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Titre La naturaleza de las articulaciones regionales en México a través del tiempo
Auteur Carlos Riojas
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 4, 2011 Stéréotypes, tabous, mythes
Rubrique / Thématique
Mexique: mythes, tabous, stéréotypes au carrefour des identités
Résumé anglais The essay presents some regional relationships over time, that have defined the characteristics of sub-national spaces, it highlights the exogenous and endogenous articulations that have shaped the lives of different territories in Mexico. The discussion evolves around the use and management of natural resources like water and forests, but also take into account other variables related to institutions, history, economics, politics and culture. Through analysis of these linkages is possible to understand the nature of the diversity of regional scenarios in Mexico, and even, this variety has increased despite the continued efforts of the respective governments to homogenizing the spaces. This trend is consistent with other experiences Latin America, due to a complex confluence of a number of common variables that interact at the regional level. The recognition of complexity in the regional integration is an important starting point for understanding the dynamics of economic growth in Latin America, the latter has sometimes been limited by geographical and institutional determinism, but this does not mean they are insurmountable.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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