Titre | Les morts et les vivants. Le cimetière de Minot en Châtillonnais | |
Auteur | Françoise Zonabend | |
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Revue | Etudes rurales |
Numéro | no 52, 1973 | |
Page | 7-23 | |
Résumé anglais |
The Dead and the Living. The Cemetery of Minot in Châtillonnais.
The history of the Minot cemetery as well as the study of the ceremonies and rituals associated with it — the way the corpses are placed in the sepulcher, the choice of burial sites, the upkeep of tombs — illustrate the close ties existing between living and dead. The cemetery's location within the village space, the arrangement of the sepulchers, the choice of funeral monuments, such elements show how the geography of the dead resembles the morphology of the social space of the living. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/rural_0014-2182_1973_num_52_1_1909 |