Contenu de l'article

Titre Mutations et déclin du mouvement Pachakutik en Equateur (1996-2008)
Auteur Julie Massal
Mir@bel Revue Problèmes d'Amérique Latine
Numéro No 72, printemps 2009 Ethnicité
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 93
Mots-clés (matière)cohabitation gouvernement Indiens institutions politiques légitimité mouvement politique opposition au régime politique économique pouvoir politique
Mots-clés (géographie)Equateur
Résumé anglais This article deals with the conquest by Ecuadorian Indian actors of political power and spaces of institutional representation, in order to realize a critical balance of the main results obtained and also of the challenges to be faced. After a political ascension since the 80's decade and a social and political protest that peaked in the years 1997-2000, the Indian movements experienced a clear weakening, being the 2003 the break point, because of a disappointing participation at the power of Pachakutik Movement, during the Gutierrez administration. We analyse the reasons for such developments, with emphasis on the contingent and structural factors that made Indian actors a key opponent, before they access to the power and lost both their mobilization potential and political legitimacy as an alternative to the political parties who firmly resist the political change. Instability in the fate of the indigenous movements is related to the main features of the political system of Ecuador. The article concludes by highlighting the current strengths and weaknesses of the indigenous movements facing the Correa administration and the political and economic challenges that lie ahead.
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