Contenu de l'article

Titre Hommes, objets, organisations : 1900 - 1990, un siècle de régulation dans le métropolitain parisien
Auteur Konstantinos Chatzis
Mir@bel Revue Flux
Numéro no 20, avril-juin 1995
Page 13-26
Résumé anglais The Paris subway is a socio-technical system comparable to a heterogenous chain composed of human and non-human elements, distributed over space and time, and whose organization is supposed to carry out the objectives of the system.The engineer-managers who took over this chain developed regulatory practices which were written into the equipment, which function as automatic devices, and into the organizations marked both by the codification of assigned tasks and by the communiqués exchanged among personnel. In this article, using a division of time into three phases - a period of birth-formation, a period of routine operations, and a period of crisis with respect to established practices - the author attempts to bring together actors, objects, and organizations into a structural entity, following its evolution over time, from the opening of the first subway line to the public, in 1900, until the present.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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