Contenu du sommaire : Illusion identitaire et histoire
Revue |
L'Homme et la société ![]() |
Numéro | no 130, 4e trimestre 1998 |
Titre du numéro | Illusion identitaire et histoire |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
Illusion identitaire et histoire
- Illusions identitaires, cultures, espaces public - Pierre Lantz p. 3-5
- Sociologie de l'espace public et corporatisme de l'universel - Yves Sintomer p. 7-19 Yves Sintomer, The Socioloy of Public Space and the Corporatism of the Universal A sociological conception of the public sphere bas to rest on Habermas's tbeory in that it shows how ordinary citizens may develop apolitical reflexivity. This reflexivity is both cognitive and normative and has its own constraints. However, in order to be realistic, any sociological perspective bas to criticize Habermasian idealism and to understand that social structures and domination relationships are present in every interaction, including those that take place in the public sphere. The force of argumentation is not some anthropological transcendence but relies on contingent social and political devices. The question is whether theses devices can be understood with reference to the notion of the "corporatism of the universal", and whether any political définition of the universal implies the articulation of cognitive and normative dimensions.
- Le retour du débat sur l'État social - Gérard Prévost p. 21-37 Gérard Prévost, The Return of the Debate about the Social State With the configuration wbich has emerged out of mouvements prior to the 1970s, there is currently a debate about solutions to the crisis of the social state. This debate opposes liberal and marxist orientations which were not expressed during the earlier period. It is a discussion that is both political and scientific in nature. The debate can be elucidated through analysis of the "crisis" of the 1970s and the search for new paradigm which, founded upon the inversion of legitimizing policies, engenders the renaissance of the debate over the nature of the state and involves a paradoxical return to marxism. the search for new paradigm wbicb, founded upon the inversion of legitimizing policies, engenders the renaissance of the debate over the nature of the state and involves a paradoxical return to marxism.
- De Kant à Foucault : que reste-t-il du droit d'auteur ? - Gilbert Larochelle p. 39-50 Gilbert Larochelle, From Kant to Foucault : What remains of Intellectual Property ? The notion of intellectual property that we have today, forged in the eighteenth century in the writings of Kant and Fichte, is now called into question. A radical dissociation between the subject and the work is denied, most notably by poststructuratism. The question is whether plagerism can exist in an intelletual world where it is impossible to identitjy the origin of the work, its references of the original copy. It can be hypothesized that it is possible to locate the subject in the environment and to pragmatically define plagerism.
- Karl Mannheim et György Lukács. L'héritage perdu de l'historicisme hérétique - Michael Löwy p. 51-63 Michael Löwy, Karl Mannheim and Georg Lukács, The Lost Heritage of Heretical Historicism Karoky Mannheim and György Lukács are two brilliant products of an (almost) extinct species : the assimilated Jewish intelligentsia of Budapest. Whatever their differences of character or origin, there is a sort of subtle affinity between them, a style of thought (Denstyl : to use a typically mannheimian expression) rooted in romantic German culture and its Zivilisationskritik of modern society in the name of precapitalist values. Their most important writings are those of the Weimar years. Their distinctive methodological quality is their attempt to articulate historicism and marxism. They do this in different ways, as the philosopher (Lukács) privileged the second method, and the sociologist (Mannheim) the first.
- Précarité des rapports sociaux, mélancolisation du lien social - Olivier Douville p. 65-79 Olivier Douville, The Melancolization of Social Bonds, or the Weakening of Social Relationships In modern society, institutional procedures and related prohibitions can bave clinical consequences. The questions raised by theses relationships can be elucidated by making the connections between the epistemological foundations of anthropology and psychoanalysis. A focus upon social bonds and their melanchotization will facilitate communications between anthropologists and psychoanalysts.
- L'oubli de l'anarchisme au Brésil : la problématique de la (re) construction de l'identité ouvrière - Jacy Alves de Seixas p. 81-91 Joey Alves de Seixas, Forgetting Anarchism in Brazil. The problematic of the (Re) Construction of Working-class Identity In the 1920s, the Brazilian labor movement was heavily influenced by anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism. In contrast, working-class identity today is characterized by images of apathy and weakness. These negative images, which are emotionally charged, are conditioned by the loss of memory concerning the earlier period of working-class history. In effect, the reconstruction of working-class identity is in great part dependent upon the recovery of historical memory.
- Ethnicité et libre échange dans la société de l'île Maurice - Suzanne Chazan-Gillig p. 93-104 Suzanne Chazan, Ethnicity and Free Exchange on the Morris Islands The new forms of enterprise which make up the economic landscape of the Morris Islands have an ethnic character and can only be understood in relation to the history of the islands. The colonial mix of French and English prepared the way to the liberal society of today. A communal system which emerged out of the indépendance movement transformed the centrality of the colonial state into a regulatory periphery which governs interethnic relations. This dynamic led to new relationships in civil society and contemporary external relations.
- Illusions identitaires, cultures, espaces public - Pierre Lantz p. 3-5
Notes critiques
- Antonio Gramsci, Ernesto Guevara... deux moments de la philosophie de la praxis - Jaime Massardo p. 105-118
- Le travail en perspective - Pierre Lantz p. 119-125
- Antonio Gramsci, Ernesto Guevara... deux moments de la philosophie de la praxis - Jaime Massardo p. 105-118
- Pour servir à une élaboration de la position critique - Numa Murard p. 127-129
- Pour servir à une élaboration de la position critique - Numa Murard p. 127-129
Comptes rendus
- Pierre Bourdieu, Contre-feux. Propos pour servir à la résistance contre l'invasion néo-libérale, Paris, Liber-Raisons d'Agir, 1998 - Michael Löwy p. 130-131
- Francis Farrugia, La crise du lien social, essai de sociologie critique, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1996, collection « Logiques sociales » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 131-132
- Serge Latouche, Les dangers du marché planétaire, Paris, Presses de Science po, 1998, collection « Bibliothèque du citoyen » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 132-134
- Dick Howard, Pour une critique du jugement politique (comment repolitiser le jeu démocratique), Paris, Cerf, 1998 - Yves Sintomer p. 134-135
- Christian Savès, Tristes topiques du politique, Paris, Ellipses, 1997 - Michel Louis Martin, André Cabanis p. 135-137
- William Grossin, Pour une science des temps. Introduction à l 'écologie temporelle, Toulouse, Éditions Octares, 1996 - Marc Bessin p. 137-138
- Guy Lacroix, Le mirage Internet. Enjeux économiques et sociaux, Paris, Vigot, 1997 - Pierre Lantz p. 138-140
- Colette Bec, L'assistance en démocratie : les politiques assistantielles dans la France des XIXe et XXe siècles, Paris, Belin, collection « Socio-histoires », 1998 - Sabine Erbès-Seguin p. 140-142
- Jacques Guillou, Les jeunes sans domicile fixe et la rue ou « Au bord d'être énervé », Paris, L'Harmattan, 1998, collection « Logiques sociales » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 142-143
- Maryse Bresson, Les SDF et le nouveau contrat social. L'importance du logement pour combattre l'exclusion, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1997, collection « Technologie de l'action sociale » - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 143-144
- Michel Pinçon et Monique Pinçon-Charlot, Les Rothschild. Une famille bien ordonnée, Paris, La Dispute, 1998 - Pierre Lantz p. 144-145
- Ariane Lantz, L'administration face aux étrangers, les mailles du filet, Préface de Mouloud Aounit, Paris, L'Harmattan, collection « Forum », 1998 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 145-146
- Baudouin Decharneux et Luc Nefontaine, Le symbole, Paris, P.U.F., collection « Que sais-je ? », 1998 - Pierre Lantz p. 146-147
- Hubert de Luze, La science de l'homme d'Hécate de Milet à Harold Garfinkel. Esquisse panoramique d'une grande aventure intellectuelle à l'usage de ceux qui n'en ont qu'une idée vague, Paris, Éditions Louis Talmont, collection « Regard sur », 1996 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 147-148
- Frédéric Vandenberghe, Une histoire critique de la sociologie allemande : aliénation et réification. Tome I, Marx, Simmel, Weber, Lukács, Paris, la Découverte/MAUSS, Collection « Recherches », 1997 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 148-149
- Jacques Coenen-Hutier, Tocqueville, Paris, P.U.F., collection «Que sais-je ? », 1997 - Louis Moreau de Bellaing p. 149-150
- Remo L. Guidi, Il dibattito sull 'uomo nel Quattrocento, Rome, Tiellemedia, 1998 - Laura Pisano p. 150-151
- Ginevra Conti Odorisio, Poullain de la Barre e la teoria dell'uguaglianza, con la traduzione integrale de L 'uguaglianza dei due sessi (1673) di F. Poullain de la Barre, Milan, Edizioni Unicopli, « Unipolis/La città comune » -1, 1996 ; Maria Corona Corrias, Alle origini del femminismo moderno. Il pensiero politico di Poullain de la Barre, Milan, Franco Angeli, collection « La società moderna e contemporanea », 1996 - Christiane Veauvy p. 151-153
- Pierre Bourdieu, Contre-feux. Propos pour servir à la résistance contre l'invasion néo-libérale, Paris, Liber-Raisons d'Agir, 1998 - Michael Löwy p. 130-131
Revue des revues
- Abstracts (Résumés) - p. 157-158
- Ouvrages reçus - p. 159-160