Contenu du sommaire
Revue |
Etudes rurales ![]() |
Numéro | no 52, 1973 |
Texte intégral en ligne | Accessible sur l'internet |
- Les morts et les vivants. Le cimetière de Minot en Châtillonnais - Françoise Zonabend p. 7-23 The Dead and the Living. The Cemetery of Minot in Châtillonnais. The history of the Minot cemetery as well as the study of the ceremonies and rituals associated with it — the way the corpses are placed in the sepulcher, the choice of burial sites, the upkeep of tombs — illustrate the close ties existing between living and dead. The cemetery's location within the village space, the arrangement of the sepulchers, the choice of funeral monuments, such elements show how the geography of the dead resembles the morphology of the social space of the living.
- La démocratie impossible. Parenté et politique dans un village lorrain - Claude Karnoouh p. 24-56 The Impossible Democracy: Kinship and Politics in a Lorrainese Village. This article, based on field work begun in 1968, examines various aspects of the political life of a Lorrainese village and emphasizes the important role played by kinship in municipal activities. After defining the term "Politics", the author explains and criticizes the three theoretical approaches used by sociologists and ethnologists to study the relations between peasant communities and the states that control them. He goes on to justify his choice of the hypothesis of latent or patent discontinuity as opposed to that of a priori or a posteriori continuity. Before analyzing village political systems in order to define different native models of local power, the author summarizes the "back-to-back" situation of the Nation and the French village in general. He then describes the particular village on which this study is based, focussing on the pre-electoral period and on the contrast between the village as presented to the outside world: a quiet, unanimous community, and the village as seen from within: political faction vying for power. The next part of the article is devoted to an analysis of the "family" or kindred, its composition, its influence, its action, and makes clear the important political role played by kinship. Village endogamy and strategical marriages are means of increasing political ties among kindred. The family, however, is not only a complex network of power relations but also the semantic code in terms of which the villagers elaborate their political concepts.
- L'insertion dans le milieu rural languedocien des agriculteurs rapatriés d'Afrique du Nord - Pierre Carrière p. 57-79 How Farmers Repatriated from North Africa Settled in Languedoc-Roussillon. After a brief history of the arrival of North African repatriots in France and an explanation of the sources and methods used for this study, the conditions are examined, especially the financial ones, that permitted 906 repatriated farmers to settle in Languedoc-Roussillon. Statistics are given on the location and size of the farms abandoned in North Africa and on the origin, age, family and education of the immigrants. Their agricultural activities in France are next treated, considering the location of the farm (coastal plain, inland plain and hills, plateau and mountain, valley) and the techniques used in viticulture, arboriculture, stock-raising, etc. Eager to modernize their farms in hopes of thus reducing their debts, the repatriots prove more receptive to agricultural innovations than do the native farmers.
- Analyses de situation dans différentes régions de France : freins à l'adoption d'innovations techniques - J.-P. Deffontaines p. 80-90 Situation Analysis in Different Regions of France. Working on a series of analyses of agricultural data from diverse geographical areas, the author tries to determine what are the obstacles which stand in the way of technical progress, to elucidate the processes involved, and to evolve a methodological approach to the study of the diffusion of innovations. The analyses were carried out by research groups which included technicians, economists and sociologists, in the Haute Saone and Bresse de Bourg regions, the Millevaches tablelands, the Haut and Moyen Vivarais and the Vosges mountains. The analysis is given successively in technical, spatial and historical terms, and also as system analysis. Faced with technical innovations that are getting constantly more numerous and arousing a constantly growing opposition, the agronomist is forced to apply to other branches of scientific research and adopt a method of classification based on multiple criteria, in order to account for the numerous variables which play a role in this process.
- Le processus de colonisation dans la province de Córdoba Argentine - Amanda Asinari p. 91-137 The Colonization Process in Cordoba Province (Argentina). After providing some background information on Cordoba Province — main crops, farming material, transportation, market systems — , the author distinguishes three phases of colonization : before 1895, 1895-1903 and 1903-1915. Each period is then analyzed, considering such factors as types of colonization (official, private, spontaneous), development of agro-pastoral economy, land tenure and real-estate speculation, living and working conditions of immigrant peasants, colonization laws, etc. The conclusion is that the colonization process was mainly beneficial to the groups and companies who organized the immigration and monopolized the land, rather than to the immigrants themselves who remained economically disadvantaged and socially isolated.
Chronique scientifique
- Extraction d'huile comestible d'un insecte (Agnoscelis Versicolor) au djebel Guli (Soudan) - Christian Delmet p. 138-140
- Un colloque sur l'archéologie médiévale - Jean-Marie Pesez p. 141-143
- La famille rurale (XIIIe Séminaire international de recherche sur la famille) - Martine Segalen p. 143-145
- Terre et paysans en Sicile au XVIe siècle - F. Martino, R. Davico p. 146-149
- Formation à la recherche anthropologique - p. 150-158
- Extraction d'huile comestible d'un insecte (Agnoscelis Versicolor) au djebel Guli (Soudan) - Christian Delmet p. 138-140
Comptes rendus
- Pierre Rainelli, Les relations entre capital et production dans l'agriculture ; essai sur le cœfficient du capital. - Fourquin Guy p. 159-160
- Robert Badouin, Économie rurale. - Fourquin Guy p. 160-161
- F. Dussart, L'habitat et les paysages ruraux d'Europe. - Fourquin Guy p. 161-162
- René Martin, Recherches sur les agronomes latins et leurs conceptions économiques et sociales. - Fourquin Guy p. 162-163
- Philippe Gratton, Les paysans contrel'agrarisme. - Barral Pierre p. 164-165
- Jean Cavailhès, « La rente d'exploitation et les pas de porte dans l'agriculture française ». - Fourquin Guy p. 165-166
- P.-J. Albert, M. Petit & J.-B. Viallon, « Décision de production et offre de viande », fasc. VII : « Synthèse ». - Fourquin Guy p. 166-167
- D. Aubert & J.-L. Brangeon, « Étude de comptabilité régionale : des comptes de la branche agricole aux ressources du compte d'affectation des ménages agricoles en Bretagne ». - Fourquin Guy p. 167
- J. P. Bertrand & A. Pouliquen, « Analyse des problèmes posés par l'élaboration des décisions économiques dans des entreprises verticalement intégrées et polyvalentes, en position dominante ; application au cas de la Coopérative agricole d'Ancenis ». - Fourquin Guy p. 168
- Roger Agache, « Détection aérienne de vestiges protohistoriques, gallo-romains et médiévaux dans le bassin de la Somme et ses abords » - Fourquin Guy p. 169-170
- Alan J. B. Wace & Maurice S. Thompson, The Nomads of the Balkans. An Account of Life and Customs among the Vlachs of Northern Pindus. - Péchoux Pierre-Yves p. 170-171
- Andrei Simic, The Peasant Urbanités. A Study of Rural Urban Mobility in Serbia. - Péchoux Pierre-Yves p. 171-172
- Yuzuru Taniuchi, The Village Gathering in Russia in the 1920's. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 173
- E. E. F. Smith, The Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 174
- Ştefan Olteanu & Constantin Şerban, Meşteşugurile din Ţara Românească şi Moldova în Evul Mediu - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 174-175
- Constantin C. Giurescu, Istoricul podgoriei Odobeştilor, din cel mai vechi timpuri pînă la 1918. - Stahl Paul-Henri p. 175
- Pierre Gourou, La terre et l'homme en Extrême-Orient. - Peyraube Alain p. 175-177
- Pierre Gourou, Leçons de géographie tropicale. - Raison Jean-Pierre p. 177-179
- Abbebe Berhanou, Évolution de la propriété foncière au Choa (Ethiopie), du règne de Ménélik à la Constitution de 1931. - Halpern Jan p. 180-183
- Polly Hill, Studies in Rural Capitalism in West Africa. - p. 183-184
- Pierre Rainelli, Les relations entre capital et production dans l'agriculture ; essai sur le cœfficient du capital. - Fourquin Guy p. 159-160
Notes bibliographiques
- Vernon W. Ruttan, Arley D. Waldo & James P. Houck, Agricultural Policy in an Affluent Society. - Barral Pierre p. 185
- Alain Huetz de Lemps, La végétation de la terre. - Maître Elisabeth p. 185-186
- Fédération nationale des groupements de vulgarisation du progrès agricole, « La situation des agricultrices dans le Châtillonnais en 1968 » - Lagrave R.-M. p. 186
- Jean Meyer, La noblesse bretonne au XVIIIe siècle. - Goubert Jean-Pierre p. 186
- Georges Jorre, Le Terrefort toulousain et lauragais. Histoire et géographie agraires. - Guillemin A. p. 186-187
- Fernand Clavaud & Georges Marchais, Les communistes et les paysans. - Barral Pierre p. 187
- C. Altmann, J. Cranney, P. Evrard, P. Mathal & C. Viau, « La spécialisation des productions céréalière et bovine et ses conséquences économiques. Une étude de la structure de la production agricole en France ». - Carof Alain p. 187
- P. Daucé, G. Jegouzo & Y. Lambert, « La formation des enfants d'agriculteurs et leur orientation d'emploi : études complémentaires à une enquête statistique en Ille-et-Vilaine ». - Fourquin Guy p. 188
- Ministère de l'Agriculture, « Les groupements fonciers agricoles » ; « L'enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle agricoles ». - Fourquin Guy p. 188
- Ministère de l'Agriculture, « L'organisation économique des producteurs » - Carof Alain p. 189
- INRA, « Résumé des principales recherches du Département d'économie et de sociologie rurales ». - Fourquin Guy p. 189
- Jacques Heers, Gênes au XVe siècle. - Goubert Jean-Pierre p. 189-190
- Ethnica, Revista de antropologia. - Mira Joan F. p. 190
- Alain Huetz de Lemps, Vignobles et vins du nord-ouest de l'Espagne. - Maître Elisabeth p. 190-191
- Margarida Ribeiro, Recolecção do polvo na costa do Algarve. - Boisvert Colette p. 191
- Margarida Ribeiro, Cerzedelo e a sua Festa das Cruzes. Elementos para o seu estudo. - Boisvert Colette p. 191
- Alan Everitt, Change in the Provinces : the Seventeenth Century. - Goubert Jean-Pierre p. 192
- H. P. R. Finberg, The Agrarian History of England and Wales. - Barral Pierre p. 192
- Cyril Hart, The Early Charters of Essex. - Fourquin Guy p. 192
- Ovadia Shapiro, Rural Settlements of New Immigrants in Israel. Development Problems of New Rural Communities. - Cadoret Anne p. 193
- Dorothy Willner, Nation-Building and Community in Israel. - Sabban Françoise p. 193
- Dan Leon, The Kibbutz. A New Way of Life. - Sabban Françoise p. 194
- J.-C. de Wilde, Expériences de développement agricole en Afrique tropicale. - Raison Jean-Pierre p. 194
- Vernon W. Ruttan, Arley D. Waldo & James P. Houck, Agricultural Policy in an Affluent Society. - Barral Pierre p. 185
- Revue des revues (Janvier- Juin 1973). - p. 195-205
- Résumés/Abstracts - p. 206-209