Contenu du sommaire : La démarche de projet. Projets de développement, grands chantiers, modernisation du service public
Revue |
Revue française d'administration publique ![]() |
Numéro | no 54, 1990/2 |
Titre du numéro | La démarche de projet. Projets de développement, grands chantiers, modernisation du service public |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Sommaire du n°54 - p. 4 pages
La démarche de projet
- Introduction - p. 5 pages
Des projets de développement aux grands chantiers
- La conception des projets de développement financés par le système des Nations Unies - Michel Rambourg p. 18 pages Development Projects funded by the United Nations Organisation Within the United Nations Organisation the technical assistance provided by the United Nations Program for the Development is implemented with the support of the receiving countries as well as institutions intervening on their behalf, by means of funds financed by contributions from donating countries. However, criticisms concerning the effectiveness of such cooperation have raised serious questions not only about the terms but also about the concept of project. Hence the need to promote a global strategy that will enable the setting up of programs according to sectors ; it is equally important to coordinate all international technical assistance.
- La fonction projet, de l'entreprise au développement local - Michel Guillot p. 5 pages The «Function-Project» : from its Introduction in the Enterprise to its use in Local Development The «function-project» instituted within enterprises at the end of the 1950s designates a special overseeing task force whose mission was to make sure that goods and services about to be produced are finally manufactured according to such technical specifications as cost, deadlines and quality. Local economy, made up of separated units having their own specific objectives, needs an external structure to oversee all the others to ensure that the global project remains coherent. Since the territory is a «place without a boss», it heardly lends itself to designating a project chief.
- L'accompagnement de projet : les grands chantiers d'aménagement du territoire - Michel Guillot, Jean-François Carrez p. 12 pages Complementary Measures to the Project : Large-Scale Building Site within the Framework of the Country Planning Program Created in 1975, the program of «construction sites within the framework of country planning» involved almost exclusively the construction sites within the nuclear field. Such a program, adjusted and improved upon with time, aims at promoting a better reception for transfered workers, the use of local manpower through professional training, and the economic development of the region where the construction work is located. The program resulted in such a spectacular success socially and economically that it should be widespread and, in the form of reception and integrated development programs which replaced it, they should become special instruments of local development.
- La conduite des grands projets de l'État à Paris - Luc Tessier p. 6 pages Supervising Large-Scale Projects in Paris In 1982, nine large-scale projects («the President's construction sites») were undertaken or confirmed by the President of the French Republic in Paris : Grand Louvre, Opéra de la Bastille, Grande Arche de la Défense, etc. This program was achieved in the time allowed without exceeding the initial budget by more than 5 %. The coordination for these projects was the responsibility of an interministerial mission assigned to a specific ministry. These projects are managed by independant project directors (working for public «establishments», joint venture companies, foundations, etc.). Flexible programming, conception and follow-up procedures ensure maximum effectiveness in the achievement of objectives.
- Un grand projet international : le tunnel sous la Manche - Gérard Marcou p. 10 pages A Huge International Project : the Channel Tunnel The construction of the Channel tunnel features an interesting innovation : the resorting to a developer and private financing. For a project involving public infrastructure, this is quite an innovation. The management of the project itself implies bringing together decision-makers linked by agreements. The key position of Eurotunnel among them has been consolidated as the work progressed. The States themselves participate by means of the «concession» — resembling an international contract — and are required to be particularly vigilant even though the project depends, economically speaking, on the banks. In spite of problems raised by costs going beyond the original budget, the outlook for the near future appears relatively optimistic as to the meeting of deadlines and concerning traffic forecasts.
- La conception des projets de développement financés par le système des Nations Unies - Michel Rambourg p. 18 pages
Les projets en question
- Les projets publics à la recherche d'un statut : le cas des pays en développement - Alain Claisse, Witold Mikulowski p. 7 pages Public Projects in Need of a Legal Statiis : the Case of Developing Countries A large number of means are available for these projects. In some countries, the international aid (investment, technical assistance) exceeds 80% of the investment budget. The only rules applicable to these autonomous mini-structures are those established by financial backers. It is advisable that a general legal framework lay down, nationally, standard rules for the negotiation, the conception, the management and the follow-up of these projects. At the same time, this framework should make easier the most profitable transfer of goods and activities during the «post-project» phase.
- Plan, programmes, projets : quelle cohérence ? - Olivier Sudrie p. 7 pages The Development Plan, Programs, Projects : How to Make Them Coherent ? The application to developing countries of theoretical growth schemes established for industrialised nations during the post war period has for a long time reduced the analysis of the coherence of development projects and plans to simply quantifying the multiplication effects visible at the macro-economic level. The need to provide planifiers with specific techniques in the analysis of projects first appeared during the 1970s. Despite their usefulness, neither the method of effects nor the price reference method have been used very much today. The time has come to assess the different method of evaluation in order to propose techniques perhaps less ambitious but more adapted to the institutional, economic and social realities of developing countries.
- Les difficultés de gestion des projets dans les pays en voie de développement - Mostafa Rhomari p. 7 pages The Difficulties in Managing Projects in Developing Countries The present article reviews the reasons and the signs of the limited capacity of developing countries to effectively manage local projects given the complex techniques involved in the analysis and management of projects. In spite of the efforts accomplished to possess in country, necessary skills in conception, management and maintenance, the international bodies responsible for technical assistance and the developing countries, have not always succeeded however in setting up the institutions and necessary structures. The consequences of this situation on the developing countries economy are important : on the one hand the financial backers intend to preserve the security of their investments, on the other hand, the lack of equipment maintenance entails extra costs.
- L'impact des projets de développement rural en Afrique - Jean-Francis Benhamou p. 10 pages Impact of Rural Development Project in Africa The evolution of rural development projects in Africa, during the last thirty years, has underlined the difficult link between growth and development. The 1965-1975 period was characterized by «production projects» ; they responded first of all to a concern for short-term growth too often in contradiction with a real development strategy. The folio wing period up to the end of the 1980s, witnessed the implementation of «integrated projects» which attempted to take into account all social and economic aspects of country-life. These projects encountered enormous follow-up and management difficulties. Finally the present tendancies are towards more specific measures responding to the needs of country people.
- Les projets publics à la recherche d'un statut : le cas des pays en développement - Alain Claisse, Witold Mikulowski p. 7 pages
Vers une nouvelle génération de projets ?
La coopération par projets à l'épreuve des faits
- De l'«évaluation» des projets à leur «analyse économique». Par qui ? Pour qui ? Pour quoi faire ? - Manuel Bridier p. 9 pages From the Evaluation of Projects to their Economic Analysis The experience of economic analysis of investment projects in the developing countries in Africa shows a growing gap between the soundness of the model and the way these investments have been implemented : it is the case with project evaluations based on the «method of effects» or the «method of reference prices». In the 1980s, we witnessed a questioning of projects in the development process and of structural adjustment programs underscoring the preeminence of a global financial macro-economic approach. But new stakes have appeared, justifying the need for a new approach toward project analysis, in a context characterized by the growing number of diverse actors. economic approach. But new stakes have appeared, justifying the need for a new approach toward project analysis, in a context characterized by the growing number of diverse actors.
- La coopération par projets : le changement des pratiques et des mentalités - Michel Arnaud p. 5 pages Cooperation through Projects : the Change in Practices and Mentalities In the field of international cooperation, projects are supposed to introduce and test the changes in practices which will later be institutionalized to become a local or national policy in a specific sector. But they need to be based on the real shared experience of both countries. They must try to encompass the different aspects of development as well as the changes in attitudes and mentality underlying it.
- De la démarche de projet à la logique d'entreprise - François Vergès p. 7 pages From Project Management to the Involvment of the Enterprise In the past, people used to be interested in investments resulting in major works projects ; they thought they only had to make investments to achieve development. Today people are more concerned about creating suitably managed and profitable activities within an economy that is more healthy overall. Without questioning the utility of the public service, the best managing methods (public, semi-public, private) are being sought after, notably through specific agreements and company strategies jointly with in-depth studies on pricing.
- Les financements et les conditionnalités : réflexions sur l'évolution d'une notion - Max Peyrard p. 11 pages Financing and Conditions The terms of the conditions imposed by a State or lending body on the borrowing countries has changed considerably in the last 25 years. It was first a question of micro-economic conditions (determining a profitable project, inserting a project in an overall plan) then macro-economic (respecting the code of conduct demanded by the IMF and the World Bank, economic austerity, financial discipline, opening to the free-market system and to competition, pre-established priorities by sector). It seems that we are now headed towards political and social conditions with the obligation to respect human rights, the laws of the nation and political pluralism guaranteed by free elections.
- De l'«évaluation» des projets à leur «analyse économique». Par qui ? Pour qui ? Pour quoi faire ? - Manuel Bridier p. 9 pages
Projets et réforme administrative
- Les démarches de projet : une méthode efficace mais exigeante pour la réforme administrative - Didier Bargas p. 5 pages The Process of Planning a Project : a Demanding Method for Administrative Reform We are now witnessing a new discovery of the process toward producing an administrative reform project. Ministerial plans for modernisation, projects in favor of delegating wider authority to State representatives in local areas, «service project» and responsibility centers are many ways designed to better match immediate action with future prospects, individual interest and the organisational constraints, basic innovation and strategic planification. So that these steps involved in producing a project may contribute towards an in-depth change in traditional administration, close coopération is needed between a strong political willingness to renovate on the part of government leaders and a wide autonomy in management, and a wider participation at the lower levels in the administration.
- Les projets de service au centre des questions du management public - Martine Guérin p. 9 pages The Service Project at the Heart of Public Management Questions The main interesting aspect of the process involved in the «service project» is matching the objectives of the general policy of modernisation of the public service with the personal hopes of Civils Servants. The study of past experience in the Administration has shown that their success depends on a series of factors and particularly on the strategy used to introduce the change, on the organisational context, on the degree of involvment on the part of middle and top-ranking Civil Servants and on the evolution of union practices. It seems indispensable to combine the process involved in the «service project » that includes the participation of Civil Servants in major decision-making with new methods of human resources management.
- Les démarches de projet : une méthode efficace mais exigeante pour la réforme administrative - Didier Bargas p. 5 pages
- Introduction - p. 5 pages
- Quelle stratégie pour les entreprises publiques en Inde ? - Prahalad Basu p. 10 pages What Strategy for Public Enterprises in India ? Although their results are satisfactory from a financial point of view, one has the impression that Public Enterprises are not playing the role they should be playing in the economic development of the country. Indeed, the economic performance of Public Enterprises has been rather inconclusive mainly because they combine both public and private interests, and because of the incomplete nature of the solutions tried and tested so far. The recovery of these enterprises will require a redefining of objectives and evaluation standards. Such recovery also hinges on efforts towards modernisation, restructuring, and technological development.
- Quelle stratégie pour les entreprises publiques en Inde ? - Prahalad Basu p. 10 pages
Chronique de l'administration française
- Au jour le jour (1er janvier-15 avril 1990) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 9 pages
- Le point sur le financement public des établissements d'enseignement privé - Marie-Françoise Bechtel p. 8 pages
- Au jour le jour (1er janvier-15 avril 1990) - Marie-Françoise Bechtel, Francis Chauvin, Marie-Christine Henry-Meininger, Yves Jegouzo p. 9 pages
- Chronique des entreprises publiques - André Georges Delion, Michel Durupty p. 16 pages
- Abstracts - p. 5 pages
- La conception des projets de développement financés par le système des Nations-Unis - Rambourg M. p. 187-204
- Les projets publics à la recherche d'un statut - Claisse A., Mikulowski W. p. 239-245
- Plan, programme, projets: quelle cohérence? - Sudrie O. p. 247-253
- Les difficultés de gestion des projets dans les pays en développement - Rhomari M. p. 255-261
- De l'"évaluation" des projets à leur "analyse économique" (la coopération par projets à l'épreuve des faits) - Bridier M. p. 273-281
- Les démarches de projets: une méthode efficace exigeante pour la réforme administrative - Bargas D. p. 309-313