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Titre Memoria fotográfica
Auteur Natalia Fortuny
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 2, 2010 Frontières – La Mémoire et ses représentations esthétiques en Amérique latine /1
Rubrique / Thématique
La Mémoire et ses représentations esthétiques en Amérique latine /1
Résumé anglais This paper addresses some evocations and representations of memory of the Argentinean dictatorship through post-dictatorial artistic photography. Two groups of works are analysed hereto, all produced in Argentina from 1983 to our days. The first group includes underground productions that recur on the topics of memory of repression and forced disappearance, while exploring the urban with astounded gaze, highlighting the traces left on the city by a painful past. The second group examines photographic productions that have, as a starting point, family pictures of missing people (desaparecidos). The new reconstructed family photographs are achieved by the intervention and remaking through collage, montage and staged environments that evoke and imitate the past.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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