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Titre El narco como telón de fondo : Fiesta en la madriguera
Auteur Teresa García Díaz
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 4, 2011 Stéréotypes, tabous, mythes
Rubrique / Thématique
Mexique: mythes, tabous, stéréotypes au carrefour des identités
Résumé anglais Teresa Garcia Diaz explores some of the connections between reality and literature from the genre “narconovela”, analyzing Fiesta en la madriguera, a novel by Juan Pablo Villalobos.  The author observes how the stereotypes relating to drug-traffickers become real in both the literary fiction as well as the political realty; this is shown when comparing the profile of some Mexican capos with the characteristics of stereotypes in the “narconovelas.”  Besides recurring in various texts within this genre, for example La Virgen de los icarios by Fernando Vallejo, El ruido de las cosas al caer by Juan Gabriel Vázquez, “Ese modo que colma” by Daniel Sada, Tijuana: crimen y olvido by Luis Humberto Crosthwaite, and Los trabajos del reino by Yuri Herrera, this provides the reader with a complete overview about the development and evolution of the “narconovelas,” as well as develops several reflections about the relevance, the aesthetic quality, the genre's pinnacle and the reception of its narrative mode.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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