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Titre La literatura mexicana de transgresión sexual
Auteur Mario Muñoz
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 4, 2011 Stéréotypes, tabous, mythes
Rubrique / Thématique
Mexique: mythes, tabous, stéréotypes au carrefour des identités
Résumé anglais Taking as a base the anthology De amores marginales, of which I'm the author, an overview of the homosexual theme, focused on Mexican author's short stories is presented, from the precursors of the half-twentieth century to the most recent examples. This recapestablishes the diversity of the literary approaches of what some critics have called « Gay Literature », as a response to the repressive forces that society has exercised against sexual differences. The paper is an attempt to evidence how moral, familiar, religious and school intolerance led to self-censorship of the writers who evaded the treatment of certain individual problems, considering them harmful to the mainstream values of their time. In conclusion, the paper tries to demonstrate that gay themed literature emerges from the narrators belonging to the Generación del Medio Siglo (Half Century Generation) who broke the cultural prejudices and moral taboos of their time, producing an authentic literature of transgression that allowed the entering of modernity.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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