Contenu de l'article

Titre Essai de comparaison entre les structures économiques et les structures sociales
Auteur Jean Lhomme
Mir@bel Revue Revue économique
Numéro 1956, no 5
Page 689-708
Résumé anglais SUMMARY The comparison between economic structures and social structures or more precisely between incomes and classes may be considered from four points of view Considering the form they assume economic structures which are often expressed in texts being easier to measure are more distinct than social structures According to the amount of opposition met economic structures fre quently give rise to either State or group intervention The chances that this intervention will bring results are greater than those in the case of social structures which are more resistant According to the restraints practiced the economic restraints are undoub tedly less extensive than the social ones but they have more weight and are more precise and effective According to the extension revealed economic structures which have perhaps less spatial extension than social ones are modified rapidly in the short run however in the long run the pace of their changes is not so violent the one of social structures
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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