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Revue de gestion des ressources humaines ![]() |
Numéro | no 68, avril-mai-juin 2008 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accès réservé |
- L'étude des événements au travail par les Méthodes du Journal Personnel : enjeux et applications - Neil Conway, Mohamed Ikram Nasr, Narjes Sassi, Patrice Roussel p. 2-16 Dans les études par les Méthodes du Journal Personnel (MJP), les individus reportent des évènements et des expériences à intervalles réguliers pendant une période de temps donnée. Ces méthodes sont particulièrement adaptées à l'étude des évènements et des expériences de la vie quotidienne au travail puisqu'elles permettent d'intégrer explicitement la dynamique temporelle et de tester les inférences causales avec plus d'acuité et de précision que les méthodes de recherche traditionnelles telles que les enquêtes par questionnaire. L'objectif de ce manuscrit est de présenter une synthèse théorique et un guide de mise en œuvre des MJP sur la base des états de l'art et des travaux adoptant ces méthodes dans les recherches en organisations. Nous discuterons les principales caractéristiques des MJP, leurs avantages et inconvénients et nous présenterons une typologie des questions de recherche adaptées à leur utilisation, ainsi qu'un guide pratique recouvrant les étapes de mise en œuvre d'une étude par les MJP.The study of events and experiences at work using diary methods : theoritical issues and applications In diary studies, people report events and experiences at regular intervals over time. These methods are particularly suited for capturing events and experiences from everyday life. They allow researchers to explicitly incorporate time ensuring a more fine-grained analysis of causality. In this paper, we present an overview of diary studies that includes their use in organizational research, the types of research questions addressed by diaries, the advantages and disadvantages of diary methods and how to conduct a diary study. We illustrate the method by presenting a daily diary study of psychological contracts. While diaries represent a novel approach to organizational science, they offer considerable promise for news insights into the experience of work.
- Rôle de l'empowerment dans le développement d'un comportement orienté client chez le personnel en contact avec la clientèle - Bouchra Esslimani, Jacques Igalens p. 17-29 The effect of psychological empowerment on customer orientation of contact employees
This paper examines the effect of psychological empowerment on customer orientation of contact employees. Its goal is to assess the effects of four psychological empowerment dimensions (Self-efficacy, Meaningfulness, Impact and Choice) on customer orientation of provider service. Among service providers operating in a bank, empirical study is conducted. Data is analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that the meaningfulness and self-efficacy are predictors of the customer-oriented behavior. Individuals who perceive their jobs to be significant and possess confidence in being able to succeed develop a customer-oriented behavior. - Stages et effets de réseaux - Chloé Guillot-Soulez, Sophie Landrieux-Kartochian p. 30-48 Internships and networking
This article deals with the role of networks in school-to-work transitions. The concept of networks is strongly linked to social capital theories. The effects of social networks on various career outcomes and on job search have been widely studied. However the existing work does not focus on the role and outcomes of networks as far as internships are concerned. Moreover research on internships in France remains limited, though they are a key attribute for entry into the workforce. A study based on a sample of 415 students in management was conducted at Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne to examine the importance and the role of networks in finding an internship. The results demonstrate both the major role played by networks to find an internship and the “better quality” of internships thus obtained. - La gestion des ressources humaines dans les projets industriels - Hédia Zannad p. 49-65 Human resources management in industrial projects
Because literature on project management generally lacks empirical evidence, focuses on the sole project leader and is oriented towards technical and economical rather than on psychosocial dimensions, our research aims at improving our understanding of the project team members' motivations and emotions while working on industrial programmes, as well as the power asymmetries and tensions raised by the matrix environment in which they operate. Based on a case study- the Laguna project developed by Renault- our survey underlines two main difficulties expressed by the interviewees: the growing psychological ascendancy exerted on them by the project environment and the blurring of their careers due to a Human Resources Management system that has become obsolete. We end up our article by proposing two types of solutions: the setting of a matrix performance evaluation system, on one hand, and the recruiting of specific socio-political competencies, on the other.