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Titre Un grand projet international : le tunnel sous la Manche
Auteur Gérard Marcou
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 54, 1990/2 La démarche de projet. Projets de développement, grands chantiers, modernisation du service public
Rubrique / Thématique
La démarche de projet
 Des projets de développement aux grands chantiers
Page 10 pages
Mots-clés (matière)banque Etat infrastructure de transport responsabilité
Mots-clés (géographie)Basse Normandie Europe
Résumé anglais A Huge International Project : the Channel Tunnel The construction of the Channel tunnel features an interesting innovation : the resorting to a developer and private financing. For a project involving public infrastructure, this is quite an innovation. The management of the project itself implies bringing together decision-makers linked by agreements. The key position of Eurotunnel among them has been consolidated as the work progressed. The States themselves participate by means of the «concession» — resembling an international contract — and are required to be particularly vigilant even though the project depends, economically speaking, on the banks. In spite of problems raised by costs going beyond the original budget, the outlook for the near future appears relatively optimistic as to the meeting of deadlines and concerning traffic forecasts.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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