Contenu de l'article

Titre La gestion des ressources humaines dans les projets industriels
Auteur Hédia Zannad
Mir@bel Revue Revue de gestion des ressources humaines
Numéro no 68, avril-mai-juin 2008
Page 49-65
Résumé anglais Human resources management in industrial projects
Because literature on project management generally lacks empirical evidence, focuses on the sole project leader and is oriented towards technical and economical rather than on psychosocial dimensions, our research aims at improving our understanding of the project team members' motivations and emotions while working on industrial programmes, as well as the power asymmetries and tensions raised by the matrix environment in which they operate. Based on a case study- the Laguna project developed by Renault- our survey underlines two main difficulties expressed by the interviewees: the growing psychological ascendancy exerted on them by the project environment and the blurring of their careers due to a Human Resources Management system that has become obsolete. We end up our article by proposing two types of solutions: the setting of a matrix performance evaluation system, on one hand, and the recruiting of specific socio-political competencies, on the other.
Source : Éditeur (via
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