Contenu du sommaire : Regards sur l'humanitaire
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 129, 3e trimestre 1998 |
Titre du numéro | Regards sur l'humanitaire |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Regards sur l'humanitaire
- Logiques et dérives humanitaires - Bernard Hours p. 3-4
- L'action humanitaire, parade inefficace à la crise du droit international - Monique Chemillier-Gendreau p. 5-15 Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Humanitarian Action : Ineffectual Réponse to the Crise of International Law International law has been founded on the principle of national sovereignty. The evolution of the nation state, the movement for national liberation and die Charter of the United Nations have given legitimacy and vigor to this concept. However, the process of global economic integration has upset the practices or, at least, the legal conceptions related to national sovereipity. This destabilization is due in great part to the weaknesses of international law itself. A lack of effective criteria for the maintenance of peace or positive economic relations has contributed to a situation in which intervention in the affairs of other nation-states is carried out shamelessly or simply disguised as humanitarian action.
- L'humanitaire et le « développement » en quête de continuité - Marie-Dominique Perrot p. 17-28 Marie-Dominique Perrot, Humanitarian Action and "Development" in Search of Continuity The re-articulation of the continuum disaster-rehabilitation-"development" indicates an effort on the part of those engaged in "humanitarian " action and those concerned with "development" to coordinate their activities. These intentions must be placed within an organisational context and linked to the notion of "development" founded upon obsolete ideas, contradictory practices and the deepening of inequalities in both the North and the South. This continuum of disaster-development is in great part a diversion and a way of avoiding the political and epistemological questions posed by the process of economic globalisation.
- Le sans-frontièrisme et l'intégration planétaire - Sylvia Klingberg p. 29-46 Sylvia Klingbergh, Planetary Integration and the "Without Borders" Movement The modalities of contemporary humanitarian action began in the 1970s when the without-borders movement was initiated. The evolution of this movement, previously dominated by the International Red Cross, has involved a struggle for its control. This struggle over a kind of humanitarian turf is structured by national and international political strategies designed to establish or consolidate hegemony over geographical regions. The recognition given by the General Assembly of the United Nations to a duty of humanitarian assistance has given legitimacy to the present trend toward such intervention.
- L'idéologie humanitaire ou la globalisation morale - Bernard Hours p. 47-55 Bernard Hours, The Ideology of Humanitarianism, or Moral Globalisation Humanitarian ideology can be understood as the moral cover of the globalisation presently being realized by capitalist market forces. The so-called universal human rights represent the most basic premise of the ideology of humanitarianism. Human beings have become objects of humanitarian action and an object within the ideology of humanitarianism. The political function of this ideology is to absolve the economic and political actor-authorities of any responsibility for the negative consequences of their activities. More precisely, it transforms solidarity into a veritable pulsion which is oblivious of the social and cultural specificity of the human beings it purports to help.
- Inhumain humanitaire. Essai sur une écologie de l'humain - Robert Redeker p. 57-65 Robert Redeker, Inhuman Humanitarianism : Essay on an Ideology of the Humane The intellectual genesis of the humanitarian ideology has its roots in the refusal of humanism characteristic of post-heideggerian philosophies. It is emblematic of the vacuum left by the eclipse of the humanist notion of human engaged in a political project inscribed within historical evolution. The human being of humanitarianism is a human kaleidoscope, disconnected from political life, reduced to a purely biological existance. Humanitarianism is, therefore, not a humanism.
- Du bon moral des riches à la survie des pauvres : les organisations non gouvernementales en Inde contemporaine - Gérard Heuzé p. 67-79 Gérard Heuzé, Non-governmental Organisations in Contemporary India The considerable expansion of non-governmental organisations in India is part of the continuity of imperial domination characterized by debates between utilitarians and moralists and between missionaries and orientalists. The welfare state which developed in India after indépendance is an important factor in this evolution, but to understand the specificity of the case of India, the situation must be placed within the global context of the non-territorial feudalization accompanied by a calling into question of the Indian nation and the Indian state. In this context, the Indian state has been progressively reduced to its repressive functions.
- L'aide humanitaire allemande. Souci de l'autre et souci de soi dans un monde sécularisé - Margaret Manale p. 81-96 Margaret Manale, German Humanitarian Aid : Care for Oneself and Care for Others in a Secularized World Third-world regions plagued by catastrophies are today often the scene of national and international aid programs. The religious inspiration of these activities seems clear in the case of Germany. In adapting the model of representative government and the discourse on human rights imposed by the United States, West Germany's politicians have been able to serve their own economic interests as an export nation. In this case, aid and development policies can be understood in terms of attitudes specific to protestantism.
- Le totalitarisme. Histoire et apories d'un concept - Enzo Traverso p. 97-111 Enzo Traverso, Totalitarianism : History and Contradictions of a Concept The concept of totalitarianism seems both inevitable and unusable because it concerns only a typology of power relations. The problem is that it cannot explicate either the genesis or the history of these structural relationships. If historians and sociologists cannot ignor the notion, they also cannot accept its limitations. Now that the ideological and political connotations of the concept can be disregarded, it is nevertheless probable that it remains insuffisant in explaining the phenomena specific to the twentieth century.
- La sexualité agressée des sous-prolétaires. Privations sexuelles et représentations du sida et de la prévention chez les hommes hébergés dans les centres d'urgence d'une grande association caritative - Corinne Lanzarini, Patrick Bruneteaux p. 113-126 Patrick Bruneteaux. Corinne Lanzarini, The Threatened Sexuality of the Underclass Study of persons taken in charge by charitable organizations reveals different aspects of their disrupted sexual lives. Members of the homeless underclass do not have any place to engage in sex and, in addition, cannot attend to their sexual needs because they are preoccupied with physical survival. However, the risk of HIV transmission is taken when sexual encounters do occur, because such opportunties are so rare. As Aids is used by the strong to eliminate the weak, there is a certain feeling of powerlessness in relation to the problem.
- Logiques et dérives humanitaires - Bernard Hours p. 3-4
Note critique
- Congo-Zaïre aller-retour : les avatars de la décolonisation - Monique Sélim p. 127-130
- Congo-Zaïre aller-retour : les avatars de la décolonisation - Monique Sélim p. 127-130
Comptes rendus
- Bernard Hours, L'Idéologie humanitaire ou le spectacle de l'altérité perdue, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998 - Margaret Manale p. 131-132
- Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker(Hrsg.), Grenzen-los ? Jedes System braucht Grenzen - aber wie durchläßig müssen diese sein ? / [« Sans frontières ? »], Berlin ; Bâle ; Boston, Birkhäuser Verlag, 1997 - Margaret Manale p. 132-133
- Yvon Beguivin, L'Allemagne de l'Est, Roman, Paris, Maurice Nadeau, 1998 - Margaret Manale p. 133-134
- Roland Lew, L'intellectuel, l'État et la Révolution. Essais sur le communisme chinois et le socialisme réel, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1997, Coll. « L'Homme et la société » - Claudie Weill p. 134-135
- Miguel Abensour, La démocratie contre l'État : Marx et le moment machiavélien, Paris, P.U.F. Collège International de Philosophie, , 1997 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 135-137
- Christine Fauré, Ce que déclarer des droits veut dire : histoires, Paris, P.U.F. Coll. « Politique d'aujourd'hui », 1997 - Patrick Bruneteaux p. 137-139
- Gérard Heuzé et Monique Sélim (Éds.), Politique et religion dans l'Asie du Sud contemporaine, Paris, Éditions Karthala, 1998. Coll. « Hommes et sociétés », dirigée par Jean Copans - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 139-140
- Madeleine Grawitz, Méthodes des sciences sociales, Paris, Dalloz, Coll. « Précis Droit public. Science politique », 1996 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 140-141
- Fabio Lorenzi-Ciodi, Questions de méthodologie en sciences sociales, Paris-Lausanne, Delachaux et Nestlé, 1997 - Margaret Manale p. 141-142
- René Lourau, La clé des champs : une introduction à l'analyse institutionnelle, Paris, Anthropos, Coll. « Poche/Ethnologie », 1997 - Henri Raymond p. 142-143
- Frederik Mispelblom. Au-delà de la qualité. Démarches qualité, conditions de travail et politiques du bonheur, Paris, Éditions Syros, Coll. « Alternatives sociologiques », 1995 - Jean-Claude Delaunay p. 143-144
- Paul Bouffartigue et Henri Eckert (Dirs.), Le travail à l'épreuve du salariat. À propos de la fin du travail, avec la collaboration de Jean-René Pendariès, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1997, Coll. « Logiques sociales » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 144-145
- Maurice Halbwachs, Gérard Namer (Éd.), La mémoire collective, Paris, Albin Michel, Coll. « Bibliothèque de l'Évolution de l'Humanité », 1997 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 146-147
- Gérard Durozoi, Histoire du mouvement surréaliste, Paris, Hazan, 1997 - Michael Löwy p. 147-148
- Anahide Ter Minassian ; Pierre Vidal-Naquet (préf.), Histoires croisées : diaspora, Arménie, Transcaucasie, 1890-1990, Toulouse, Éditions Parenthèses, 1997 - Claudie Weill p. 148-150
- André Liebich, Les minorités nationales en Europe centrale et orientale, Genève, Georg Éditeur, 1997 - Claudie Weill p. 150-151
- Maria Delaperrière et Antoine Marès (Dirs.), Paris « capitale culturelle » de l'Europe centrale ? : les échanges intellectuels entre la France et les pays de l'Europe médiane, 1918-1939, Paris, Institut d'études slaves, 1997, (Cultures et sociétés de l'Est ; 30) - Claudie Weill p. 151-152
- CEDREF, Féminismes et nazisme, sous la direction de Liliane Kandel, Publications de l'Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot. 1997, (en hommage à Rita Thalmann) - Claudie Weill p. 152-153
- Bernard Hours, L'Idéologie humanitaire ou le spectacle de l'altérité perdue, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998 - Margaret Manale p. 131-132
Revue des revues
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 157-158
- L'Homme et la Société : continuité, vocations et orientations - Pierre Lantz, Nicole Beaurain p. 159-160