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Titre L'oubli de l'anarchisme au Brésil : la problématique de la (re) construction de l'identité ouvrière
Auteur Jacy Alves de Seixas
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 130, 4e trimestre 1998 Illusion identitaire et histoire
Rubrique / Thématique
Illusion identitaire et histoire
Page 81-91
Résumé anglais Joey Alves de Seixas, Forgetting Anarchism in Brazil. The problematic of the (Re) Construction of Working-class Identity In the 1920s, the Brazilian labor movement was heavily influenced by anarchism and revolutionary syndicalism. In contrast, working-class identity today is characterized by images of apathy and weakness. These negative images, which are emotionally charged, are conditioned by the loss of memory concerning the earlier period of working-class history. In effect, the reconstruction of working-class identity is in great part dependent upon the recovery of historical memory.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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