon p. 149
- Vatin François, La fluidité industrielle - Daniel Henry p. 149-150
- Monneron Jean-Louis, Rowley Anthony, Les 25 ans qui ont transformé la France, volume 6 de l'Histoire du peuple français - Jean-Pierre Rioux p. 147
- Gomery Douglas, Hollywood, l'âge d'or des studios - François Garçon p. 149
- Vatin François, La fluidité industrielle - Daniel Henry p. 149-150
- Un siècle d'électricité dans le monde 1880-1980 - Alain Beltran p. 150-151
- Bonin Hubert, Suez, du canal à la finance (1858-1986) - Alain Beltran p. 151-152
- Gomery Douglas, Hollywood, l'âge d'or des studios - François Garçon p. 149
- Livres reçus - p. 153-158
- Abstracts - p. 159-160