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Numéro | no 20, avril-juin 1995 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- La réforme des collectivités territoriales françaises en quête de légitimité - Maurice Bourjol p. 5-12 Under the heading of local institutions, the French exception - the commune - is frequently cited as an archaism. Repeated reforms dealing with local government in France, and in particular the ATR law of 1992, have thus been presented as measures taken to align France with European norms, the German Kreis being taken as the implicit standard of reference. The author here shows that the legitimacy of the French commune is based on historical developments utterly different from, and opposed to, those in England and Germany, where enclosure acts resulted in the legal despoilment of the peasant community and in early, rapid industrialization. In France, in contrast, the peasantry were raised to the political order. Only a historical analysis makes it possible to comprehend the resistance of the French community confronted today with "European legality".
- Hommes, objets, organisations : 1900 - 1990, un siècle de régulation dans le métropolitain parisien - Konstantinos Chatzis p. 13-26 The Paris subway is a socio-technical system comparable to a heterogenous chain composed of human and non-human elements, distributed over space and time, and whose organization is supposed to carry out the objectives of the system.The engineer-managers who took over this chain developed regulatory practices which were written into the equipment, which function as automatic devices, and into the organizations marked both by the codification of assigned tasks and by the communiqués exchanged among personnel. In this article, using a division of time into three phases - a period of birth-formation, a period of routine operations, and a period of crisis with respect to established practices - the author attempts to bring together actors, objects, and organizations into a structural entity, following its evolution over time, from the opening of the first subway line to the public, in 1900, until the present.
Notes de recherche
- Réseaux de villes et réseaux d'entreprises : quelle intégration ? - Frédéric Gannon p. 28-39 The aim of this research note is to examine a certain number of relationships which exist among three types of networks: networks of cities, networks of firms, and transportation and telecommunications systems. This study provides the groundwork necessary for modelizing the equilibrium of the composite system formed by these networks.
- Technique sans frontières - Bernward Joerges p. 40-45 This research note provides an overview of recent research in Germany research centers concerning the role of technology, in its largest socio-cultural context, including how technology embeds into intellectual and daily life. At the end of the 1980s the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, under the direction of Renatě Mayntz, Thomas Hughes and Todd La Porte, in particular, began rather intensive internationally- oriented investigation and research into LTS: "Large Technical Systems". These include the telephone network with all its underlying communications services; air traffic networks as well as other transportation systems; energy distribution; waste removal and other sanitary services. All these nsy stems and networks represent technical creations, and sociological research in the realm of techniques has only just begun systematically to examine them. Until now, this research was only sporadically coordinated with similar research being carried out in France. In Germany at the present time, the Max-Plank-Institut for Sociological Research and the Science Center in Berlin are the main centers of this research. The discussion on LTS is heavily charged with economic and management questions. In this article, however, the main emphasis of the work being done concentrates on the central question of mechanisms of transformation through expansion and widening, through apparently irreversible growth and of the "upward transformation" of interconnected technical systems, even if there are implications, naturally, concerning technological policies.
- Réseaux de villes et réseaux d'entreprises : quelle intégration ? - Frédéric Gannon p. 28-39
- Développement local et réseaux : un entretien avec Claude Neuschwander - Jean-Marc Offner p. 46-49
- Développement local et réseaux : un entretien avec Claude Neuschwander - Jean-Marc Offner p. 46-49
Notes de lecture
- Des banques et des réseaux: productivité et avantages concurrentiels (Frantz Rowe) - Luc Béal p. 50-54
- Technologies de communication et d'information au sud : la mondialisation forcée (sous la direction d'Y. Mignot-Lefebvre) - Henri Coing p. 54-56
- Les réseaux sociaux ( Alain Degenne et Michel Forsé) - Michel Grossetti p. 56-59
- Des banques et des réseaux: productivité et avantages concurrentiels (Frantz Rowe) - Luc Béal p. 50-54
- Résumés / Abstracts - p. 60-61