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Titre Le passé d'une désillusion : les luddites et la critique de la machine
Auteur Vincent Bourdeau, François Jarrige, Julien Vincent
Mir@bel Revue Actuel Marx
Numéro no 39, mai 2006 Nouvelles aliénations
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 145-165
Résumé anglais Luddism constituted a phase in English social history between 1811 and 1817, a phase marked by a remarkably widespread phenomenon of machine-breaking. Ignored for generations, and subsequently the object of denigration, Luddism came in for a reevaluation in E. P. Thomson's book The Making of the English Working Class (1963), which fused a “Marxist” political perspective and the acutest requirements of historical scholarship. In subsequent research, these two perspectives have drifted apart. On the one hand, Thomson's historiographical heirs no longer subscribe to their predecessor's militant stance. On the other, those researchers whose active commitment to the cause of political ecology since the 1990s had led them to inject urgency into the historiographical debate, have proved less convincing in terms of their contribution to historical scholarship. Luddism remains nevertheless a contemporary issue, both in historiography and in political philosophy.
Source : Éditeur (via
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