Contenu de l'article

Titre Les présidents Charles de Gaulle et Georges Pompidou et les débuts de la coopération politique européenne : du Plan Fouchet au Plan Fouchet light
Auteur Soutou Georges-Henri
Mir@bel Revue Relations internationales
Numéro no 140, hiver 2009 La communauté et l'Union européenne à la recherche d'une identité depuis 1957
Page 3-17
Résumé anglais A deep continuity is in fact notable from de Gaulle to Pompidou, in matters pertaining to European political cooperation among the Six and later the Nine. Both presidents pursued three major objectives : first the creation of a true European identity in the field of foreign policy. Then to allow the member States to regain control over the existing supranational organizations. And lastly, to develop the international influence of France, thanks to a dynamic balancing of its relations with its partners, and thanks to a clever use of both EEC and EPC levers. This process was to continue, and ultimately lead to the Maastricht Treaty of 1992.
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