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Titre Transgresión y rebeldía
Auteur An Van Hecke
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 4, 2011 Stéréotypes, tabous, mythes
Rubrique / Thématique
Mexique: mythes, tabous, stéréotypes au carrefour des identités
Résumé anglais The aim of this paper is to analyze what happens with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe when it becomes a transnational figure, when it suffers deterritorialization as happens in Chicano culture in the United States. The article consists of two parts : on the one hand, the art of painting, on the other hand, literature. In both fields, there will be a study of the works from the seventies of the 20th century to the present. In the artistic field I discuss, among others, works by Ester Hernández, Yolanda López and Alma López. For literature a selection has been made of text fragments of Tomás Rivera, Gloria Anzaldúa, Sandra Cisneros, Cherríe Moraga, Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Alejandro Morales. In their search or construction of Chicano identity, and their desire to be distinguished from the Other, i.e. the Anglo-American, Chicano authors question and reinterpret the image of the Virgin.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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