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Titre Resistencia y poesía en las cárceles argentinas (1976-1983)
Auteur Amandine Guillard
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro No 8, 2013 Violences, génocides, guerres, homicides, féminicides, crimes, meurtres, représentations esthétiques
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais This article deals with the poetry in prisons considered as an act of resistance in the context of the last Argentinian dictatorship (1976-1983). More specifically, it shows how the state terrorism which caused more than 30 000 people to disappear and 10 000 to be imprisoned for political reasons grounded itself . Besides, it shows how the unlimited practice of violence, whether in the nature or the duration of the inflicted injuries, led to numerous forms of resistance, among which poetry is of paramount importance. The article particularly focuses on the poems written by the political prisoners who stayed in the official prisons of the state. We will therefore analyze the way in which resistance is expressed in the poetical language, first through the assertion of individual or collective identity, and then through the testimonial dimension of certain poems.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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