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Titre Contingent valuation method and the changeover to the euro: an empirical application
Auteur Pierre-Alexandre Mathieu, Pere Riera
Mir@bel Revue Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine
Numéro no 5, décembre 2010 Varia
Rubrique / Thématique
Notes de recherche
Page 987-1000
Résumé anglais La méthode d'évaluation contingente et le passage à l'euro: une application empirique Several countries may adopt the euro in the near future. Whether the change of currency may lead to different responses in non-market valuation surveys remains an open question. A contingent valuation application was carried out shortly after the changeover to the euro in Spain, with half of the participants being assigned a payment card in euro and the other half in pesetas. Results show that higher amounts were stated in euro than in pesetas, which is consistent with the “euro illusion” hypothesis, a phenomenon observed in experiments involving market goods, in which people have the tendency to bid higher amounts for the currency having a lower nominal value.
Source : Éditeur (via
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