Contenu de l'article

Titre Situation Testing for Employment Discrimination in the United States of America
Auteur Bendick Marc
Mir@bel Revue Horizons stratégiques
Numéro no 5, 2007/3 La discrimination saisie sur le vif
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier - Perspective internationale
Page 17-39
Résumé anglais Over the past decade, more than 30 situation testing studies have been conducted in the USA on race, gender, age, and other forms of discrimination in the labor market. This research has typically documented discriminatory behavior, conscious or unconscious, by 20% to 40% of employers. These findings have influenced public opinion and government policy by publicizing the continued prevalence of discrimination in a particularly persuasive way. They have also been used to change employers' behavior through legal action, and they have added to our understanding of the psychological and organizational processes of discrimination. Expanded use of this investigative technique can contribute importantly toward addressing the serious problem of employment discrimination in industrial societies.
Source : Éditeur (via
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