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Titre Migración y subjetividades de género  : rechazo y performances de género en El camino a Ítaca de C. Liscano
Auteur Pauline Berlage
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 5, 2011 Allers/Retours
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais After presenting Liscano's novel in a few words, I shall pinpoint the theoretical framework in which this analysis falls and specify what I mean by “ gender performance ” in its relation with norms. Through this perspective, I shall try to disentangle and highlight the reasons which underlie Vladimir's migration, a young Uruguayan man who decides to exile to Europe. With this thought in mind, we shall analyze the different paternity models from which Vladimir is trying to flee and his performance regarding each of them. On the one hand, Vladimir flees – geographically- the paternity model proposed by his parents  ; but on the other, once in Sweden, the Uruguayan immigrant has to perform a role he cannot accept. This ambiguity reveals a generational and existential anxiety made worse because of his migration. Therefore, Vladimir refuses to embrace any of these models even if we shall underline the fact that he does accept the traditional heterosexual patriarchy. Thence, to conclude, we shall discuss the triangular relationship the young immigrant has been maintaining with women, a masculinity model which appear almost obsessively throughout his migratory journey.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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