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Titre Sur la faible identité nationale des Italiens
Auteur Mario Caciagli
Mir@bel Revue Pôle Sud
Numéro N°14 - 2001 État ou nation(s) ?
Rubrique / Thématique
État ou nation(s) ?
Page 29-39
Résumé During the last decade, there has been in Italy an important debate about the weekness of the Italian national belief. It was the consequence of the defiance of the Lega Nord towards the Italian State, as well as the break down of the First Republic. A lot of historical and political scientists have scrutinized the nature and the origines of such a problem: the backward unification, the exteriority of the State among the people, economical and social disparities as well as the survival of regional dialects, mentalities and political behaviors. However, investigations and sample surveys assess that such a weekness of national identity is not so intense. Moreover, they show a gap between State and Nation among italian people. Finally, this low sense of belonging to a Nation-State could be considered as a positive perspective, in the framework of the European integration process.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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