Titre | Discussion. Première journée | |
Auteur | Gérard Timsit, Guy Braibant, Georges Dupuis, Lucien Nizard, Lucien Sfez, Francis de Baecque, Jurij A. Tikhomirov, Roland Drago, Charles Eisenmann, Eugène Zaleski, Nikola Stjepanovic, Janusz Borkowski, M. G. Kostadinov, István Kovacs, Georges Mond, Danièle | |
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Revue | Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest |
Numéro | Vol. 6, 3, 1975 | |
Rubrique / Thématique | La recherche administrative en Europe. Colloque international du C.N.R.S. organisé les 15-17 novembre 1973 par le Service de Recherches Juridiques Comparatives du C.N.R.S L'interdisciplinarité dans la recherche administrative |
Page | 57-130 | |
Résumé |
de la recherche administrative, les débats ont témoigné d'une volonté commune de coopérer ; les participants ont tous insisté sur la nécessité de mettre sur pied des recherches interdisciplinaires ? ou pluridisciplinaires ? qui seraient effectuées par des équipes internationales ou par plusieurs équipes nationales sur un sujet commun.
Lucette KHAIAT Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Résumé anglais |
DISCUSSION ? 1st day.
The International Seminar on Administrative Research in Europe, organized by Mr. Lesage was held on November 15-17, 1973, in the Conference Hall of the French National Center for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.).
Both Eastern and Western European countries were largely and brilliantly represented: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Federal Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, U.K., U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia. French specialists, mostly Jurists, but including civil servants, political representatives, and Sociologists were also numerous.
The initial presentations were made by the organizers of the seminar, and the first work session was subsequently opened under the presidency of Mr. Brai- bant on the theme "Interdisciplinarity in Administrative Research".
The two reporters, despite the divergence in systems, often presented similar problems and solutions. The interventions, which in the course of the day were enflamed and often caustic but always enriching, converged around three themes: the present situation of Administrative Science and concrete experiments in interdisciplinarity; the aims of interdisciplinarity and the methods to employ; and the nature of Administrative Science itself.
Where is Administrative Science?
At present there is juxtaposition of the different sciences pertaining to administration, but a need for broader conceptualization and a more interdisciplinarity approach is felt.
This gives rise to certain problems. Epistomological obstacles were brought up by two reporters. The difficulty of decoding concepts and transcoding must not hamper research.
Having underlined the imbrication of scientific activities such as Planning, Economics, Administrative Law, Sociology, Psychology, Computer techniques, participants of the seminar related concrete experiments in interdisciplinary research conducted in their respective countries, describing difficulties encountered, the first reflex of self-defense, the need for strict methodology and finally the break through. They all agree that interdisciplinarity is an unquestionable contribution.
Interdisciplinarity also comes up against other obstacles of an institutional nature, compartmentation within faculties, in the administration and even within the National Center for Scientific Research.
International teams should be created so that problems may be invested with an international dimension. Research should also be conducted in different countries by mixed teams or based on a common subject.
The methodology to adopt was the subject of much debate. Methods must differ when they serve different points of view or when they apply to different objects.
Certain considered that collaboration between two teams, each having its own program, is perhaps less difficult. Others favored research on administration via mixed teams.
The Aims of Interdisciplinarity
In any case research work which answers the need of enlightenment concerning concrete phenomena should lead to conclusions having a theoretical character. Administrative Science must be endowed with conceptual and methodological unity.
The second aim of interdisciplinarity is to permit the exploration of fronteer regions. The problem of the existence of one Science or many, the favorable or unfavorable consequences of "hybridism" were issues for heated discussion.
In a successful effort to clarify the debate, the President remarked that, "starting with research on interdisciplinarity we have arrived at the problem of the very existence and necessity of Administrative Science."
The Very Nature of Administrative Science and its object was the focal point of several interventions, certain considering that Administrative Science has no epistemological statute.
For several participants, set on defining its object, Administration is an instrument of the political apparatus, a bureaucracy, an organism for political representation of a certain clientele. Its role is to organize, therefore innovate. Administration must prepare solutions for the future bearing the social conscience in mind.
Interdisciplinary or pluridisciplinary research, Administrative Science or sciences? If no agreement was reached as to the nature of administrative research, the debates evidenced a common will to cooperate; the participants insisted on the need of establishing interdisciplinary or pluridisciplinary research, to be carried out by international teams or several national teams on a given subject.
Lucette KHAIAT Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/receo_0338-0599_1975_num_6_3_1984 |