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Titre L'Europe de la consommation
Auteur Karel Van Miert
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'administration publique
Numéro no 56, 1990/4 La consommation : quelles politiques ? Quelles protections?
Rubrique / Thématique
La consommation : quelles politiques ? quelles protections ?
 La diversité des approches
Page 10 pages
Mots-clés (organismes)Communauté économique européenne - C.E.E.
Mots-clés (matière)consommateur défense du consommateur
Résumé anglais Consumer Protection in the EEC. Consumer protection policy has developed since 1972. The achievement of internal market requires from the Commission the adoption of adequate regulations in order to guarantee consumer's interests and to organize their legal protection. The three-year european plan of action defines four specific programs : consumer's representation ; open access to information about financial services and comparative publicity ; consumers safety and security ; fair transactions. Nevertheless, it is necessary to surmount the contradictions between consumers and producers' interests, and to conciliate the beginning national policies and the requirement of a high level of protection in the EEC.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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