Titre | Karl Mannheim et György Lukács. L'héritage perdu de l'historicisme hérétique | |
Auteur | Michael Löwy | |
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Revue | L'Homme et la société |
Numéro | no 130, 4e trimestre 1998 Illusion identitaire et histoire | |
Rubrique / Thématique | Illusion identitaire et histoire |
Page | 51-63 | |
Résumé anglais |
Michael Löwy, Karl Mannheim and Georg Lukács, The Lost Heritage of Heretical Historicism
Karoky Mannheim and György Lukács are two brilliant products of an (almost) extinct species : the assimilated Jewish intelligentsia of Budapest. Whatever their differences of character or origin, there is a sort of subtle affinity between them, a style of thought (Denstyl : to use a typically mannheimian expression) rooted in romantic German culture and its Zivilisationskritik of modern society in the name of precapitalist values. Their most important writings are those of the Weimar years. Their distinctive methodological quality is their attempt to articulate historicism and marxism. They do this in different ways, as the philosopher (Lukács) privileged the second method, and the sociologist (Mannheim) the first. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/homso_0018-4306_1998_num_130_4_2976 |