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Titre L'humanitaire et le « développement » en quête de continuité
Auteur Marie-Dominique Perrot
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 129, 3e trimestre 1998 Regards sur l'humanitaire
Rubrique / Thématique
Regards sur l'humanitaire
Page 17-28
Résumé anglais Marie-Dominique Perrot, Humanitarian Action and "Development" in Search of Continuity The re-articulation of the continuum disaster-rehabilitation-"development" indicates an effort on the part of those engaged in "humanitarian " action and those concerned with "development" to coordinate their activities. These intentions must be placed within an organisational context and linked to the notion of "development" founded upon obsolete ideas, contradictory practices and the deepening of inequalities in both the North and the South. This continuum of disaster-development is in great part a diversion and a way of avoiding the political and epistemological questions posed by the process of economic globalisation.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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