Contenu de l'article

Titre Femmes libres de Kigali.
Auteur Marijke Vandersypen
Mir@bel Revue Cahiers d'études africaines
Numéro Vol. 17, no 65, 1977 Des femmes sur l'Afrique des femmes.
Rubrique / Thématique
Études et essais
Page 95-120
Résumé anglais M. Vandersypen—~~'Free Women' in Kigali.~~ 'Free women' are self-supporting single girls deriving their income, partly or totally, from the provision of company and sexual services. They can be divided into four categories, according to their haunts, the type of patrons the)' have, their age and social origin, etc. They are generally unpopular with other Rwanda women who feel threatened by their activities, and with the State authorities who try to curb or repress this kind of prostitution. On the whole, they tend to be more outward-looking and modern-oriented than the rest of the female population.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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